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doesn't know whether to laugh or cry


doesn't know whether to laugh or cry
PTS Original: The Silent Forest taiwanese drama review
PTS Original: The Silent Forest
14 people found this review helpful
by Ashu
Feb 21, 2021
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This movie is disturbing like really really disturbing. Don't take the warning above lightly cuz I truly mean it. I'm the kind of person who enjoys watching gory movies but this one made me feel sick to my stomach. I even had to look away from some scenes. It's THAT disturbing.

But other than it being disturbing af it's a masterpiece regardless. It truly explores human psychology and how different individuals deals with trauma, sexual trauma to be more precise.

The movie doesn't shy away from exploring such heavy and sensitive topics. It shows graphic rape scenes that were just too disturbing to watch but you also are curious to what will happen next.

Basically, as you might've read in the synopsis, the movie is about a guy finding out that the girl he has a crush on is being raped by her "friends" , he doesn't know how to react to that news but he nevertheless talks about it to her and he finds out that the girl despite getting

hurt is apparently ok with it since they are her friends and they consider rape as " just playing" but how can she be ok with it ? So he tells this whole thing to the only trustworthy teacher, our da Jun and he takes the case in charge but little did he knew that the truth is far more cruel than he thought.

Other than it showcasing things about sexual abuse so well, another thing that I loved about it was it's realistic portrayal of deaf kids and how society either shows prejudice or sympathy to them most of the time rather than empathy or help that they have to stay silent.

I feel like the movie does so well without having much dialogues in it. Most of the main characters are deaf from birth so they use sign language to talk to each other and literally the movie barely has any dialogues and I feel like that also helps in creating the eerie atmosphere in the movie plus it's done so well that you don't even realize the has little to no dialogues.

The acting is done effortlessly well that you don't feel the need for the movie to have dialogues plus subtitles are there to help you understand what they are saying by the sign language communication.

You rarely sees movies or stories from the eyes of someone who can't hear and speak but the movie does an incredible job in pulling that off.

Another thing that I loved about it is the poetic cinematography. Some scene/shots feel like they are trying to say something to the viewers. The atmosphere is really created in a way that gives you an eerie kinda feeling and the cinematography helps in keeping that atmosphere.

Now let's talk about my most favourite thing about this movie and it's how no one is a villian in here. The movie is a psychological one and like I said above that it explores sexual abuse in a very deep way. The movie blurs the line between the evil and good because everyone is a victim and everyone is the perpetrator in this movie.

Yes I hated Xiao gaung, the main "bad guy" in the movie in the beginning but I also cried buckets for him and I also know that a lot of other people did too. Cuz the movie and the characters are THAT complex.

Most of the movies that talk about abuse goes like this - ML ( it's always a guy idk why ) finds about abuse, reports to police, fights the villian/s and happy ending but in reality it's not that simple. Abuse specially sexual is not that simple. It makes you feel that your body is tainted and can also turn you into a monster yourself ( although not always the case but it happens, I've seen it happen. )

The movie goes deep into the mind of the "mastermind", why is he like this ? Why is he a monster ? Are monsters born or made ? According to the movie, monsters are clearly MADE and I agree but what do you think ? Watch the movie and tell me do you think they deserve punishment ? Do you think this will ever stop ?

The movie is a masterpiece and although after reading this blog you may have gotten an idea of the whole plot and I basically told you what happened in the real life and you might be thinking that it's no use to watch the movie since you're already spoiled. Don't think so. Watch the movie right now! It's just so needed and awesome! It's not the plot of the movie that makes it amazing, it's the execution of it! So go watch it now !
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