
I don't get it, why did they delete it?  Wattpad posts unauthorized translations all the time.  It's what it primarily posts, isn't it?

Also, does this mean that Lollipop will stop translating the novel also?  I noticed that she stopped after chapter 6.  Is this why?   She was doing such a great job with the translation . I'd feel awful for her if they delete it. 

It was removed as some people who read it didn't like the novel and instead of just leaving the story and not reading further, they reported the story causing it to be removed. That happens a lot now :(

You mean the reason for its removal was not that it was an unauthorized translation, but that they simply did not like the story?  That's insane.  I cannot believe people would censor a novel merely because they disliked the story the novel told. In fact, such censorship is offensive.   

At any rate, I am so glad everyone here is being supportive of Lollipop's translation and hope that never happens to her version.  She really worked hard and deserves nothing but support, not censorship. 


You mean the reason for its removal was not that it was an unauthorized translation, but that they simply did not like the story?  That's insane.  I cannot believe people would censor a novel merely because they disliked the story the novel told. In fact, such censorship is offensive.   

At any rate, I am so glad everyone here is being supportive of Lollipop's translation and hope that never happens to her version.  She really worked hard and deserves nothing but support, not censorship. 

I believe we should  support every translator. Each translator invests a lot of time and effort into their translations.  Moreover, Lollipop is unquestionably one of the best translators. As a fan of her, I also don't want anything to happen with her translation. Anyway, I won't upload again, though, if Wattpad removes my translation. I thus hope everything goes smoothly!

 White Lotus:

I believe we should help every translator. Each translator invests a lot of time and effort into their translations.  Moreover, Lollipop is unquestionably one of the best translators. As a fan of her, I also don't want anything to happen with her translation. Anyway, I won't upload again, though, if Wattpad removes my translation. I thus hope everything goes smoothly!

I really hope it doesn't! I hate wattpad but use it just for your and lollipop's translations. it's fascinating how they're both quite different, but I'm thoroughly enjoying both. Sorry for not commenting there, but I'm glad to see you here so I can say thank you so much for your hard work! I so appreciate every new chapter that comes out! You're a blessing!

Lollipop's translation is the absolute best I've seen of any Japanese-to-English book on Wattpad.  She is really good at capturing the feeling of the text.   I can tell that she's expert at translating idiomatic expressions and capturing the context of a situation. 

That is why I want to be supportive of her efforts and do whatever I can to help her see her work get recognition.  It would be awful if she had to stop because of censors, because that would make all her prior efforts futile.  

Yeaka and White Lotus, are you guys  translators too?  If so, then thank you for your efforts as well.  I have not seen your translations yet, but want to be supportive of all fan subbers, because what you do is so generous to we readers.  


I really hope it doesn't! I hate wattpad but use it just for your and lollipop's translations. it's fascinating how they're both quite different, but I'm thoroughly enjoying both. Sorry for not commenting there, but I'm glad to see you here so I can say thank you so much for your hard work! I so appreciate every new chapter that comes out! You're a blessing!

I'd like to thank you for reading our translation. I'm genuinely touched. I was here constantly, but I never said anything. I never ever considered or had any intention of translating this novel, one of my all-time favorites. The reason I picked it up is because I misunderstood that Lollipop had dropped it. As Lollipop is still translating it, I later wanted to drop it. However, several of my friends, Ximmich, and some of the readers were what motivated me to keep going. Therefore, I'm continuing to translate it. But I don't think readers need my translation. Moreover, I honestly think I'm not very adept at translating.  😅So I made the decision that I would cease translating it if Wattpad removed my translation.

So true! White Lotus' is really enjoyable too though, so special thanks to both of them. <3 More Kiyoi content is always welcome!


Lollipop's translation is the absolute best I've seen of any Japanese-to-English book on Wattpad.  She is really good at capturing the feeling of the text.   I can tell that she's expert at translating idiomatic expressions and capturing the context of a situation. 

That is why I want to be supportive of her efforts and do whatever I can to help her see her work get recognition.  It would be awful if she had to stop because of censors, because that would make all her prior efforts futile.  

Yes dear, you’re right. I myself love her every work & will always support her  ♥️♥️♥️

OK, so you ARE a translator!  LOL. I just left a message above asking if you were a translator as well because I did not know (see above).  I think what you fansubbers do is AMAZING. I mean, to take that kind of time without being paid simply because you love a book and want to spread its power to foreign readers is so generous of you.  I am deeply impressed and grateful.  And now I must check out your translations because I've seen a lot of translations, but I have never seen yours yet.  

I really appreciate you translating it though, White Lotus! It's been wonderful to read and has given me so much inspiration for my own fics, so I'm very glad you did pick it up. Yours might come out different, but it's still totally valued! There's always room for multiple versions in fandom,  especially since you're both doing really hard work for free and bringing something to us international fans we'd have no chance of getting otherwise. It helps feed this glorious fandom. I do hope you continue it; I've got yours on my bookmark bar and check it almost daily. XD


Yeaka and White Lotus, are you guys  translators too?  If so, then thank you for your efforts as well.  I have not seen your translations yet, but want to be supportive of all fan subbers, because what you do is so generous to we readers.  

I'm not, no, just a fic writer. X,D I have zero language skills and would be hooped without White Lotus and Lollipop.  I agree, they're being so generous to us! I'm very grateful.


OK, so you ARE a translator!  LOL. I just left a message above asking if you were a translator as well because I did not know (see above).  I think what you fansubbers do is AMAZING. I mean, to take that kind of time without being paid simply because you love a book and want to spread its power to foreign readers is so generous of you.  I am deeply impressed and grateful.  And now I must check out your translations because I've seen a lot of translations, but I have never seen yours yet.  

Really? But I saw your comment when Ximmich 1st share my translation link. You praised my work even without checking my translation? 😅😅


I really appreciate you translating it though, White Lotus! It's been wonderful to read and has given me so much inspiration for my own fics, so I'm very glad you did pick it up. Yours might come out different, but it's still totally valued! There's always room for multiple versions in fandom,  especially since you're both doing really hard work for free and bringing something to us international fans we'd have no chance of getting otherwise. It helps feed this glorious fandom. I do hope you continue it; I've got yours on my bookmark bar and check it almost daily. XD

Thank you so much for supporting me. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

No, thank you <3 If you do continue it I'll be delighted to keep reading.