I've been wanting to watch some historical dramas. I've only seen a few. But here's what I do and don't like..

Don't like: 

  • Prefer if it's not a FL falls first. They just annoy me too much and I end up dropping the drama. The only exception here is if it's she's not obsessive, doesn't prolong too long, or if the ML ends up falling harder, and tries to chase her back. Does that make sense?  That I will be okay with.
  • Not too political. I find myself forwarding too much if it's too political.
  • I also don't want a lot of episodes. I'm okay with 36-40 because I know most historical dramas go to 36-40, but I would love it even more if it was under.  I'll still watch it tho. 
  • FL that is stupid/annoying. Yes, I know this can go a lot of ways, however you want to take it... 


  • A good rom-com. I did watch the Romance of Hua Rong and ended up loving that. 
  • I do like a cold/villian ML who becomes warm and cute around the FL. Or they end up changing because of her. 
  • I'm okay with love triangles, just try to avoid any 2ML syndrome ya know? lol

Perhaps along with this recommend a few that you think are underrated or aren't very well known. Thanks for the help!

Su Yu: Basically the historical version of "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim." 

The Wolf Princess: If you liked "The Romance of Hua Rong" then I'd try this one out, it's fairly similar. 

Dance of the Sky Empire

My Queen - game world, but it is historical. FL is looking for a lover, but doesn't fall for ML first, because in the game he looks like her boss from modern time. SML is extremely funny. (24 eps)

Please Don’t Spoil Me - FL becomes a character from her book and then tries to avoid ML and her bad ending. ML falls for her first (24 eps, but very short. It has 3 seasons)

Your Highness - gameworld, which became real. It's absolutely hilarious comedy with romance. (20 eps)

Thanks for the suggestions :)

I forgot to mention Blossoms in Adversity, I tried to edit my original comment but it was being stupid. lol.

This one is 40 episodes butttt I feel like it's a perfect balance of everything you wanted. It was truly a beautiful drama. I cried, I laughed, and everything in between. The FL was perfect, she was strong, smart, funny, kind and had a good head on her shoulders, and wasn't annoying like some other FLs when they have a smart/strong personality. Plus we have a cold/villain ML who's soft with the FL and turns good.

Thank you guys for the suggestions! I will get to watching!