
  • Last Online: 6 days ago
  • Gender: Female
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  • Contribution Points: 1,416 LV7
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  • Join Date: September 10, 2023
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award9

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Welcome fellow user! I am currently working on building my profile, hopefully I'll decide on something before the Sun expands and encompasses the Earth, but no promises.

I like to make people laugh, I love making jokes and I do laugh at my own funny moments. 

Not all of my posts are about dramas, sometimes my brain has something to say and I just have to release it into the world.

Here's a picture of a Dahlia flower in the mean time:

As of 25 November 2024, I have decided to regularly update the picture of Dahlia flowers below so that people can actually see something new when coming to my profile. Cue the flowers!

Number of Dahlia Photos So Far: 5


8d 12h 19m
272 episodes, 27 shows
5h 29m
3 movies

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