Episode 1 Part 1

It had been a long time since I had experienced the atmosphere of a wedding. The last time I was at one of my colleagues' wedding was about two years ago, along with other colleagues. But today, May 27, 2029, will be a date I will remember for the rest of my life.

To be honest, I never thought time would go by so fast. It's been more than ten years since I met this incredible woman. It was outdoors, where students from different departments gathered to present their work, allowing everyone to see them… and she… became the only person who stood out.

It wasn't because she was prettier than everyone else, maybe she could become a celebrity like many of the actors who attended this university. But, it was because of her bright smile and natural laugh that made me fall in love at first sight.

Remembering that day, I want to cry again. Soon all my dreams and fantasies will come to an irrevocable end because she was about to start a family with someone else, married to a rich and handsome man who doesn't love her. 

I was very sad and hurt when I accidentally saw him the day before, holding the hand of a completely different woman. And May he get married today, but that asshole will never stop chasing every skirt he sees. It has always been like this, since university. Damn, he hasn't changed a bit since then! 

You might be wondering why I know… Well, we used to go to the same college a few years ago.

— “Welcome… Please sign the guestbook, right here.” Damn it! I was so carried away by the memories that I didn't even notice how I ended up at the entrance of the hotel.

The ballroom of the luxury hotel is decorated with white flowers. Where will the chandelier be? Tables and chairs are meticulously arranged, and the decor seen here probably costs a lot of money.

Of course, even when the door had been left open so guests could easily come and go, I didn't have the courage to take another step inside. To be honest, I found myself squinting to find the person that mattered. 

Usually the bride and groom greet guests at the entrance, accepting congratulations and best wishes. From afar, I noticed how they talked with the elders. Which are probably so important that they cannot be left to return to other functions. Still, I can see her clearly…

She is still as beautiful as the day we met ten years ago. Praemai in an elegant white dress with her hair tied back in a bun. Her face looks so happy and sweet, even though she's only wearing a little natural makeup. The most beautiful girl in the universe... and I don't understand how she can fall in love with this playboy.

— “Sir, please write your name here.” A loud, clear female voice interrupted my thoughts once more.

Lately, I have been acting crazy by accidentally falling into frequent daydreams and fantasies.

— "Hmm…" I am suddenly very afraid. 

"I'm going to wait for my friend first," I replied to the beautiful woman sitting at the table, while I step aside to let a man enter the hallway. He nods and greets me, even though we don't know each other. Maybe he thought he knew me from somewhere? Or decided that this is one of those who were not invited, but still come to such events to try delicious food for free.

It's hard for me to overestimate my own presence here and now. With or without me, this marriage will run its course. Why did I come here today? The answer is very simple: to see her one last time and say goodbye, to give up once and for all.

Maybe it's time to step in before my drama drives me completely insane.

I started looking at the sweet face of the bride from a distance. I remembered the sweetness of his smile and his laugh. Despite the fact that she only briefly thanked the guests for coming, it seemed that my former love was addressing me personally, warming me with her warmth for the last time.


I hoped we would meet again. As for her future husband, if he was still flirting around, I'd take the opportunity to let him deal with this while I kept quiet.


Convincing my heart, I turned and left the hotel, feeling completely crushed and devastated.

When I got back home, I realized that I really didn't have the strength to even take off the rented suit, which must be weird and ridiculous. All I managed to do was throw myself on the bed, dropping a bouquet of white roses and a crystal ball I got from that uncle at the flower shop. It remains only to plunge into another sweet dream about what will never happen in the real world.

In a dream, I heard music coming out of the crystal ball. I could see that she was there and she gave me a smile before walking away…



~ Rrrrr… ~

The sound of the alarm clock on my phone signals the start of a new morning. I don't want to get out of bed, but I have to get up because I have to go to the office today. The boss had already taken it upon himself to let me know about my heavy load. Even though I really don't feel like it, I have to run to the office to start translating. 

We have a new indie film scheduled to be released in the next couple of months. The retro style and use of slang make it quite unusual, which is why translators don't line up for work. And nobody asked me. The boss simply agreed to accept the order, shifting its execution onto my shoulders. He also then said that for a job well done, I would be rewarded with a free ticket to the zoo.

Damn! What did he expect to hear in response from a thirty-year-old man?! That I only dream of going there and talking to the hippos?!

I thought about it and got upset again. So I need to get all the superfluous out of my head and force myself out of bed!

Hey! Where is my towel? I got up and looked around the room. I remember very well how yesterday I hung it on the chair by the bed… wait a minute, why did the chair disappear too?!

What kind of insolent thief broke into my room while I was sleeping?!

But why would any thief so foolishly waste his talents on my humble abode? Did he forget to explore the necessary information in advance? He came in here, realized I had nothing, and then absentmindedly took my chair and towel with him.

I took another look around to find other signs of someone else entering my apartment. And I suddenly realized that the surrounding around me are very different from usual… How could I not notice this last night?

It's been a long time since I wore Ben10 underwear. I remember the last time I wore them was when I was in college and then I threw each pair in the trash before I graduated.

What kind of thief makes an effort to bring it back and carefully leave it here?


Wait a minute! Since when did the Shakespeare in Love poster on the bathroom door turn into the poster of the movie Iñárritu?

All of these oddities prompted me to turn around to take a closer look at the state of the room once more. Until my heart almost jumps out of my chest, it feels like this isn't my room, it's like it's a completely different room.

An entire shelf of Japanese manga I sold years ago is neatly tucked away in the closet again. The refrigerator… looks much newer than it did yesterday. Surrounding furniture…bed…damn…everything else… is different. I threw off the blanket, which immediately fell to the floor. I don't understand, maybe I'm still dreaming?


Hey! The pain of the slap spreads like boiling water across my face. It's definitely not a dream. But why is everything different?

I ran back to my bed and grabbed my old cell phone that lay beside the pillow. Yes, the same as before, But what was even more shocking was the date and time that appeared on the screen.

Today is not May 28, 2029. It is May 27, 2019.

Has time gone back ten years like in The Butterfly Effect?

Maybe I was very upset yesterday, depressed, and it drove me crazy. There must be some rational explanation!

Tormented by doubts, I got up and went to the closet, opening the door to examine myself in the large built-in mirror. I have to make sure that even if something strange is happening around me, my body remains the same.

“Hey!” I even yelled when I saw myself. I was so surprised that my eyes almost bulged out. My hairstyle had changed, my face is fresher and younger… Not to mention the fact that the body looks slimmer and more toned as if it lost a dozen extra pounds overnight! All things considered, I am definitely not the thirty-year-old man now working as a translator for a modest fee in 2029…

I really don't understand any of this...

To clarify the situation, without thinking, I jumped out of the apartment, as I was, barefoot, and ran down to the first floor of the dormitory, where there was a small grocery store. It's open 24/7 and I know all the vendors that are there, which should definitely put my mind at ease.

But having flown into the half-closed door, I froze in shock, standing with a stupid look in front of the counter 

I don't know any of the staff on this shift...

— "Welcome." A young woman with brightly made-up lips greeted me, without waiting for my reaction, she slightly tilted her head and asked: "Would you like to buy something?"

Kawee: "Umm no."

“Then how can I help you?”

Kawee: “Well…” I swallowed hard on the heavy lump that formed in my throat, not knowing what to say. My brain was completely blank. So I just asked the one question that I automatically processed in my head. “May I ask what date is today?”

The young woman had a puzzled look on his face but was willing to respond in a friendly manner.

— “Monday twenty-seventh”.

Kawee: "What month?"

- "May"

Kawee: “What year is it?" I asked upset.

— "It's 2019, Sir, are you on any TV shows?" She asked, intrigued. 

Big Buddha! What is that?! Where am I?!! What happened with me?!
Maybe… my parents are aliens with superpowers?

My uncle, who raised me, told me that my parents died when I was little in a car accident. When he said that, I was sad, although I almost didn't cry. Maybe because I was very young and didn't know what 'death' means. All I knew about my parents was that my mother was from Thailand and my father was Italian They met by chance, and my mother immediately fell in love with a lyrical man with brown hair and brown eyes, unlike everyone else. My father was half Italian and half Thai, but he couldn't speak Italian at all.

Well, where is the superpower then? There probably isn't…

Or is it true that time travel is the simplest and most common thing in the world? Maybe some secret organization kidnapped me, drugged me with something weird, and sent me on a trip in a time machine?


Am I a time traveler?!

Even when I don't want to believe it, I have to. I can't find another answer to why all this happened. All I could do was scratch my head and go back to the room and rummage through things to find information to clear my doubts.

A backpack, which used to be my favorite while in college sits on a moss-green Japanese table. After spending some time searching, I found several important items, one of which was an ID card identifying my name as Botkawee. Born in Chonburi. Also, the date of birth is also mine.

Second, a student card indicating that I am still studying at the Faculty of Humanities.

Third, I found 15  baht in one of the pockets. Why am I always poor?

Fourth, a bank card, new, not yet used.

Fifth, a metro pass with an unknown expiry date.

And finally, the curriculum for the second year, apparently the semester has just started since inside the backpack I couldn't find any work or project. Even trying to remember what happened ten years ago, everything was too blurry to know anything precisely.

However, there is one thing that I still remember. This is the schedule that shows the list of subjects that I must attend classes that day.

English was the only class this semester in which Praemai and I studying together. 

And why was it necessary to return to the past if I again have no money in my account?

I don't know what makes possible for me to move ten years ago, but...

After spending almost half an hour coming to terms with the current state of affairs. Yesterday I was terribly sad that I didn't get to say hello to my first love. But now I have a chance to change everything so that we can get to know each other better, not how everything happened previously.


Today's tasks

1. Choose the front-row seat. (If you sit next to her, even better)

2. Greet her with a short introduction.

3. Get her contact number.


I love her. And being in the eyes of the person you love is a privilege, the biggest dream of a person like me.

Decided! Now I am not that thirty-year-old coward and loser, but a twenty-year-old student who knows the value of time and actions. I may have made a mistake in the past, but now there will be no more.

I will take advantage of this!


— “The new schedule for this semester leaves no room for grade adjustments!"

— “Because it's made for normal students, not a bunch of idiots!”

Someone else's quarrel reaches my ears. I take a deep breath and enter the auditorium, greeting everyone. In the past, this very scene had already happened. It's important to note that I vaguely remember the conversation, but I know it's the same thing.

- "Welcome!"

- "Hello…"

Amidst the noise that prevails between the students of the two faculties, I was greeted by a familiar face who was standing in the doorway.

— “This year, the class is very chaotic. There are so many people."

- "Yeah"

— “So, where are you going to sit? Come and sit with me."

Kawee: “Um…” I trailed off. I sweep my eyes across the room. She usually sat in the front row of the class, where she used to be! At that moment, my attention was drawn to her pretty face. And my whole world immediately collapsed, I shattered, and I will never be the same... because in front of me was her, the most beautiful and sweetest...

Kawee: “No, it's not very good here... I think I should sit in the front”

Friends are important, but when it comes to this girl, she should always come first.

- "Well, if you say so."

In fact, I was the only one who didn't have close friends or company to just hang out with on the weekends. In most cases, all my communication was limited to an optional 'hello' with classmates or colleagues at work.

The advantage of this lifestyle was that, for any group project and task, you could always ask for help from other students or co-workers, who would just as easily support and participate.

The downside was that I had to accept the perpetual loneliness that came every time I returned to my apartment. Because I've never had real intimacy with anyone. Nobody called me just to go somewhere after school or work. When I traveled, I often wondered what it was like to travel with someone who knows what was in my heart. Unfortunately…

My life was extremely simple and boring, both during my studies at the university and later, when I became an adult and got a job. And now that I've been given the opportunity to go back to the past, I want to change everything. Say goodbye to dull life to a bright and beautiful future. Yes! I must do my best and fight for it!

Praemai's friend is sitting to her left, it looks like they are talking about something. They are so glued together that it's hard for me to find an opportunity to pop in and just say hello. I bet with myself, but I still have to risk and try.

Kawee: "Hmm… sorry, is this seat occupied?" I muttered sheepishly.

Dragging my feet and stumbling out of nowhere, I approach the front row and speak to my one and only love for the first time.

Although my voice is shy and calm, my heart is pounding so hard it's about to pierce my chest and burst. I can barely stand, but I have to maintain an appearance of calm because the girl in front of me is already smiling at me, about to respond. There is not a trace of disgust on his face...

Mai: "It's free. You can sit."

Oh, Buddha… not only is she beautiful in appearance, but she is also very sweet and kind.

The sound word broke the absolute silence around, and a man with a beautiful face and body, a little over six feet tall, well known among the students of this university, appeared in front of everyone.

Teacher: “Come in and have a seat.” The teacher allowed him to enter calmly and quietly.

The third-year business student headed for the stairs, climbing them and looking for empty seats. But he got here very late, so all the seats were taken.

Teacher: “There is an empty seat in the front row, so hurry up and sit down so we can start discussing the content for this semester.” 

The teacher calmly urged him on.

And this third-year student immediately started down the stairs between the rows, heading towards me. There was only one chair free next to me.

Praemai: “Pisaeng, here!” Praemai enthusiastically waved her hand at him.

Do they know each other from university? Damnit!!!

A tall guy named Pisaeng walked to the front row, gave me a mocking look, and sat down in an empty seat next to me. I never thought that going back in time I could meet Praemai's future husband again.

The teacher had just started distributing the lesson plan and notes to all the students, so it was pretty quiet.

Pisaeng: “Hey! Who are you and why are you sitting here?” A low, muffled voice spoke which provoked me to the point of turning to look at him pale-faced for a moment before answering.

Kawee: “This table is not occupied by anyone. Can't I just sit here?"

Pisaeng: “It's not a problem where you sit. but I have seen you sitting alone in the administrative class, But are you sure you're not lost? Here's my group. Don't you feel more comfortable around your friends?”

Kawee: “The teacher said we should work together to get to know each other better.” I replied with a serious expression on my face. I am thirty years old, I am not the boy from before.

Pisaeng: “There is! What a cute and smart little boy!”

Kawee: "Who is the cute little boy? It's definitely not me.”

Pisaeng: “Of course, you are, my dear Nong.”

Kawee: “I will never be your dear Nong!”

What am I doing?… It came out absolutely by chance, everything that was thought of in my head escaped my tongue.

Pisaeng: “Fine, then I call you just Nong…”

I'm not interested in everything he says. I lower my eyes and read the course description for this semester. But the incessant voice beside me continues to get on my nerves, not allowing itself to be ignored.

Kawee: "Stop calling me that." I really want to scold him, but I'm afraid that the girl sitting across from me, whom I've secretly liked for a long time, might get a bad impression of me.

Pisaeng: “So tell me, what is your name? My name is Pisaeng.”

Kawee: “Okay, Pisaeng, I'm Kawee, nice to meet you.”

Pisaeng: “I am also very happy to meet you, Nong Kawee."

Damn, it!!!!! Why is he so different from the well-known image of Pisaeng that I remember? I know Pisaeng is very charming and likes to flirt with girls. It's easy for him to get close to anyone, even if they haven't met before, or that person is a man. But I don't want to know him so easily, or, worse still, get close to him!

Pisaeng: “Sorry, I'm going to use the word 'Nong'. When girls talk to each other like that, it sounds. It's cute".

Kawee: "But I'm not a girl."

Pisaeng: “I just trying”

Kawee: "Go try it with someone else."

Pisaeng: “Nong Prae, have you eaten yet?” He suddenly asked my neighbor across the way about my head.

She looked up from her notes and replied quietly:

Mai: "Don't play, Pisaeng, I'm studying."

Pisaeng: “Wow! She doesn't want to play with me either!” I

I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction when Pisaeng rolled his eyes dramatically, feigning sadness and grief.

And then she also looked at me and said hello.

Kawee: “Hello. Are you from the Faculty of Cultural Studies?”

Mai: “Oh,” she put down the pen, and raise her head to look me in the eye “I study Administration. My name is Praemai."

Kawee: "Hello, my name is Botkaawee."

Mai: "Botkawee?" Aaaah... even when she looks so suspicious, she still looks really cute. So I tucked a polite wai into my chest and bowed slightly. And then I hurriedly turned to look at his beautiful and tender face to explain the meaning of my name.

Kawee: “Yes, Kawee means Poem. Sorry to sit among your friends.”

Mai: “It is okay. Usually, Pisaeng never sits with us, he has his own group.”

Kawee: “I understand, as for me…I can sit with any of the groups.”

Mai: "Kawee is very approachable, very social." I'm not really. I was a person who always preferred to stay away from any group, especially places where there might be a lot of women. My male friends, with whom I could become relatively close, most often had groups of their own, to whom they devoted all of their time and energy. Therefore, I can be called closed and lonely rather than sociable.

Kawee: “Actually, I just want to make friends in different departments.” I said with a smile. I hope she can see the sincerity that I try to convey.

Mai: “Then you can be our friend. As you have already heard, my name is Praemai and this is my friend Irin, next to Irin is Kwan.”

Kawee: "Nice to meet you."

I turned to the two, doubled my wai, and bowed slightly.

Pisaeng: “What are you looking at, Nong?” He just caught my eye by looking in his direction.

I ran to turn around, but apparently, I didn't do it fast enough, because he punched me lightly in the shoulder, which immediately pissed me off.

Kawee: “What do you want?”

Pisaeng: "Is there any cute girl from the Humanities?"

Kawee: “Why do you want that? Do you want to flirt with them? It will be difficult because most already have a boyfriend.”

Pisaeng: “Do not deceive me, my dear Nong.”

Kawee: “Stop calling me ‘my dear Nong!” Anyway, a reaction that suits my twenty-year-old younger self better. But even though I somehow managed to get into my own past, my mind still belongs to a mature, grown man in his thirties. How can he call me ‘Nong’? 

Pisaeng: “Why not, Nong? What is wrong?”

Kawee: “Pisaeng can you stop talking to me? It's annoying!”

Pisaeng: “Give me the money and I promise I won't bother you again.”

Kawee: "I have only fifteen baht"

 Without another word, I reached into my backpack and reached for my wallet. I picked it up and pulled out a few crumpled pieces of paper and a handful of coins. I really want to throw this money in Pisaeng's face, and then go after him in the head!'

Kawee: "Take it and stop calling me Nong"

Pisaeng: “Okay”, he took the money from my hand. Wait, it was just a threat, but why isn't the result what I thought?

Kawee: “Oh really?”

Pisaeng: "Yes. We made a deal.”

Kawee: "But… those were my last fifteen baht…»

Pisaeng: "So what?"

Kawee: “You have to return them to me!”, I negotiated, otherwise… what am I supposed to eat?

Pisaneg: I will not return this money to you. I promised not to call you 'Nong' again. Although… you are very cute, you know that?

Kawee: "Okay, I know that."

Pisaeng: "Why are you so cute?"

Damn it!! It pisses me off that he keeps calling me 'cute'! It's even worse than 'Nong'! What's wrong with him?! I'm fed up with all this...

Kawee: "Are you a real person?" I could only ignore Pisaeng, trying not to fall for his tricks. Although I wanted to punch him in the face more and more!

Pisaeng: "We already knew each other, so do you think it's possible to talk to me like that?"

Kawee: “No, we just met, but I immediately liked you. Although when you talk to me like that, it's a little disappointing, you know!." OK. He thinks I'm cute. So I have little hope of destroying it. It's too bad I'm not from a rich and influential family, so I would definitely do that.

Pisaeng: “So what did you expect from me?”

Kawee: "I don't know." 

As for me, I just want the PraeMai of the future to have a better man. A man who won't hurt her or make her cry. So I'm really glad that I went back in time and could fix everything so that in the end, Mai and Pisaeng don't get married and don't have to get divorced later.

Pisaeng: “Sometimes people like to expect too much from other people, looking to them as role models. Although, in fact, all that exists in such a person is his attractive appearance.”

So he just turned on drama mode?

Kawee: "Well, it's good to be yourself, just the way you really are."

Pisaeng:"Thanks for the compliment!"

Kawee: "That's not what I meant... I want to curse you out."

Pisaeng: “Call and curse at 089-774 xxx”

Kawee: "Oh man, how can anyone stand you?"

Pisaeng: “It's a good technique to ask for a girl's number. You do not know?"

This man… really dangerous.

Kawee: “So, am I the girl you want to talk to?”

Pisaeng: “Haha. I'm sharing my dating techniques and you don't even understand them. You are so bad." Then the speaker no longer paid attention to me. He went back to spending all his time talking to the girls who were in line to chat with him. As for me, I turned my attention back to Mai.


It seems that she is studying a lot. So I couldn't find a chance to intervene except to wait until class was over. Before the rest of the students gradually left the room, I want to be with the one sitting next to me. What should I do to continue the conversation with PraeMai? If I miss this chance, I'll probably never get another chance to get close to her again.

And then I remembered the way to find out her number, which Pisaeng had recently told me about.

There's nothing wrong with trying.

Kawee: “Mai… are you okay?"

Mai: “Hmm,” She lifted her head from her notes and looked me straight in the eye.

Kawee: "So you want me to curse me?"

Mai: "What's wrong?"

Kawee: “Would you like to curse me? If you want to curse me then call me at 082-643xxxx”.

Before I could finish the sentence, PraeMai started laughing so hard that her eyes turned into narrow slits. What's with her weird reaction? Where did I go wrong? Or does the Pisaeng's method not work for everyone?

Mai: "You are very funny person, How can I call you and curse you"

Kawee: "Well... I don't know."

Mai: “If you want to be my friend, just add me on Line. Why should I scold you? Pisaeng's dating method is only suitable for Pisaeng.”

Damn it! She knows!!! Did she hear everything when I talked about it with Pisaeng? We must have been talking too loud. But that doesn't seem to be a problem, as Praemai is already showing me his cell phone screen with a QR code to add a friend to Line.

oh yeah~~~

Finally, we exchange contacts!

It happened faster than I had time to realize it all. Praemai and her friend had already walked out of the room behind their classmates, leaving me sitting alone with my eyes shining, when, like a complete psychopath, I looked over and couldn't tear myself away from the profile picture on Line of the girl I love more than anything else in the world.


I walked back to the hostel with a light, dancing step. Everywhere I looked, everything was in bright pink colors, full of happiness and hope.

And even though I don't have a single baht in my pocket right now, it doesn't matter… until it's time to pay the room rent.

But I have my love and hope, so everything will definitely be fine.

When I got back to the room, I threw myself on the bed and started rolling on it, screaming something unintelligible for the happiness that overwhelmed me.

Until midnight, I didn't eat or do anything, as I dedicated that time to drawing up a plan to achieve my main goal. Step by step. Starting from the first, sending the sticker to Line…

…And tomorrow I'll have to go up to her and have a little chat, if possible, then excuse myself to sit next to her in the next pair…

I had a lot of ideas, I wrote and wrote tirelessly, not noticing how I accidentally fell face down on the scattered sheets of paper and fell asleep.


Knock Knock 

The knocking on the door was so loud that the sound woke me from the sweetest, most beautiful sleep I've ever had.

I hate waking up in the morning. There is fog before the eyes, and the brain still continues to sleep, with all its strength resisting the awakening of consciousness as long as it can.

Bright sunbeams illuminate my room. Gradually I come to my senses and realize that I fell asleep sitting at a low Japanese table. But something wasn't right...

This table isn't as green as it used to be. And when I carefully looked around, I noticed other serious changes…

I've never had an electronic display watch before, but now it sits on the nightstand next to my bed. Showing time and date: 10:00 am May 27, 2029.

What?! Have I returned to the present?

Knock... Knock

Someone keeps knocking on the door, I got up, forcing myself to wake up, and tried to get up and go to the door. I took a deep breath, pressed the doorknob, and… I ended up facing…

Pisaeng: "Kawee, why are you still like this?"

Kawee: “Pisaeng!”

I opened my mouth as if I had met a ghost in broad daylight.

Pisaeng: "Wow! Well, yes, it's me. How are you? Are you well?"

I got to my feet and couldn't move, in deep shock. I looked up and down at the figure of the man in front of me. Pisaeng, perfect as ever, in a white shirt and black suit and tie. The face and hairstyle have not changed much over the past ten years. The only thing that has appeared and is very noticeable is a strange wisdom and understanding shining in his bottomless black eyes.

Pisaeng: “Okay, I understand all that. We are both saddened by what happened."

Kawee: "What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" The tall man's expression was really strange. More importantly… how we met?

Pisaeng: “Have you really woken up yet?”

Kawee: "No."

Pisaeng: “Hurry up and take a shower, wash your face. we need to hurry.”

Kawee: “Hurry to where?”

Just don't tell me it's for his wedding... because on this day of this month and year my one and only love, the girl who should be mine... will she marry this man again? But why….

Pisaeng: “Kawee, what's wrong with you? Don't you remember that we will attend the funeral together?"

Kawee: "What do you mean?"

Pisaeng: “Today is the funeral before cremation”

Kawee: “What a cremation! What are you talking about, Pisaeng?

Pisaeng: "What are you doing?"

Kawee: "That thing you said and I'm trying to understand."

Pisaeng: “Praemai is dead. Don't you remember?"

My knees buckled in surprise and the shock that covered me with my head… and my heart pounded so hard I could hear the sound of my own blood under the skin… I bit my lip until it bled, feeling no pain as the tears fell from my eyes in a continuous stream...

Going back in time really prevented Mai from marrying Pisaeng… but in the end… everything I managed to redo ten years ago made her leave me forever…

Consequences of going back in time: PRAEMAI WAS DEAD.

To Be continued in the next episode

Thank you for reading

For more Episode of Be My Favorite, follow my youtube channel


Well d*mn! That's one heck of a cliffhanger. Great chapter and Thank You very much for the unofficial translation of this novel. I can't wait for the next chapter ?. 

Thanks for another great translation.