
I heard that this scene is when empress dies and CSS faints so LBY carries her home and told her parents that he will not disturb her. Maybe I can be wrong.

I actually had the same thought as you. You could be right.....

I read on IG in one of the posts that one of LBY’s guards die. Is this anywhere in the novel?  It says that when LBY returns after 5 years and meets CSS for the first time, one of the guards was not shown in that preview. Can anyone confirm? Also does CSS father die? 


I read on IG in one of the posts that one of LBY’s guards die. Is this anywhere in the novel?  It says that when LBY returns after 5 years and meets CSS for the first time, one of the guards was not shown in that preview. Can anyone confirm? Also does CSS father die? 

ah right i wanna ask this too! bc i don't see a-qi and there's only a-fei  in the preview when lby meets css after 5 years


I wish the novel will be properly translated into English like the Ten miles of peach blossoms. I will certainly purchase it.

I have read the novel in my language but as it was a fan translation, the quality is not the best. While I still can understand the content and feel the beauty of words from the author to some extent, many of the dialogues were misappropriated (for examples, the pronounces and words the translators used were too modern and not fitting the era of the novel). I heard from the Chinese readers that the original novel is very eloquent, beautiful but quite hard to read because it uses old Chinese words and stories coming from the classic Chinese literature and history. Certainly a daunting task for any translators who are going to take it on as a project.

Yup there's no appropriate english version but my friend of mine got this. 

There's  some english translation extension in it, if you want you can read with it.



I read on IG in one of the posts that one of LBY’s guards die. Is this anywhere in the novel?  It says that when LBY returns after 5 years and meets CSS for the first time, one of the guards was not shown in that preview. Can anyone confirm? Also does CSS father die? 

That doesn't happen in the book. Both of the brothers live all the way. I'm pretty sure I saw both of them in one of the teasers.....

It would be a real shame if they decided to kill one of the brothers in the drama. In the book they're both alive and I absolutely love their brotherly dynamics. 

In the book he doesn't die but not sure what the drama is going to do. I highly doubt they're going to kill off SS's father. It would be a massive divergence from the book. 

@tetothegremlin Thank you so much. I feel so much better. I love all the characters too and I don't want anyone to die (the good ones).  I heard the Emperor and Empress will die and I'm so sad about it. They were such a big support for LBY/HWS. It's gonna be sad that he looses them too. They were the only parents and their relationship was so loving and caring. 


@tetothegremlin Thank you so much. I feel so much better. I love all the characters too and I don't want anyone to die (the good ones).  I heard the Emperor and Empress will die and I'm so sad about it. They were such a big support for LBY/HWS. It's gonna be sad that he looses them too. They were the only parents and their relationship was so loving and caring. 

Emperors death will take place many years later and we know about it from epilogue, I doubt it will be included in the drama as they would need much older actors to play CSS and LBY  and film future events :) but who knows! everything is possible


I actually had the same thought as you. You could be right.....

I was trying to look at it in slow motion - a servant behind LBY indeed seems to be one of Cheng's mansion, also doors style fits too. 

4 hours left till next episode... and I won't able to watch it till evening... probably will only make sneak-peak on my mobile while being at work... 

@Babyrosyzhao, thank you so much for the link. 

I have actually finished reading the novel in my language, which is a fan translation. While it is not a great translation due to the word choices of the translators, it is still a much better read than those are translated by MTL. I just wish that one day we will have a proper translation of the novel. I know many translator groups out there have been doing wonderful work with the projects of their choice. However, Love like the galaxy was written with complex style, infused with classic Chinese literature word choices and examples from the history, so I understand it will take a long time for the novel to be translated, should anyone pick it up.  There are already some excerpts of it being translated but not the whole novel.

I have such mixed feelings about the upcoming episodes. I’ve read the book (twice!) so I know what happens but I go through the same emotional roller coaster every time I read it. The drama and the actors are amazing so the emotional ride watching the drama is even worse then the book haha. Part of me gets so excited waiting for each episode but now that we’re getting closer to the turning point, I mostly feel anxious and nervous and kind of dread watching the heartbreak! Arghh these upcoming episodes are going to be so hard. Today, tomorrow and next Tuesday will be rough parts. I can probably start my recovery from Wednesday onwards when things start to slowly get better haha. Oh man, I’m so obsessed with LLTG. 

I’m currently re-reading the book and one of the relationships I really love is between SS and her twin Shaogong. The drama didn’t have enough time to focus on their twin dynamics but there are so many scenes in the book that show how adorable their relationship is and just how much Shaogong loves his sister.

Here is one small part from the book. This is from chapter 170, when SS left the capital to go to Empress/Empress Dowager Yuans childhood place to scatter part of her ashes. Shaogong went with her. (Sorry if the text reads weird, the novel I read was Google Translated) 

“Shaoshang immediately looked at him with admiration: "Since the third brother wants to travel the world, why haven't you left all these years? Is it because our father and mother refused?"

"No, I want to watch you get married before leaving."

Shaoshang's heart was filled with warmth, and she smiled embarrassedly and went to rub against him. When the stove was hot, she brought a bowl of hot soup cakes to Shaogong, with an attentive look on her face she said "Third brother, try it, take advantage of it. Eat it hot, the taste is made by me, and the soup is boiled in the post before."

Excerpt from
Love Like The Galaxy
This material may be protected by copyright.


I have such mixed feelings about the upcoming episodes. I’ve read the book (twice!) so I know what happens but I go through the same emotional roller coaster every time I read it. The drama and the actors are amazing so the emotional ride watching the drama is even worse then the book haha. Part of me gets so excited waiting for each episode but now that we’re getting closer to the turning point, I mostly feel anxious and nervous and kind of dread watching the heartbreak! Arghh these upcoming episodes are going to be so hard. Today, tomorrow and next Tuesday will be rough parts. I can probably start my recovery from Wednesday onwards when things start to slowly get better haha. Oh man, I’m so obsessed with LLTG. 

Don't worry we are on the same boat?