Hello all,

Many people have been upset over the terribly high amount of unmarked spoilers on MDL, and they had been especially prominent on The Wolf's comment section. So, here is the place where you guys can discuss details in the story that we all consider spoilers. It's a win-win! No one will be upset anymore and you guys can have conversations as you like.

Thank you for understanding the frustrations of others.

CAUTION: Warning to people who don't want to be spoiled. Just don't read the comments. I did warn you, so don't go write a comment to me saying that I ruined the drama for you.

I was so sad when ji chong won the jade butterfly for zhai xing and she freaking didn't take it!!!! Also so sad for ji chong when he saw them hugging at the bottom of the cliff. My heart hurts. Lol. 

Anyone know what was inside the black water that bird lady made zhai xing soak her feet in??? 

Also is the inn keeper and his daughter dead ?

@poipoipoi Not sure about the medicinal herbs, but it was not poisonous. Yes, inn keeper and daughter died but not killed by Prince Bo's men.

I'm just here to vant... Struggling to complete this drama becos of that battle, that didn't happen!! What the heck was that?!!  And the last arc is quite draggy... might put this drama on hold -_-

Hi there, I’m not a native Chinese speaker, so I don’t understand the language. But the drama was too goo for me not to go ahead ㅠㅠ. There were some parts during the last few episodes where I didn’t understand.

1. What was wrong with Prince Bo? Was he poisoned? Like why is he constantly in pain? Why did Yao Ji cut him?

2. What was the conversation exchanged between Yao Ji and Zhai Xing in ep 48? Why did Zhai Xing faint and was looking at her wrist in that scene?

3. And what I’m mostly confused about is... If Prince Bo is poisoned/seriously injured, why did Zhai Xing sacrifice herself and go to fight alone. I figured it might be the other way around? 

I apologize for the list of questions, but I couldn’t wait for the subs to come out and really wanted a better understanding of these points within the story. I would really appreciate it if someone could enlighten me on these scenes. 

Hi everyone! can someone explain the ending to me? I know some chinese so understand 70% but missed some parts. I believe Zhai Xing was going to die that's why she went to rescue the brother. But how did she get so sick and get the "black blood"? Also at the very end, did Zhai Xing become a butterfly and Prince Bo will die shortly and become a butterfly too and they'll live happily ever after as butterflies!? lol.... umm that's what I inferred...any help is greatly appreciated!! :)