I trust your assessment better cuz you read Japanese.  I had to use Google's auto-translate to read the CD in English so I am sure there were lots of gaps and things that made it come off wrong.  Then I filled in those gaps with my "pro Kiyoi" bias, lol.

Wait, the CD can be /read/? Can I get one of those links to it too then? :o I assumed it was all audio which couldn't be easily translated...

Yeaka,  I got the link from Ximmich. Check on page one in this forum where Ximmich has posted all links.  The CD was translated from Japanese to Spanish, and then I translated it from Spanish to English with google auto-translate. So it went through two machine translations and was likely very spotty. That's why I trust Lollipop's assessment better than what I read.  She reads Japanese, so if she got a different impression of Koyoma from her reading, then her reading  would be the correct one.

Oh I already accept that, I just want more of the content. Thank you, I'll go back and check those. :) I saw the links but assumed they were audio so didn't click them before... happy to get the spotty translation, and looking forward to the proper versions when our awesome translators get there!

Read the first one and damn, that toenail scene! I was not expecting that, but totally loved it. This has to be one of the most unique BL couples out there. Also loved the more intimate details than the show gave us, Kiyoi moving his things into Hira's house, and Hira giving him the key. Thanks for pointing those transcripts out to me! And thank you SO much to Ximmich for rounding those links up and sharing them! Can't wait to hear all that stuff properly articulated through human translation. 

Herkese merhaba,

Ben hep buradaydım. Tüm yorumları okudum. Ama ana dilim İngilizce olmadığı için bazı şeyleri kaçırmışım galiba. Bu detayların çok önemli olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Serideki üç romanı okumayı hep merak etmişimdir. İlk serinin İspanyolca özetini çeviri yardımıyla okudum. Daha sonra ses CD'leri burada paylaşıldı. Büyük bir heyecanla açtım. Ama ana dilim ne yazık ki İngilizce değil. Ve ben hiçbir şey anlamadım.

Serinin ikinci ve üçüncü romanlarını nerede okuyabilirim biliyor musunuz? Ses CD'leri yardımcı olmaz. Ama çeviri yardımıyla yazılı kaynakları okuyabilirim.


Herkese merhaba,

Ben hep buradaydım. Tüm yorumları okudum. Ama ana dilim İngilizce olmadığı için bazı şeyleri kaçırmışım galiba. Bu detayların çok önemli olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Serideki üç romanı okumayı hep merak etmişimdir. İlk serinin İspanyolca özetini çeviri yardımıyla okudum. Daha sonra ses CD'leri burada paylaşıldı. Büyük bir heyecanla açtım. Ama ana dilim ne yazık ki İngilizce değil. Ve ben hiçbir şey anlamadım.

Serinin ikinci ve üçüncü romanlarını nerede okuyabilirim biliyor musunuz? Ses CD'leri yardımcı olmaz. Ama çeviri yardımıyla yazılı kaynakları okuyabilirim.

The very first post has links to written Spanish transcripts of what's on the audio CDs. (I missed this the first time too.) There're also links there to Lollipop and White Lotus' English translations of the first book. There was also a link posted here to a Vietnamese machine translation of the second and third books; unfortunately, it looks like they've been deleted. :( It seems some of the people here know the translator, so maybe they'll be posted again elsewhere? But I don't know, sorry.

The reason Bong Dai removed her translation from the site is because a publisher in Vietnam  bought the copyright of all the volumes of Utsukushii Kare, so she had no choice but to hide it. 

Thanks White Lotus. 

Also, I wanted to know if anyone has links to the extra of Kiyoi and Hira shopping.  I cannot find it when I google.  I know that Lollipop had translated it, so maybe somebody here can provide a link to that extra, or any other extras.  That would be great!


Thanks White Lotus. 

Also, I wanted to know if anyone has links to the extra of Kiyoi and Hira shopping.  I cannot find it when I google.  I know that Lollipop had translated it, so maybe somebody here can provide a link to that extra, or any other extras.  That would be great!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_wS2PMr2CA Do you mean this video? I haven't seen unfortunately more extra videos besides this. 

Yo, you rock!  That's exactly what I was looking for.  


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_wS2PMr2CA Do you mean this video? I haven't seen unfortunately more extra videos besides this. 

Dang, I didn’t know someone uploaded it onto YouTube haha. 

The videos I’ve done of Utsukushii Kare (apart from the latest interview videos with announcements regarding the movie) are all gathered in this tumblr post: https://at.tumblr.com/lollipopsub/utsukushii-kare-full-series-eng-sub-by-lollipop/ybl64xzz9lot

Aside from the shopping video there’s also a clip of Hira taking care of Koyama as well as a little skit they did of them being very intoxicated! 

Ok , so after all this talk about the show, I decided to watch season one again today.  Alas, I pulled it up on Billibi which had pirated Gagaloola's version.  How bad were the subtitles?  Well, can we say holy shit?

I've seen it before with Viki's subtitles and also with Lollipop's subtitles, and man, what a difference because both were excellent.  Gagaloola's subs, conversely, are so bad as to be comical.  Entire convos make no sense.  Words are arbitrarily inserted that don't belong . For instance, Kiyoi suddenly calls Hira "Father" in one convo. Huh?  It might as well be a Google Auto translation.  

I can't fathom how the subs can be so bad and yet the executives don't notice. And the crazy thing is that Gagaloola's subbers get paid!   Lollipop and Viki's translators are volunteers yet do a MUCH better job.  

At any rate, I just wanted to give Lollipop a shout out and thank her again for subbing this show .  

I’m off topic but only here I can share my joy… Just received my copies of VIVI magazines and our beloved Yusei/Riku are really gorgeous! Now with the help of google lens I will read the interview ???

Lollipop, I cannot get into your show's translations even with the password. Can you link me to it?