I have error with my 2019, 2020 and 2021 Year in reviews. There is one movie, that appears in all of them as if I have watched the movie on those years even though I haven't. I tried to update the Finish Date of the movie - did not help. I deleted the movie altogether from my list, but that didn't help either. The movie is Crazy Little Thing Called Love, maybe the bug has something to do with the movie itself?

I really like these Year Reviews so I wish they would show up correctly.

We removed it from your 2021 reviews. It will take a few hours for it to update.

Thanks for quick reply. :) 

Now the movie is gone from 2020 and 2021 reviews. I can still see it in 2019 review, but maybe I can live with that.

I'm wondering whether I should add the movie back to my list (with finish date 2012 as it was), or should I not push my luck if I might see it back in 2020 and 2021 reviews..