I am curious about the ending scene (1:13:20) - when we see a school uniform.  Is the last name written there "hwang?". If so, does it mean it's Yong Shik's and Dong Beak's daughter? Or it's Kang - Jong Ryul's daughter? > . <

And also the scene just after that -  we see man and woman sitting on the floor in front of tv - and the camera focuses on men's arm, where is the same shaped sign as the Ongsan police chief had. I am asking because we see a few moments later another couple, dressed the same and in the same place but Dong Beak has differen hair and on Yong Shik's shoulder are two rhombus like shapes (as it was through all the episodes) - but the time is exactly the same as we see grown-up Pil Gul on tv. So what is that? They showing us more future in future already? > .<

If someone has an answer, I'd gladly hear it, because it seems so off to me. Any theories are welcomed, too :D

Yes, Yong Shik and Dong Baek had a daughter. The scene afterwards shows the older Yong Shik and Dong Baek watching the press conference of Pil Gu, who has signed with an American baseball team. The director was not necessarily focusing on the men's arm, but rather on the love handles of Yong Shik. People who are older gain weight because of a slower metabolism. So it was to show that they got old together. The weight gain was difficult to spot, because Koreans remain relatively thin. Their definition of "fat" would almost be "fashion model thin" in the US. I think they also had grey hair, but could have remembered it wrongly.

I watched the scene several times. There is a girl's uniform next to Pil Gu's award display because there is a skirt behind the jacket. My korean is non-existent but I think the name is Hwang Go Un and I am not sure if it is a girl or boy's name. However, as the camera pans down, you see Yong Shik's different badge, indicating he was promoted. However, all the other scenes remain he same such as the television broadcast, the ornaments next to the TV and the clothes hanging in the background. The only noticeable difference is the badge on Yong Shik's shoulder.

My conclusion.. bad film editing... Any opinions?

Hwang Go-Un is in the uniform. The leads have one daughter. Go-Un is the real name of Hyang-Mi (best friend of DongBaek). Hyang-Mi stated that if she will reborn again, she would like to be DongBaek's daughter. Little touches that is heartwarming.

I actually liked how they switched to their current looks in the last shot, after having shown us a back view of how they grow old together, because that way they didn't have to show us what they looked like 10-20 years in the future. I feel like it would've made the scene a bit sad for me, watching them with wrinkles and gray hair. I don't think it was bad  editing though, haha. For whatever reason, it was definitely on purpose.