What is the Lou Jitong part?


What is the Lou Jitong part?

During HBY’s 5 years at the North West border he runs into Liu Jitong (she use to look after the empress and was in love in LBY/HBY but got married off). Lou Jitong is now a widow and she basically stayed around HBY for maybe half of the time he was at the border. HBY didn’t have any feelings for her but instead used her as a cover to make it look like he had moved on. He did this when he found out SS got engaged to Yuan Shen and didn’t want the Emperor to make things hard for SS, so he let Lou Jitong stay around him to start a rumour that he might be getting engaged with her. 

Once he came back to the capital, Lou Jitong went with him and everyone including herself thought that he was going to propose to her but he didn’t. He had no intention of ever getting married and wanted to spend the rest of his life watching over SS. Instead of sticking to his original plan he ended up trying to win SS back and told Lou Jitong the truth that she was just a cover. He also said that he knew her husband didn’t die of natural causes but that she murdered him as well as a servant from the earlier chapters. She said that she murdered her husband in order to be with HBY. At the end of the scene Lou Jitong tells HBY about the fading bite mark on SS’s arm (their ‘blood’ oath which happened during HBY’s auntie/Mums funeral) and then a huge emotional scene breaks out between HBY and SS (I cried so much reading this part).

After the Queen dies, SS was sent to scatter the Queens ashes and on her way she gets ambushed by Lou Jitong. It totally backfires and SS wins thanks to HBY’s sudden appearance. This is when SS and HBY get back together.

The whole Lou Jitong saga takes up from memory…..10 chapters if you include the ambush….this is rough estimates. I’m wondering if the drama is going to include this given that there’s soooooo much to cover and only 8 episodes to go (counting from 49 onwards which is where I assume the massacre will take place).

I have actually enjoyed the pacing in the drama - they don’t drag out events but resolve them within 1-2 episodes so I feel like it is possible!! Like with the most recent story arc with the Crown Prince/Princess and the murder the whole thing was two episodes. Wham done.

Thank you Tetothegremlin. I remember her now.

My sadness already started in anticipation for next week. Omg ep. 42 was such a rollercoaster. Why did they switch the Wan for Chen families and make our SS (and US) cry so much?!


I have actually enjoyed the pacing in the drama - they don’t drag out events but resolve them within 1-2 episodes so I feel like it is possible!! Like with the most recent story arc with the Crown Prince/Princess and the murder the whole thing was two episodes. Wham done.

Yeah agreed. Let’s see how this plays out!

With so much emotional roller coaster...help I don't think my heart can handle it.


With so much emotional roller coaster...help I don't think my heart can handle it.

I know right! Even though I’ve read the novel, I’m still preparing my heart for what’s to come. I cried so much reading the novel so it’ll probably be worse watching it haha. 


My sadness already started in anticipation for next week. Omg ep. 42 was such a rollercoaster. Why did they switch the Wan for Chen families and make our SS (and US) cry so much?!

Haha probably to make it more dramatic. I’m guessing it’s also for LBY and SS to spend more time together before the massacre. I feel like they’re doing a good job at building up to the heartbreak to come. From LBY saying that he’s asked for the land next to the military camp for SS to build their home, a place where she doesn’t have to worry about being blamed and abandoned, LBY asking her what she would do if she had to do something knowing that it’ll hurt someone he loves, SS responding saying that he should place both things side by side to decide what’s more important, SS asking him never to lie to her and just some of the other things he says. I feel like it’s building up to the complete utter heartbreak that she’s going to go through after finding out the truth about LBY, the betrayal of feeling like he abandoned her, choosing revenge over her and just how he expected complete honesty from her and wanting her to share everything with him only to have him do the complete opposite. After the got banished to the border she endured a lot in the capital. She got so sick that she almost died and people said all kinds of nasty things about her. That’s why she ended up locking herself away in the palace with the Queen to escape it all. Reading the novel I never blamed her for being angry at him and felt like the hard work he put into winning her back was completely justified. 

Aghhh the heartbreak. Seriously going to rewatch this drama a million times after it finishes. I love it so much. 

Sorry for all the long commentary! I just really love this drama and love that there’s this thread to share my thoughts! 

@Tetothegremlin, there's nothing to apologize for. Everyone on this thread including myself are completely in love with this drama! I keep wanting to know more. When do they bite each other's arms in the novel? I hope that the drama will definitely keep this part.

BTW, I have been re-watching all the episodes ad-nauseam already! I am completely obsessed by it!


@Tetothegremlin, there's nothing to apologize for. Everyone on this thread including myself are completely in love with this drama! I keep wanting to know more. When do they bite each other's arms in the novel? I hope that the drama will definitely keep this part.

I've seen a few of the teasers from the drama and it looks like the bite mites are on their arms at LBY's aunties funeral. In the book they made the blood oath at the funeral so looks like the drama is keeping this scene unchanged. 

Same here, I've rewatched the whole thing so many times haha it helps me get through the Friday - Monday lull!

I am trying to understand what is the reason for SS displeasure  toward LBY . (I'VE NOT READ THE NOVEL )

revenge i don't understand the hypocrisy of SS. in recent episode her family is framed and almost near to death if something happen to her family she will not sit back and watch play obliviously she try to prove her family innocence  If she could not prove the innocence of her family, in the meantime, if her entire lineage is destroyed, then it is obvious that she will take revenge.. So when LBY takes revenge, why will She be angry, I don't understand . 

violence If she hates violence then she should not forget that she is getting married to a military general and not to any common man. (my take on this You want the fruit of your spouse's good work, but do not want the bitterness of his bad work. it was selfish. ) as you can see SS getting all pleasure as generals would be wife

secret/lie just because your partner has not shared one secret you will abandon your partner to suffer when he needs you the most. (my take on this If he's not cheating on me, he won't hurt my family or hurt any innocent I'll angry but never abandon my partner )

Given how supportive and understanding CSS  was with LBY going to war for revenge in ep 41, she's obviously not against LBY getting revenge. She has also moved on about the violence, you don't really see her mentioning that since her departure from Hua county.  

If we talk about hypocrisy, then so is LBY.  He wanted CSS to always share her problem with her (e.g., 5th princess pushing her), yet he won't do the same.  The second thing is from the various upcoming preview, she obviously felt that LBY was hiding something, and she asked him over and over again whether he was hiding something from her, giving him opportunities to open up to her. 

From what I read earlier, even after he massacred the Ling family, she still hopes they could be together. However, she overheard him telling the Empress that he was willing to give up on her for revenge. The issue is not him hiding his secret, it wasn't even that she was not as important as revenge, but him giving up on her while she continued to hold on to him. She felt betrayed and disappointed, especially since he was the one who led her to fall in love with him, believed him, and gave her the hope that he would never abandon her, yet that is what he ended up doing. 

I think it makes perfect sense that CSS is upset with LBY. 

but him giving up on her while she continued to hold on to him. She felt betrayed and disappointed, especially since he was the one who led her to fall in love with him, believed him, and gave her the hope that he would never abandon her, yet that is what he ended up doing. 

thankyou for making me understand  cause  As I was not aware of this part, due to this my understanding got wrong.  LBY left her, she didn't left him, then her anger is justified.