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32 is now up. :)

Yay! thank you so much :)

Olá, seu trabalho é maravilhoso. Como trabalho com edição de vídeos, entendo que sempre queremos buscar a perfeição, mas agradeceria se continuasse com os episódios, pois a vida é curta.


Olá, seu trabalho é maravilhoso. Como trabalho com edição de vídeos, entendo que sempre queremos buscar a perfeição, mas agradeceria se continuasse com os episódios, pois a vida é curta.

Gracias, Misalee, por tu amable oferta. He usado el Traductor de Google, espero que esté bien. 

Para que conste, no me estoy muriendo: P. 

Déjame explicarte un poco, ya que tu oferta es muy considerada y no quiero ignorarla. Me doy cuenta de que no voy al mismo ritmo que cuando empecé, pero la razón de esto no es la perfección; es para evitar el agotamiento. Ha pasado aproximadamente un año y algunos meses en este proyecto y, dada la cantidad de horas que he dedicado a trabajar en esto, la posibilidad de agotamiento es alta. Cuando comencé a darme cuenta de esto, decidí reducir un poco la velocidad y permitir parte de mi tiempo libre para disfrutar también de otros pasatiempos. Soy una persona creativa de corazón y necesito otras salidas creativas para mantenerme cuerdo. Habiendo dicho eso, este proyecto me ha traído tanta alegría y satisfacción durante un momento seco y difícil de mi vida que sería realmente reacio a entregar las riendas a alguien, sin importar cuán competente sea. Ni siquiera sabría cómo transferir prácticamente todo el conocimiento y los activos que he acumulado desde que comencé. 

Afortunadamente, no hay necesidad de correr hacia el final. Este es un drama completo después de todo, solo uno que necesitaba más atención, que es lo que quiero darle. Lo último que me gustaría hacer es derrotar el propósito de este proyecto apresurándome. Eventualmente, llegaré al final, si puedes ser paciente conmigo. 

Gracias de nuevo por enviarme un mensaje, es muy considerado teniendo en cuenta que cualquiera tiene tanto derecho como yo a crear episodios editados, ya que no soy dueño de los derechos. 

Thank you, Misalee, for your kind offer. I've used Google Translate, I hope that's okay?

For the record, I'm not dying :P.

Let me explain a bit, as your offer is very thoughtful and I don't mean to disregard it. I realize that I'm not going at the same pace as when I started, but the reason for this is not due to perfection; it's to avoid burnout. It's been about a year and some months into this project now and given the amount of hours I've dedicated to working on this, the chance for burnout is high. When I started to realize this, I decided to slow down a bit and allow parts of my free time to enjoy other hobbies as well. I'm a creative person at heart and need other creative outlets to keep myself sane. That being said, this project has brought me so much joy and fulfillment during a dry and difficult time in my life that I would be really loath to hand over the reins to anyone, no matter how competent. I wouldn't even know how to practically transfer all of the knowledge and assets I've accumulated since I started.
Thankfully, there is no need to race towards the end. This is a completed drama after all, just one that needed more attention, which is what I want to give it. That last thing I'd want to do is to defeat the purpose of this project by rushing. Eventually, I will reach the end, if you can just be patient with me.

Thank you again for messaging me, it's very thoughtful considering that anyone has just as much right as I do to create edited episodes, since I don't own the rights.

We're here. Have your rhythm. Stay with us!

Thats right! Go at your own pace! We are here - happy with everything we get :*

Thank you everyone. Misalee, acrl, Blue Poison, your generous comments have all been very supportive, very kind.

Episode 33 is now finished. Another chip chipped away.  :) I just haven't written up the notepad with information about the changes to Ep. 33 yet, I'll do so after this post.

Marvelous! Thank you!

thank you for episode 33! :')

Thank you so much!!

Hello Princess of Mars, I was very happy with your comment, I will always be following your work that you do very carefully. I'm from Brazil and you, what is your country?

Oh, and when I talked about life being short, at no point was I talking about your health. Here in Brazil, due to public policies, there were many deaths by covid-19, including relatives and friends of mine, so it was a reflection on the current situation of insecurity in which I live today, ok.
Hugs and I look forward to the wonderful episodes of The Legends!

Very considerate to have written your review in Spanish, I was very happy.