Hi !

I just watched a movie I already saw with my sister Aeminao who never saw it, and never knew about it.

When she wanted to add it on her Completed list, the movie was already rated and with MY personal notes ! Even after login out, it didn't change, the bug is present on both the website and the app.

 Maybe the data overlapped because I once log in with the app on her phone, but i always log out properly so... I don't know.

Hope people can help fix it <3


Hi, you or your sister may forget to logout of the account.  

The movie was already in my CL, I watched it a few month ago, and I added it on my personal computer ^^

And that only time i log in on her app, was to  check something, i didn't add anything on my profile.

She changed the rating and notes on her phone, no repercussion for me, but maybe it will happen again if she add a show i alredy watched :( ?

Hi, it is not possible from what we can see, since everyone has their own token tied to their account to update their list.  If you're able to reproduce the issue again please let us know.

Alright, thank you <3