I want your translations cuz Gagaolala's are so bad that they might as well just use a bunch of xxxx's for subtitles.  Random words pop up out of nowhere.  I don't even know what the characters are saying.  Yet Gagalala's are the only subs out there.  I am baffled that all the sites pirate from the worst possible source.  They should pirate from you!  lol


Lollipop, I cannot get into your show's translations even with the password. Can you link me to it?

The passwords shouldn’t be necessary at all anymore actually, cause I managed to make the videos public! The show should be available from the user page. 


let me know if you still can’t access! 

Hi, thank you very much for all the information, finally I could read the CD drama of Utsukushii Kare while listening to it :')
I was wondering if you could pass me Nikurashii Kare's CD drama uncensored, please ? you'd make me very happy :')))
Thank you for your hard work

hello~~ thank u so much for all the links ? finally i have something to look forward to ? if u dont mind can u send me the link for nikurashii kare's cd uncensored ver? i'll be really happy tysmm ????

Hello! can someone send me the uncensored nikurashii audio ? Thanks in advance.


Hello! can someone send me the uncensored nikurashii audio ? Thanks in advance.

I send it to you now. 


The passwords shouldn’t be necessary at all anymore actually, cause I managed to make the videos public! The show should be available from the user page. 


let me know if you still can’t access! 

All that shows up for me is the 1 OFC epilogue video. :o Which is super cute too, thanks for that!


All that shows up for me is the 1 OFC epilogue video. :o Which is super cute too, thanks for that!

Yeah, it looks like daily motion took all the videos down earlier this week. I’ll reupload them all to bilibili I think, along with the new seasons episodes. WattPad took down the novel too so ?


Yeah, it looks like daily motion took all the videos down earlier this week. I’ll reupload them all to bilibili I think, along with the new seasons episodes. WattPad took down the novel too so ?

NO. Shit. ;A; I'm so sorry! Both for you and me and all of us. Ugh. Thank you for your hard work and I'm so sorry it got flagged. OTL


Yeah, it looks like daily motion took all the videos down earlier this week. I’ll reupload them all to bilibili I think, along with the new seasons episodes. WattPad took down the novel too so ?

Hey everyone, all the videos have been uploaded onto here instead:


I will be uploading my subbed versions of season 2 onto here as well as I get them done! 


Hey everyone, all the videos have been uploaded onto here instead:


I will be uploading my subbed versions of season 2 onto here as well as I get them done! 

Thank you so much!! <3

Yay, I am so glad you will be subbing Season 2!  Because so far I have only seen GagaOOlala's subs and they are just as bad as they were for Season 1.  Once again, they translated "kimo" to mean "gross" and "disgusting."  Viki, however, had  properly translated "kimo" to mean "creepy," and it was a massive improvement.

For example, calling Hira "disgusting" had made Kiyoi seem really cruel, whereas calling Hira "creepy" was simply realistic because, of course, Hira truly is creepy!  lol.   The fact that GagaOOlala had Kiyoi calling Hira "disgusting" for the entire show was why so many viewers unfairly hated Kiyio.   

Truly,  there were hundreds of comments on MDL and Youtube with people complaining that Kiyoi was "abusive" and "toxic" and they'd specifically say,  "I hate how Kiyoi keeps calling Hira disgusting."   Well, the fact was, he did NOT call Hira "disgusting."   He was calling him "creepy."   At least that's how it was translated on Viki, and I trust Viki 100% more than GagaOOlala

I wish more people had seen Viki's version , but for some reason it was only GagaOOlala's version that got pirated by Billibi, Kissasian, Youtube, and BLparadise, etc.  I only saw Viki's version cuz I paid to subscribe.  However, I did not subscribe this year.   Which is why I am so glad that you are subbing it for us .   You rock Lollipop!  

… this is super awkward Maggi, considering I also translate it as “gross”, hahaha ?? I get what you mean though, but the word actually can mean both, and even more than those two depending on context - it’s a heavily used slang-like word. None are more correct than the other imo. He doesn’t mean it in the traditional sense no matter which word you choose anyway, but the dictionary definition is actually “gross” or “disgusting”. 

I personally settled for Gross mostly because I wanted to consistently use the same word like Kiyoi does, and “gross” doesn’t change tense depending on whether it’s an adjective or not and felt more appropriate as an exclamation cause it’s one syllable (the word is actually “Kimoi” and when Kiyoi shortens it to “kimo” it’s cause it’s a quick, impulsive exclamation and I didn’t want a two syllable word for that). It works extremely well in Japanese because it has several implied meanings, whereas the English words are more narrow.

 I think if people think of Kiyoi as abusive purely based on this word alone, then they would probably not see the big picture regardless. I wouldn’t blame that on translations: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Hira is an insanely unreliable narrator, and if people think Kiyoi is toxic, it is because theydo not take the time to critically think about how the story is being told. Though, then they should probably watch this new season - cause Hira and how unreliable of a narrator he has been is being challenged greatly with a much less biased POV. 

I didn't have a problem with Kiyoi's use of language, bc I recognize either way that he's a young guy with confusing feelings and his own baggage just lashing out. I understand why people watching on a surface level see that as abuse, because maybe it is in a vacuum, but the context really changes it. Hira being an unreliable narrator is such a big part of that; he definitely narrates S1 through an archetype lens--ie the popular kids vs the invisible ones rather than individuals with their own youthful problems and quirks and communication issues. 

...Maybe I'm over thinking, but maybe exposure to other Japanese media also changes one's perspective on this? I immediately pegged Kiyoi as a tsundere so saw his insults as sort of misdirected, layered, and almost culturally 'normal' or at least understood it as an archetype there, as opposed to thinking of him as just a black-and-white bully with genuine malice behind those cutting words.

It was really only Western viewers who had a problem with Kiyoi.  As for the Japanese, they  must have loved this show because we not only got a season 2 series, but a movie too!   I think there were 2 reasons Japanese viewers did not have a problem with Kiyoi.  The 1st reason was what  I already said about how  they knew the real meaning of "kimo."   The 2nd reason is that they recognized a tsundere.  Their culture is much bigger on tsunderes than ours is, so they'll spot one in a nano-second while Western viewers see a tsundere and just think it's a guy being a jerk.    You recognized Kiyoi as a tsundere because you are probably not American.   Where are you from anyway?   Do you mind me asking?