信达雅 - Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance

I'm eagerly following this show, but the quality of official subs by Croton is incredibly uneven - sometimes it hits the 信达雅 that it espouses, but so awkward at other times. (On the other hand Mango's subs are very consistent, in that it Sucks Ass as it always has. The English subs don't even match spoken English lines wtf)

Mandarin Chinese is technically my mother tongue but I'm not great with 成语/Chinese idioms, and definitely not familiar with the ancient Chinese prose and poetry the show uses. But more than good enough for me to be able to Baidu anything I don't know.

Since this show has taken up my headspace - not only because the 2 main leads are serious eyecandy, but also because I personally love languages - I'm starting this thread to clarify/help answer any questions anyone might have about some lines or translations between Mandarin and English!

I saw some comments of Hindi being featured too. Would love to hear from native speakers of other languages featured in this show as well :)


Spoilers for ep 5 re Lin Xi's post

A more accurate translation for her post caption ('与君共勉') would actually be 'Learning and growing together'.

As for the poem itself (游山西村), a key line in it is '山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村'. In the English translation (which is beautifully done), it's the 3rd and 4th lines. It's been interpreted as an analogy for when a difficulty arises, there are still other ways/methods that can be tried. Source: 

Special mention for the little lines of poetry at the start of every episode. The Chinese translations are done very well and relate to that ep's theme/plot. Kudos to the effort on that 

Episode 9

The bit where Lin Xi offers Xiao Yicheng her home slippers and he says “我不穿小鞋“. It's been translated to "I don't wear shoes that are small".  This is a direct translation but actually the phrase 穿小鞋 (wearing small shoes) has the added meaning of sneakily making things difficult for another, especially out of grudge. 

Ironic considering his actions in the earlier episodes eh?

Source 穿小鞋 - 搜狗百科 (sogou.com) 

The editors over at Viki are working on the English subs for this drama. They are much better there.