
Our article on the homepage

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Sorry to bother you...our article got released about 20 hours back, and has been pushed back on the featured section of the homepage by 5 places though they were released much before ours was, is there any particular reason as to why this is happening, we would like to know then!

 Link to our article:

Thanking you in advance - Lilac and Enny

Articles' order doesn't only depend on release date. Popularity, comments and views are also taken into consideration >>


Articles' order doesn't only depend on release date. Popularity, comments and views are also taken into consideration >>

It is trending on the site at the moment, is there any other criteria? Is it not based on popularity?

We cannot reveal why but the placement is correct.

I wish we knew why but I understand, thanks anyways! :)

Sorry to bug you again but now our article is nowhere on the featured list that is visible on the homepage but it is on the top of the trending list...this is quite concerning as we're both first time authors on here and are unable to understand why it has been removed from the homepage when it's only been 48 hours since it was released...
I apologize for our ignorance and hope you don't get offended...

Thanking you in advance
 Lilac and Enny

It is correct based on the criteria. Trending does not mean it will be featured. The best thing you could do is shareit with others.

Ji-N locked this Jun 20, 2021 03:16 pm