Hiii just wanted to ask if it's still possible to ask for the link to the first and second CD uncensored version ''

Hi I would really appreciate to get the link aswell! Thank you a lot <33 

I mentioned this before, but since i observed something new, i thought to make it know again.

There is another fantranslator who has translated a few extra chapters from Interlude:

Interlude: Utsukushii Kare’s Extra Stories Compilation

1. KISS ME (1) (2) (3) (3 NSFW ver)

2. Wonderful World

3. Everyday is Disaster

The fanstranslator has also uploaded recently the NSFW/uncensored version of KISS ME (3), which means that from now on people can access it from here. 

hey any news about where to access the third cd?

Um, does could someone tell me if Kiyoi's birthday canonically is tomorrow (today in Japan)? May 3rd. It's just that I've been seeing lots of fanarts on Twitter and been wondering if it's Kiyoi's birthday or Yusei's. Also, I don't remember the novels, or CD drama or LA ever mentioned Hira's and Kiyoi's birthday.  So I just wanted to least get a confirm if it's really is he's birthday ( ̄∇ ̄)


Um, does could someone tell me if Kiyoi's birthday canonically is tomorrow (today in Japan)? May 3rd. It's just that I've been seeing lots of fanarts on Twitter and been wondering if it's Kiyoi's birthday or Yusei's. Also, I don't remember the novels, or CD drama or LA ever mentioned Hira's and Kiyoi's birthday.  So I just wanted to least get a confirm if it's really is he's birthday ( ̄∇ ̄)

Yes. It`s Kiyoi`s birthday today in Japan, May 3rd. 

Even  if international fans celebrate it in the same day as in Japan or a bit later,  doesn`t matter that much.  

Most of my frends in twitter are congratulatng Kiyoi in their tweets as well hahahaha. 

Yusei birthday is in May 6rd. Fro what i could find, i don`t think  Hira`s birthday has been revealed officially. 

About Nayamashii Kare CD. I will share the CD with everyone after some time passes, to no hinder the official release of it. 

 Will not make you wait for  a long time

From what i could find, Suzumiya-brain will translate the 3th NAYAMASHII KARE CD in spanish as well. This is the link where they have made the announcement-- but we will have to have patience for them to finish them. 

The story from the Nayamashii Kare CD follow the story from the third novel, so a summary of it wil not be that different from a summary from the third novel, but there is someone in twitter who did a summary of the third CD- THIS IS THE LINK- for it. 

Like i mentioned  previously, the story doesn`t end with Nayamashii Kare CD ( Interlude contain extra story only), because Nagira Yuu sensei announced that she is planning to write a 4th novel in continuation of Nayakare. 

Oh I see. I've been just wondering weeks ago when Hira and Kiyoi's birthday would be. Thanks for confirming it.  Might as well congratulate him too hahaha

And I hope we get to know Hira's birthday too.  

Hi Ximmich, can you send me the second CD please? I am utsukare lossing even though watched the movie three times. Thank you QAQ!

 be grateful:

Hi Ximmich, can you send me the second CD please? I am utsukare lossing even though watched the movie three times. Thank you QAQ!

I am so envious and happy for you, in the best way. You got to see the movie, cries......

I`ll send it in a minute.

 be grateful:
I am utsukare lossing even though watched the movie three times.

Do you think it will still be showing in the theaters in June? I will be in Tokyo June 16th.

Hi Ximmich! Thank you for all you work related to the world of utsukare. Can I please ask for the second audio drama too?


Do you think it will still be showing in the theaters in June? I will be in Tokyo June 16th.

It`s too early to know right now. The movie should have stopped screening last week, but because it has done  well until now, they extended it until 18/05 in Tokyo- at the toho cinemas- hibiya, shinjuku, and ikebukuro, but might be more. 

How long the screening is extended depends on how well the movie does, but i don`t know if it will hold on in cinema until June 16. 

Utsukushii kare is doing really well considering that is   showed in a small amount of cinemas and sometimes showing the movie late at night or early in the morning. 

Someone  mentioned that Utsukushii kare is  on top 10 selling movies right now fighting with some really popular movies that came out after it.  It`s possible that the movie will not stop screening until next month, but is hard  to tell exactly until when.

I will write you if i find anything new related to this.

Thanks so much for keeping us all posted on how our boys are doing. It’s so great the movie is doing well. 

I don't think so. It seems to be off before june. Let's wait for DVD >w<