Yep, you said it.  Everyone was at the top of their game and both seasons of this show are stellar.

Lollipop, I found your translation of Season Two's episode 3 somewhere, but I cannot find your translations of the whole Season Two.  Can you provide me with a link?


Hey Ximmich! Looks like Micchifune only translated part of the clip (maybe because of Twitter time restrictions) . I translated the whole thing here


Thanks a lot. I forget to  check your tumblr account for it.  But i should have expected this, you are always translating stuff related to Utsukare for us. You are our Utsukare guru, hahahaha. Thanks a lot again.


Lollipop, I found your translation of Season Two's episode 3 somewhere, but I cannot find your translations of the whole Season Two.  Can you provide me with a link?

It can be found here


Nvm to my last question, where am I able to find the disc for Nikurashii Kare (or is it not out yet, online?)

Also, I don't think there are CDs/audio for the 2 other ones online yet.. because as far as I know, BLCD.Online only has 2 discs and both of them are for Utsukushii Kare. So if someone can update me! That'd be great </3

Like i mentioned in my post, both  the first and the second  audio drama are OUT and available. The third audio drama (Nayamshii Kare CD) is the only one that is not OUT yet. 

You are confusing the number of DISCs with the audio dramas themselves. 

The first CD/Utsukushii Kare CD has only two DISCs.

 The second audiodrama/Nikurashii Kare CDs has three DISCs.

I can only dare to share the first CD publicly because it can be found to be listened online, but this is not the case for the second CD.  Which is why i am only sharing the second CD privately. I will message you the second CD. 


Thank you so much for that link to Lollipop's translation of Season 2.  You had said in your message to her that she was the "Utsukare Guru."  Well, I think you BOTH are our Utsukare Gurus!  Thank you both for your work in helping us all appreciate this show more fully.



Hello, can you please send me the uncensored audio of Nakurashii Kare? Thank you ??

There is a new bonus clip posted in the SMASH APP, named  Hira Kiyoi and Turtle, that can be found translated here

Oh god, that was adorable! Thank you! I was wondering about this turtle. XD It seemed like Hira just picked it up and brought it home and... nobody cared? The teacher didn't notice? Does the turtle have a name? I don't remember it in the books... but for the sake of jealous!Kiyoi I happily accept it in their lives. XD


Oh god, that was adorable! Thank you! I was wondering about this turtle. XD It seemed like Hira just picked it up and brought it home and... nobody cared? The teacher didn't notice? Does the turtle have a name? I don't remember it in the books... but for the sake of jealous!Kiyoi I happily accept it in their lives. XD

I think the turtle has a name, but I can't remember it. I just know that in the fan arts of Twitter they almost always include the turtle XD

I also don't remember them in the books, guess this is just an special add for the drama live action (?) 


I think the turtle has a name, but I can't remember it. I just know that in the fan arts of Twitter they almost always include the turtle XD

I also don't remember them in the books, guess this is just an special add for the drama live action (?) 

Aw, I didn't know that! That sounds adorable. :,) I shall have to try and figure out its name and start including it too.

Ximmich, can i still get the uncensored version too, please? ^^

Hello,  I have recently become a fan of Utsukushkare and I am so glad I have found this post so thank you :)

If it's still OK can I have the link to the uncensored version of the 2nd drama cd?

Thanks to your post I have listened to the 1st drama cd so I would like to also hear the uncensored 2nd cd.

The name of the turtle is カメジロウ in japanese, on this side is kamejiro, in the novel is not mentioned was added in the drama.


The name of the turtle is カメジロウ in japanese, on this side is kamejiro, in the novel is not mentioned was added in the drama.

Thank you! *Takes notes*