OMG...ep 48 it's the pinnacle of the drama!! It's epic....I hold my breath...can't blink..dripping tears on my cheek. OMG!!! The best scene of all drama  I've ever seen.

where i can see all the epi till 56  i don't mind to buy 


You can watch free on kisskh or duboku but no English subs yet.

Episode 49 - spoilers:

SS entered the massacre room  - bodies are scattered all over the floor, LBY covered with blood
LBY:  You shouldn't have come
SS: Who on earth are you?  LBY or Huo Wushang?
LBY: Regardless of who I am my heart for you will never change
SS: Why must it be today? Why do you still refuse to tell me?
LBY: Because I must avenge the whole clan's massacre.  Shaoshang our wedding date has been set. If I were take a revenge only after our marriage, it would surely implicate the Cheng's Family.
The buck stops here with me.  I won't let Cheng's Family being implicated because of me.

then we can hear the voice telling to hunt LBY and kill him as he broke the law...
he is leaving mansion, she stays in the room with Aki and Afe
there is a general outside with an army and Cheng's family hold hostage
Soldiers started to shoot belts
LBY: bring it on!
General: Kill!

and now SS is coming on the horse and giving a helpful hand to her love...
They are escaping... and soldiers runs to chase them

road ends up on the top of the cliff ... they got cut off by soldiers
he is trying to persuade her to give up on him, she is refusing... and explains details about his hatred and Gu city massacre... and says that he can't let hatred go and he is very sorry but he is a criminal now...  she says that if he will abandon her today she will never forgive him... he says: our fate is over... live well... I am sorry... and jumps down into the abyss...
SS is nearly jumping off that cliff too but was hold by soldiers

Next scene is in Cheng's mansion - SS is sick and not taking medicine,  mom is taking care of her with all family around. That moment Third Prince barge into mansion and requests to see her.  ofc Chengs refused and started to argue
SS has a dream about Zisheng and wakes up and volunteers to go to palace
She said she will either save him or die with him...
She has conversation with Third Prince about Zisheng childhood

Palace full of officials with Zhou trying to imply that LBY should be killed for his heinous crimes, however YS is defending LBY.... that moment Third Prince and SS enter chamber
and SS  hears Zhou saying that LBY is guilty of killing his father
and she says:
Zisheng didn't kill his father.... conversation continues and after a moment Wendy is like: Lady Cheng did  you just say that Zisheng didn't kill his father?
and in next few minutes situation changes completely as truth that LBY is actually Hou Wushang has been revealed.

Wendy sends Third Prince to find and rescue Zisheng - SS tells prince in secret to be careful as someone may try to kill Zisheng...

Next scene:  We can see the bottom of the cliff and wounded Zisheng

end of episode

Perfect! The best drama 2022

Episode 50 - spoilers:

Zisheng has been rescued and transported to palace - he is unconscious and heavily wounded
Physicians are doing best to save him but they cant get access to wounded hand as Zisheng keeps it covered with his other hand. Wendy is very worried and nearly furious about it - Third Prince explains that Zisheng won't let anybody touch Shaoshang's string on his hand
Emperor says to call Lady Cheng in but got informed that she refused to come as her and Zisheng are over...
Then we can hear someones playing a flute - ofc its SS playing outside :)
Zisheng starts to dream about her and we can see a lot of memories of both of them sharing weal and woe - he loosens his grip and doctors can treat his wound.

we can hear physician calling that Generals fever is down and he is safe now!
SS stops playing and step back to the room

now we can see Empress taking care of bedridden SS - she opens eyes and Empress tells her that Zisheng regained consciousness.  SS tells her they broke up and explains that she could go with him to kill enemies but she can't forgive him abandoning her...

Time to cook dinner so more spoilers later on!



You can watch free on kisskh or duboku but no English subs yet.

I'm trying to access these sites now. Are you able to see all the ep after 48? THanks again

I am not able to view any after 48. I missed the Live broadcast too. It was too late in the night for me since I am in California. Is there anyone who recorded it? Maybe with English translation. Also where can I see after 48 with English translation. 

The remaining episodes are available on wetv app. 

It seems there are a lot of scenes missing from the novel.  Nevertheless, prepare loads of tissue.  The last 6 episodes are not as light and fluffy as the beginning and middle episodes.

I also felt like the ending was not enough. And they could have used the last 15 to 20 mins for a wedding scene. 

Overall it is still a good drama.

The sad scenes were rly filmed so sadly while the later part of the story unfortunately felt so rushed ?? nevertheless understand it must have been hard for the LLG team to edit all the episodes as it was airing

Just that (spoiler)  the scene of how 081 made it to save 33 during the chamber thing... Rly don't make sense hahahah and all the while he zhaojun was in labor??? Lol 

But the reunion scene was shot so prettily and the ending scene where zisheng was surrounded by his new family was so heart warming ????

And it felt to apt to end off with Wendy being upset that he was not there to witness the wedding ??


The remaining episodes are available on wetv app. 

It seems there are a lot of scenes missing from the novel.  Nevertheless, prepare loads of tissue.  The last 6 episodes are not as light and fluffy as the beginning and middle episodes.

I also felt like the ending was not enough. And they could have used the last 15 to 20 mins for a wedding scene. 

Overall it is still a good drama.

The emperor was also upset about not seeing the wedding xD

Well, we didn't get the wedding but there was no wedding in the novel too... they had to make a lot of shortcuts but in overall script was true to the original story and it is a great drama. They could still make 2-3 epilogue episodes in the future :) but they covered up so many plots and events from the book that it's hard to complain :)

I love LLTG and gave it 10 stars 

I just watched 47 and 48 and my heart is crying and still feel the heartache for both CSS and HSW/LBY.  His acting is soooo good. His expressions, his feelings. It’s as if it was really HSW.  Leo has taken over my heart. It is so sad to see him go through this pain which was bottled up for over 15 years of his life. He did any amazing job of portraying the character. Like I said, I can’t shake off that feeling of pain in my heart for him.  I wish they made 3 parts instead of cutting it so short. I know the ones who have seen all 56 say it was done well but still. They make 2/3 seasons of stupid other dramas and the one that is such a hit and so popular they cut it short like this.  I pray the director gets to do the epilogue as a season 3 at least. Just my thoughts cause I have not seen all 56 yet.  I am very picky about investing my time on dramas or movies. I see very few. Regardless, I just know this is one of the greatest stories ever portrayed on the big screen. I have not seen any story like this.  In the future I wish the same director makes a movie series of this novel. Staying true with the novel with the time travel and etc. Thank you all for all the pages of posts and I am hoping I can re-visit this page and get recommendations of the best of best dramas that are out there. I love Leo to my core and of course Lusi. I will always support both of them and spend my time catching up with all their past works and in the future look forward to their projects and support them. I wish LLTG never ends.  Gonna miss LLTG and it’s cast and the entire team.  They all need to win awards for this project and hope it makes everyone tons and tons of money and gives them the opportunity to limb up to the apex of their careers.  Love you Leo ?❤️????


I'm trying to access these sites now. Are you able to see all the ep after 48? THanks again


Sorry for late reply, bedtime for me. 

Please find link

I just tested Episode 55. It’s working. However the English subs are not available yet.

Hope it works for you. 



Sorry for late reply, bedtime for me. 

Please find link

I just tested Episode 55. It’s working. However the English subs are not available yet.

Hope it works for you. 

Thank you!!!!!!!!