- De or someone in his family is sick so he had to stay for 2 years to help
- Yi saw him and that woman and baby, misunderstood, and then blocked De
- De thinks that Yi hates him because he left for 2 years instead of 2 months
- De comes back and can't find Yi, or Yi has left the country (there is a reason they don't meet) and that slap is their first meetings OR
- De comes back and meets Yi and Yi rejects De or maybe De is dating something (I pray not this) or De see's something and thinks Yi has moved on with his life (so that slap could be their first meeting or that slap could be about something else and the trailer used it to mislead us)
- the father is actually mad because Yi has been heartbroken over De for the past 5 years
I really hope the angst is over soon. I want them to be happy and in love not broken up over a misunderstanding like this!
This is my opinion- De father is probably the one sick or he passed away since De is now someone that owns a company, (Before he left he said he had to help with the company and he will be away)
-I think that the girl that had the baby was one of his friends or his mother's friend
-I think De does think Yi hates him because he no longer has his bracelet on
-Yi's father might be mad for the fact that his son didn't tell him about his lover ( considering that in the trailer he was mad when the bodyguard told him that his son was in love, the father didn't seem to happy.) I also, don't think the dad knows about the heartbreak since it seems that De left before Yi's father was informed about him.