Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart (Movie)
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I prefer this over the "series" version
I watched the series version of this as it released but never left a review for it because I only recently added all the Asian shows/movies I've watched to MDL - and rated them - very recently. And when I say recently, I mean a week ago haha. However, the movie cut for WISH YOU was released onto viki and now all the English subs are loaded now, so I just watched it. I wasn't going to rewatch this until I heard there was an extra twenty minutes added that wasn't in the original series cut. That definitely interested me since I only scored the series a 7/10 due to the flow not being quite right and the story not making complete sense.With that, I'll start my review.
Story: Honestly, a solid 8/10 from me. This type of story and the amount of development in it really fits a movie format more than a series. One of my biggest gripes with all of the Korean BLs is that they release them in 8-10 ten minute episodes instead of just releasing it as a film in the first place. But also, I'm not going to complain that much because at least South Korea are making BLs in the first place, ya know? (ones that aren't tragedies or sad haha.) Anyway, I only gave a 8 because I still feel as though the characters are a little under developed. In the end, we still don't know all that much about either of them except that Kang In Soo's dad is a CEO who doesn't want him pursuing a music career. The writing is great, the cinematography is great and so is the aesthetic. Great quality all around. What I'm really happy about is that the story MAKES MORE SENSE in the movie cut and it FLOWS NICELY (woo!) and it's all because of that extra 20 minutes. Even though the added scenes may not seem important, they are. For example, in the series I'm pretty sure they didn't show that Sang Yi was in a band early on like they did in the movie, so that scene where Kang In Soo sees him playing the keyboard makes way more sense lol. Plus, we got to see Kang In Soo hear the arrangement he doesn't like and them eating after he walks out while he avoids the topic with Sang Yi - which is why he says "Say it" to him when Sang Yi won't drop it after lunch/dinner. There argument makes more sense that way. Another example is when we see Kang In Soo after the kiss as he plays the guitar and thinks about Sang Yi, I think this was an important scene to include rather than the story skipping straight to the next day when everything happens like it does in the series. And even the scene later in the movie when we see Sang Yi go to Min Sung (In Soo's friend/manager). That whole searching scene adds a lot honestly. All of the added scenes that they originally cut out of the series are subtle moments, but they make the story flow way better and helps with the logic of the story as a whole. Thank God I wasn't left feeling confused by the end this time.
Acting/Cast: Not much to say but the cast did a great job and I think everyone was casted perfectly. I especially loved Sang Yi's acting. They had great chemistry too which is always important.
Music: The OST for this WISH YOU is amazing. I really love all the songs but Wish For You is definitely my favourite. I listen to it a lot. I even learned it on ukulele and learnt all the words despite being a native English speaker. Both Kang In Soo and Sang Yi are great musicians.
Rewatch Value: I feel like this is strictly personal preference so take my opinion with a grain of salt here. However, I only gave the rewatch value of this movie a 7/10 because I'm not a rewatcher in general. I only rewatch shows or movies that really stick with me or that I become obsessed over. This movie is super cute and maybe somethings others would love to rewatch, but it's not obsess-worthy for me. Again, that's just my personal opinion! Although, technically I did rewatch this since I watched the original series and then this movie cut of it.
Overall: I highly recommend this! It's cute, revolved around music, and it's only 1hr 42mins of your time! (:
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Since no one else reviewed this, I will (:
I'm shocked there are zero reviews on this web series so I've decided I'll write one as spoiler free as possible! Just in case people don't want to risk checking the comments on here (in case they see a spoiler). Also, if you're wondering where to watch this, it's available on their official youtube channel! Just search 'Discipline Z Vampire' and you should be able to find it.Okay let's start...
Story: I REALLY loved the storyline! And for those who keep asking in the comments, yes this has two gay characters in it that have a relationship and it is part of the story, but that's not the focus of the web series. It's more about the whole mutant genes thing and Hyung-Tae, but the BL aspect is a main storyline so don't worry! I'm just letting you know now that this isn't your typical BL that's centered around university and romance. I loved the storyline, the cinematography and camera work was really great for a web series (the only thing that felt low budget was the green screens in some parts but that's expected when this show is obviously low budget). Another thing I loved was styling for the outfits like WOW, the stylist did a great job. I loved the main characters and was so happy to see Ji-Han still be one! He was my favourite in the first Discipline. Some people think the ending was rushed but I disagree, I liked the ending and it made me excited for the Ji-Han and Asin's story! I do believe there could have been part of the plot that was more developed but that's why I'm only giving the story aspect an 8/10. In conclusion, the show was really interesting, enjoyable and easy to watch and I recommend it based on the story alone!
Acting/Cast: Ah, so the reason I give this a 6/10 is mostly because of the acting done by the English speakers. I believe this show would have benefited and been way more polished if they didn't try to have an international concept. Especially with the character Yuri. I couldn't really understand half of what she was saying because her accent was so strong (despite her character not being able to speak/understand Korean and only English) and her laughing was way too fake. The actor who played the professor didn't do as bad, in some parts he was decent (majority of those parts being when he didn't have to express anger or annoyance). Honestly, the acting done by the ones who played Jay, Ji-Han, and Asin were better - during their English lines - than the ones who have to speak English the whole time. In saying all this, I'm not judging this as harshly as I would a big production with a bigger budget, since as I mentioned, this is only a web series with a lower budget so I understand it would be difficult to bring in amazing actors for those specific English-speaking roles. Plus, I have to commend the actors efforts and the production's inclusivity of other languages. The Korean acting was significantly better but still not the best I've seen. Although, I think some of that can be because of the script they were given (sometimes it felt awkward or unnatural). However, the main cast all did a fantastic job really, especially the actors who played Hyung-Tae and Ji-Han. (WAIT I JUST FOUND OUT THE THE ACTOR WHO PLAYED HYUNG-TAE WAS IN 'STEP FOR YOU' WHICH IS A KOREAN SHORT BL THAT I LOVE OMG WHAT).
Music: I gave an 8/10 because I enjoyed the soundtrack overall but it wasn't anything amazing.
Rewatch Value: I only gave this a 5/10 because I'm not really a rewatcher and when I do rewatch shows or movies, they're ones that are my absolute favourites or it's because I want to rewatch before the next part comes out. And to watch the next part of this (Summer Deja-Vu), I don't actually need to rewatch this.
Overall: A 7/10 because it was a unique story - at least for a BL it was haha - and I really enjoyed it! Plus I loved the styling of the outfits and hair, the cinematography was great, music was great, and the main cast are awesome. And I love when South Korea jumps on the LGBTQ+ band wagon in a positive way. I definitely recommend just giving it a go if you're on the fence!
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Before I start, let me say that if you haven't watched this, YOU NEED TO RIGHT NOW. It is literally amazing, beautiful, and I'm someone who doesn't give out tens easily when it comes to rating BLs. This is one of three series that I've given a 10/10 (the other two are The Untamed and History3 Trapped). Originally, I only gave it a 9.5/10 but then it stuck with me. I kept thinking about it after I had finished and I kept thinking about wanting to give it a 10. So, after watching the documentary, I gave in and changed my rating. Which, by the way, I gave the documentary a 10/10 too I think.OKAY LET'S START.
Story: I have no idea how to encompass all that is perfect about this series into one paragraph. The plot is perfect. The characters are perfectly developed. The cinematography is perfect. The writing is perfect. Literally everything is perfect. I love how they didn't use flashbacks to show what the characters were thinking about, they relied on the acting capability of the actors and trusted their viewer's intelligence enough to connect the dots. I love that you actually see them study and go to school (you have no idea how many university or high school centred BLs I've seen where you rarely see them actually studying lol). The plot itself is complex and so well executed. Everything is purposeful and the pacing is never slow. The relationships and friendships between the characters are well developed and just as complex. The story's portrayal of homosexuality and teenage desire is beautifully executed. You watch the characters struggle and go through many obstacles and you become so invested in them. A side note; I loved the incorporation of Chinese in the script, editing, and storyline.
Acting/Cast: I didn't follow PP and Billkin before ITSAY. I never watched My Ambulance with them in it. But wow, was I missing out. Their acting is truly amazing. They gave everything to their roles without hesitation and really trusted each other (as well as their director). In the documentary, you see PP and Billkin supporting each other and using the other to get the right emotions for their scene. They play off each other so freaking well and have incredible chemistry. PP and Billkin each do a beautiful job at portraying every emotion their character is feeling. Their performances are truly impeccable. Not just them either, the entire cast was great. Including the child actors. They're the ones who grabbed my interest right away at the beginning of the series. I was invested from the moment I saw their emotional argument after the play. I also want to give special compliments to Khun (who played Bas) because he was absolutely amazing. I especially appreciated his talent after watching the documentary. That was his first cry scene ever and it didn't take him a lot to do it, he is such a natural actor.
Music: BEAUTIFUL UGH. I absolutely love the entire soundtrack. Billkin and PP are amazing singers - I could never get sick of their voices. I have all the songs on my favourites playlist and was just listening to them before writing this review.
Rewatch Value: I could rewatch this over and over without getting sick of it. I've said this in my other reviews, but I'm really not a rewatcher. I only rewatch things that either had a significant emotional impact on me or I haven't seen them in ages. (and they were good). I'm actually trying not to rewatch this already and I only finished it a few weeks ago. I'm so sad that the second part got postponed because of COVID but honestly, I would wait forever for it. I'm so freaking excited, you have no idea.
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I wasn't going to write a review until that last episode urged me to. Usually, I wouldn't praise a show/director/producer for giving us great kisses or whatever because I'm not that type of BL fan who just wants to watch two guys make out. I actually watch BLs because 1, I find them cute if they're done well, and 2, I 100% support LGBTQ+ media exposure and awareness. HOWEVER, I do have to praise the director/producer/writers of 'To My Star' for going against the grain and how the LGBTQ+ community are considered in South Korea. We all know how conservative and heteronormative society (and the governments) are in Asia. Especially Korea. And all the BL kdramas usually contain one or two "pecks" - if you can call lips barely touching and not moving a peck - at the end of the series or movie. 'Where Your Eyes Linger', 'Mr. Heart', 'Color Rush', and 'Wish You' all follow this formula for kissing. They either have decent pecks or the lips touch. 'To My Star' took a few steps forward, past its predecessors, towards a more progressive and positive direction. TMS had a total of THREE kisses and each one was better than the last.Sure, the first one was one of the aforementioned type of pecks but within the context of the scene, it made sense. The second was a more decisive, passionate kiss but still within the realm of what South Korea has given us already. It's the third kiss in the last episode that was hook, line, and sinker for me. The chemistry was amazing, there was OPEN MOUTH KISSING, they were all close and intimate in a bed together, and it lasted longer than 5 seconds. Like, wow. I was in shock as it happened, thinking that the camera would pan away before they actually kissed or right after but nope, they actually kissed. Properly.
I'm still in shock tbh and even though the production wasn't the most amazing, the writing wasn't incredible, the story was too short, and the editing wasn't impeccable, I'm still giving TMS a higher rating just for being progressive. Standing ovation to the actors too for being comfortable/supportive enough to not only act in a BL, but give their full passion into their performances. As I mentioned before, their chemistry is amazing and they didn't make their kisses look awkward at all. Which I appreciate.
Rewatch value is 10/10 because the show is short and easy to watch. Plus it's cute. I definitely recommend giving TMS a go if you haven't already!
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Lee Jun Ho *claps loudly*
Story: I'm giving the story an 8/10 because there were things that felt unresolved for me by the end. Plus, there were some scenes that lacked impact (particularly ending scenes on episodes) and it would just cut to the next scene weirdly. This isn't an editing issue, but a writing issue. However, with the negatives out of the way, I loved the story overall. Obviously, as a melodrama, it was quite the tear-jerker and played my emotions like a fiddle in a way that left you thinking about it. If you've read any of my other drama reviews, you'll know I'm a sucker for themes of friendship and family. Especially when those relationships are developed in such a beautiful way. I love sismance and bromance dynamics and this show had both. I also loved the developing friendship between the ML and a certain female character (that's not the lead). I appreciate what the writers did with her character and how they didn't make her into the classic "evil female" character. She was never threat, but rather a helpful pusher. That's all I'm going to say about the story, otherwise I'll walk too far down the spoiler city. OH wait. one more thing; I LOVED Gang Doo as a character. He's so loyal, sincere, lives with raw emotion, determined, hard-working, selfless, and caring. I loved how honest he was about his feelings and how determined he was about them if Moon Soo tried pulling away. He had some amazing lines. Moon Soo was also a pretty solid character with great qualities, but she did get on my nerves sometimes.Acting: First thing's first, I need to talk about Junho's acting in this because WOW *chef's kiss*. I honestly couldn't fault it and I'm very critical when it comes to acting performances. I've acted before and grew up acting in drama class too, so naturally, a drama or movie can be easily ruined for me if the acting doesn't feel real. Thankfully, I didn't have that issue with this drama whatsoever. I didn't find myself analysing the casts' techniques or possible awkward gestures, simply because if there were any flaws, I didn't notice them. And Junho in particular was fantastic. Every facial expression, enunciation and gesture was perfect for the line and scene. I feel like I should note that I wasn't a fan of his before watching this drama - I don't listen to 2PM and I haven't watched Wok of Love (or anything else he's been in). Therefore, my review of his acting is completely unbiased. I'm so excited to watch his future works and maybe his past ones; can someone tell me if I should watch Wok of Love? I really don't like love triangles so I wasn't planning on giving it a try, but now I'm wavering because of Junho.
Music: Great soundtrack! I love when kdramas have a fitting soundtrack that you remember, it makes the experience so much better than if it didn't.
Rewatch Value: I rated this low because I don't rewatch things often anyway, but if I did, I wouldn't rewatch this. Mainly because it's a melodrama. I love melodramas and would rewatch them, but only if there was a good mix of comedy in there or something to make it worth the rewatch (e.g. It's Okay to Not Be Okay, Goblin, etc). Plus, this drama is 16 hours long so I don't think I would want to.
In conclusion: I recommend this drama and thoroughly enjoyed it <3 especially Junho's acting. I don't think I would have enjoyed it this much without him.
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Not What I Expected
So, I finally got around to watching this series the other day because I know it's sort of a 'classic' when it comes to Thai BL dramas. I had put off watching it to begin with because I heard about how problematic it is (the Make It Right series as a whole) and the reviews for it weren't great.Anyway, this means I watched all of the seasons and this special thing within two days. Basically, even though the show had its flaws and I didn't rate either season above a 6.5/10, I was invested in TeeFuse and FrameBook by the end. What I was expecting in this special was a fluffy, cute, matured storyline. And no, I don't mean THAT kind of mature. I meant it in the sense that everyone is a bit older and therefore, may have matured in their acting capabilities.
Which brings me the biggest pro of this special for me; Peak's acting. I have to say that it has improved drastically and he had me full on bawling like a baby. Like WOW. He portrayed the right emotions perfectly for the character and scene every time (even if the script wasn't great to begin with.)
But really, if we remove his acting performance, then this doesn't have a lot going for it.
This special was, unfortunately, poorly written.
It felt slow and lacked any sort of energy or depth until the emotionally dramatic scenes. Slow pace is okay as long as it's purposeful and the plot is well developed nonetheless. However, that's not the case here. The plot was undeveloped and rushed for convenience. For example, they didn't explain WHY Tee's mum was suddenly against their relationship or why she was pushing them to break up. And then after we go through all that emotion and drama, it's all solved by a measly phone call? That completely negated all the conflict in a way that felt lazy. Based off of Tee's character in the series, it wouldn't make sense for him to accept breaking up with Fuse in the first place. Plus, he saw how much pain he was in and you're telling me he could have just said no to his mum that whole time? It just doesn't really make sense and I felt a little offended to be honest. It just felt like they wanted to make us cry and that was the only reason for scripting those scenes - instead of for the intention of the story etc.
Plus instead of relying on their actors to be able to portray certain emotions, desires, or thoughts, they just inserted captions to explain them? I really didn't like this idea because it interrupted the scene too much and therefore, disengaged me as a viewer. Peak and Boom are pretty good actors, I don't think the story needed the inserts. Another con is the ending for me. It was a little... Weird? I don't know.
Overall: mediocre soundtrack that lacked any variety, badly written and scripted, disengaging, and honestly fell when it came to chemistry too (however, I'm going to blame the script).
In saying all of this though, from what I understand, they didn't have a big budget for this project and I think it was created more to celebrate the three year anniversary of MIR/TeeFuse than anything else. So in that sense, it was decent.
I wouldn't rewatch it though unless I was in need of a solid cry (however, I might just watch a sad edit of The Untamed if I want that)
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You Should Watch It
This is a spoiler-free review, however this is like one sentence that's sort of spoiler-y (except if you looked at the tags/genres, it's not really a spoiler lol) so I'll put a spoiler warning before I say it.By the way, this show or short film would only take around 45 minutes to complete the entire thing so I definitely think you should watch it if you haven't already!
Story- I actually really like the format and it wasn't confusing for me because I chose to watch it in the following order: episode 2 'She', then episode 1 'He', and then finally episode 3 'It'. For me, that order is perfect and makes the most sense. Jeff said in the reaction video of episode 3 that He She It uses more imagery (than excessive dialogue) to show the story and meaning behind things. But the show also leaves room for interpretation, which I think is really good. The ending leaves you with this feeling of wanting more of an explanation but also not really needing one. That probably won't make sense until you watch it yourself. This might be an unpopular opinion but episode 3 was actually my favourite; maybe because it's the episode that allows you to connect all the dots and really feel for the characters. Obviously this is just a small production and more of a 'short film' than anything else, but I have to give props to the cinematography and storytelling. The entire concept is really great and intriguing. Honestly, it would have been absolutely amazing with a higher budget and longer run time. But it was still really good.
Acting/Cast- Pretty good. I love Jeff and think he improved over time in 'Ingredients' but his acting in this wasn't amazing. Don't get me wrong, it was good and for the most part, it was really great. But sometimes it did feel a little unnatural (like, I don't think he really felt the character enough to act out some scenes naturally.) I only really felt this way about his acting during the scenes where he was angry and a little bit during the scene with the friends in episode 2. However, he did really great in episode three (excluding maybe the scene with Meen) and when he acts with Game too. They play off of each other super well. Gameplay did a really good job also. I can't wait to see them in KinnPorsche!
Music- I said it in my review of 'Ingredients' and I will say it again... I'm in love with with Jeff's voice. He's such an amazing musician and honestly, one of the best Thai singers (out of BL actors) that I've come across. Him and also Billkin (from My Ambulance & I Told Sunset About You) are my favourites when it comes to singing.
Rewatch Value: I valued this at a 6/10 because I think it requires rewatching to get the full viewing experience (especially if you watch it in release order) but also, after that, I probably wouldn't rewatch it. {SPOILER AHEAD SO SKIP IF YOU DON'T WANNA KNOW} The reason I personally won't rewatch it is because it's sad. But it's an amazing experience to watch it once or twice. So hence the 6/10.
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Please Don't Let The Negative Comments Sway You!
Honestly, I'm writing this review purely to encourage others to give this show a go! I really thought I wasn't going to enjoy it because of all the negative comments and reviews I read beforehand (plus, I can be a harsh and picky critic). But, I was pleasantly surprised.Story: Obviously, this drama isn't flawless - it would have gotten a higher rating if it wasn't for my own nitpicking. However, it really isn't as bad as everyone says. At all. I would only say stay away from this drama if you're only interested in light, cute, fluffiness. It has these moments, but it also has quite a bit of angst. Which would be expected from the premise alone. I cried a lot and I was extremely invested in the lead characters.
Acting: I sincerely thought the acting was pretty good! I hate how there are people who automatically assume idols can't act or judge them unfairly. I like some Red Velvet songs but I've never been a stan. So I didn't have any biased opinions on her or see her as an 'idol' while watching. I love how she portrayed her character and I didn't find her acting awkward at all. The ML and FL had amazing chemistry also, I'm going to miss them as a couple.
Music: Great soundtrack - I don't have much to say on this except that it was a little repetitive.
Rewatch Value: Usually, I will rate this part low if there was a lot of angst but I loved the couple so much that I probably will rewatch it just for them in the future!
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AHH this was so cute ?
I know, this drama was a little confusing and slow the first 1-2 episodes but STICK WITH IT! I was originally watching Plus & Minus (another Taiwanese BL) and ended up dropping that halfway through episode 8 😅 then I started this and at first, I was kind of confused and you could definitely tell they didn't have the highest budget 😅 however, the dynamic between Amber & A'Le is so freaking cute. Their chemistry is insane and DAMN, they can ACT. This show is so wholesome and attacked me with the PERFECT amount of angst. Despite the shorter runtime, nothing felt rushed and everything felt genuinely built up and developed. I loved it. Even the arguments, emotional scenes, and points of conflict were so well executed. I can't gush enough about this bl.The main twist wasn't a shocker to me (I guessed as much in the first episode) however, I don't believe they wanted it to be completely hidden. *SPOILER WARNING* Even though I typically hate lying or hidden identity as a main trope, it was completely understandable in this case. Plus, I appreciated the development between the two leads as they are now--before the secret is revealed. *END OF SPOILER*
Another think I loved was the soundtrack! It was SO GOOD. At times, it was slightly too loud in certain scenes but other than that, I loved the music and how it was utilised.
I also just have to say that the actor who plays Amber did an amazing job. He was, for sure, the standout among the cast and probably had the toughest role to execute.
Anyway, I seriously recommend giving this bl a solid chance!
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Honestly Loved This Drama More Than MLFTS
I have a confession to make: this is my first LMH drama. I had always known about him and almost watched the kdramas he had been in. But then the reviews or tags would put me off watching them. I'm happy I chose to watch this.LOTBS doesn't seem to have a lot of praise in the top MDL reviews. However, I have a feeling that's because of how hyped this drama was when it came out and the fact that the two leads are MASSIVE stars. So maybe people had overhyped it to themselves and had higher expectations. For me, I had watched JJH in MLFTS (which everyone compares LOTBS to) but I hadn't watched any LMH dramas. Therefore, I basically had no expectations going into it.
Now let's get into the review.
Story: I REALLY enjoyed the plot and how well executed it was. There were many twists and turns but none of them felt excessive or unnecessary to me. It never once felt draggy to me and I absolutely loved most of the characters and their relationships/friendships. If you've read any of my reviews before, you'll know that I'm a huge fan of found family tropes or just really amazing family/friend dynamics. And this had all of that. It was the perfect mix of comedy, romance, friendship, and mystery for me. Plus, almost everything made sense. Of course, there are some plot holes but they didn't really alter my experience and I just held onto my suspension of belief for some things. ONE MORE THING: This drama had superb villains. The main one legitimately scared me because of how psychotic they were (using these pronouns to avoid revealing the gender for spoiler reasons.) Okay I swear THIS is the last thing for this section: I enjoyed LOTBS more than MLFTS (I gave that an 8/10). I felt more satisfied by the ending of LOTBS. I didn't have as many questions and I actually liked it way more. Plus, I loved JJH in this more too and the relationship dynamics.
Acting/Cast: AMAZING! Well maybe 95% perfect. Don't send the pitchforks but I think LMH had one of the weaker acting performances during certain scenes. But overall, he was really great in this role. His chemistry with JJH (who did a perfect job btw) was adorable and believable. Their on-screen romance was honestly so cute and I was most certainly invested. Now, onto the side characters and their actors. I can't fault any of their performances; they played their roles effectively. Shin Hae Sun was a nice surprise and although most people dislike her character, I didn't at all. I felt bad for her and liked that she was a good friend and didn't interfere all that much with the main pairing. Plus I loved her final pairing. Onto Shin Won Ho's character Tae Oh... AH my favourite. What a cutie omg I just wanted to give him a hug the entire drama. So precious. Lee Hee Joon did amazing as Nam Doo too and I really enjoyed his character because he always kept me guessing. I thought I had him figured out and then he would flip my thoughts onto themselves. The next two actors really outdid themselves when it came to their acting performances; Lee Ji Hoon as Chi Hyun and Hwang Shin Hye as Kang Seo Hee (his mother). Like wow. I don't want to say too much but I will say they played their roles perfectly and incredibly.
Music: This review is getting a little long so I'll keep it nice and short - typical kdrama soundtrack. It was nice and fitting, but nothing outstanding.
Rewatch Value: I would definitely rewatch this but not soon. I really did loved the romance in this and friendship dynamics (plus the comedy was great too) so I would enjoy rewatching it.
Overall: Sure, some aspects of LOTBS was cliche and predictable but I still felt like it was unique. Don't ask me for specifics because I don't think I could really give you any. I just really loved it and recommend giving it a watch.
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Just Watch It!
Seriously, I would recommend not even reading reviews and just dive in to form your own opinions of this drama. If you're into melodrama, badass leads, female chasing the male first, darker stories, found family and a side of comedy, then I 100% recommend this kdrama.Story: I feel like I've read a few reviews/comments from people saying that this dragged or was overrated but I loved the story and never skipped. It was a unique melodrama that honestly had me crying way too much. I found myself completely invested in the storylines and characters and this has become one of my all time favourite kdramas. Obviously, if you're looking for a light fluffy drama, then this isn't for you. But if you're into deep/4D characters, with even deeper stories, then look no further.
Acting/Cast: Wouldn't change a thing. The casting was perfect and the acting was truly amazing. And the chemistry was incredible. The ML and FL had some of the best chemistry I've ever seen.
Music: LOVED the soundtrack! It was so good and I found the songs getting stuck in my head.
Rewatch Value: an 8 is high for me when it comes to the rewatch value of a kdrama! I rarely rewatch anything but this is a drama I would definitely want to rewatch in the future.
Overall: WATCH IT! I hesitated with watching this for a year until I ran out of things to watch and finally decided to give it a go. I don't regret it at all.
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Pretty Good But Not A Masterpiece (worth a watch)
I'll start this by saying I'm pretty picky when it comes to the shows/books/movies I enjoy. And this review is for the most part spoiler-free (some things I wouldn't call a spoiler but some might).Story (6/10):
Two of the themes I hate (especially in kdramas) are 'misunderstanding' and 'miscommunication'. And this drama is basically driven by them. It was really frustrating at times because honestly, if the ML just asked the FL a couple of obvious/logical questions then we wouldn't have had to go through all the unnecessary-ness. But it didn't hinder my enjoyment too much because the rest of the plot was keeping me entertained and interested. The 32 (basically 16) episodes flew by really quickly and I rarely found myself skipping scenes. There wasn't a single moment where I thought "should I drop this?" and you would be surprised how often I debate dropping a drama when I'm watching it. Another trope I hate is a love triangle or square/reverse harem. Which put me off of watching this for a while (well, that and the fact that I love SHS's other drama 'Angel's Last Mission: Love' so much that I wasn't ready to see her paired with someone else haha). However, this had the kind of love triangle that I don't mind - the one where it's obvious who she has feelings for throughout the entire drama. My favourite theme throughout this drama is 'found family'. It was so cute how everyone's relationships developed and how they became a family.
Acting/Cast (8/10):
I didn't feel as though anyone did a particularly bad job when it came to their acting performances and the main cast all did pretty amazing. The only thing lacking for me was chemistry between the leads. Don't get me wrong, it was there and they were super cute but it still felt a little awkward or unnatural between them. ALSO Sieun from STAYC was in this which was a pleasant surprise. I knew she had done some acting pre-debut but I had no idea she was in this until I saw her and was like "AYY MY BIAS".
Music (7/10):
Not all that memorable but was good so yeah.
Rewatch Value (6.5/10):
I don't think I could sit through all the bad timing/lack of communication again. I'm not a huge rewatcher anyway but if I were to choose something to rewatch, this wouldn't be my first pick. I would choose 'Angel's Last Mission: Love' over this.
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I liked it
Story: Pretty solid for something so short - the story made me invested in the characters and their friendship despite the short runtime. Apparently I'm a sucker for the whole 'found family' trope and I didn't even know it until I watched this. It was really well done here and lacked the toxicity that some plots will have when it involves drinking/drugs/stealing etc. I loved how the characters were there for each other, supportive in their unique ways and how every characters was different but fit all together as a group. Adorable, really. I especially loved the following friendships/bonds: Tae-woo & Jihan, Jihan & EB, and Tae-woo & Hoo. I know a lot of people actually shipped Tae-woo and Jihan but I actually really loved the friendship (brotherly relationship) between them. It was incredibly sweet and the protectiveness cures my soul. There were of course parts of the plot that was under-developed and could have used more time or elaboration. But, that's why I gave it an 8/10 instead of a full mark.Acting/Cast: Gave this only a 6.5 because half of the acting isn't the best but honestly this show was awesome and the acting was pretty good for a mini web series
Music: 7.5 because it was almost forgettable.
Rewatch Value: Only a 6/10 because it's not something I would readily choose to rewatch unless I hadn't seen it in ages.
Overall: I highly recommend watching this! If I'm being honest, I was only watching this so I could watch season two with Jihan but I ended up quite enjoying this!
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Had So Much Potential To Be Amazing (but was ultimately just okay)
Abyss was a rollercoaster unlike no other. It had me changing my opinion of it with every episode.STORY: Some episodes were really great with the right balance of crime, comedy, romance, and thriller, with the addition of well executed storytelling. Whereas, other episodes were plain messy and had left me feeling frustrated with the characters' dumb decisions. On one hand, I disagree with a lot of opinions out there about this drama being to confusing or lackluster. But on the other hand, I agree that the story could have been executed waaaaaaaaaay better. I followed along pretty fine most of the time, so I wasn't having a hard time in that regard, but it still felt clumsy at times and the rules of Abyss (the marble itself) felt awfully convenient when they revealed themselves. So yes, plot holes are there. But I don't think the plot is as badly written as others make it out to be. Plus, the romantic storyline really held this show together - personally, I found it to be perfect and the leads were so cute together. I loved the themes of friendship too and how they developed slowly (and convincingly) throughout the drama. The only story aspect of this drama that let it down due to some messiness and senselessness is the crime (supernatural? alien? thriller?) part. And the ending. But that's completely personally preference. I'm sure a lot of people are satisfied with the ending but I really wasn't. I don't know, it lacked something (emotional impact?) for me. And I hate that kind of ending - I can't say without going into specifics but there's something (related to time) that I don't like. If you know, you know. Plus, I was still left with questions.
ACTING/CAST: Okay, why is everyone lowkey hating on AHS's acting performance in this? They say things like "... he's a little green, but he's done an alright job..." In my opinion, he did great! He nailed the right emotions during his scenes without overexaggerating and he does exceptional in romance scenes (especially kiss scenes lol). Also, he gives off that puppy vibe in this that vaguely reminds me of The Great Lee Jong Suk. Obviously, there's some improvement that could be done in some areas of his performance but I don't see the importance of nitpicking. PBY did a great job too and they had amazing, natural chemistry which is all we could ever long for.
MUSIC: Nice, fitting, and catchy.
REWATCH VALUE: Low for me because watching this storyline play out again would just exhaust me - OH that's another thing. This drama somehow felt draggy because it wasn't (? I don't know how to explain this). Basically, so much was happening in every episode and it almost always felt like I was watching a finale (or the build up to one) and therefore, it felt like the show went on forever.
IN CONCLUSION: I gave Abyss a 7/10 because I think it was good, had a great romantic storyline, the comedy was great when it happened, and I definitely recommend watching it at least once! And despite it's outward appearance - and the premise - this show isn't trying to say that "looks are all that matters", it's trying to say that "what's in the inside is what counts". Your soul. It's not like Cha Min was reborn handsome and Se Yeon was suddenly in love with him. If that had happened, I would have dropped this drama straight away for being shallow.
Anyway, give it a go and form your own opinion!
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Better Than I Expected
Okay so I wasn't expecting A LOT but I had been putting off watching this drama for a while. Mainly because it didn't look as complex/intense as how I usually like my dramas. And it's not. But it was soooo good.I'm no way implying the story was simple or lackluster. The plot was well formed and well executed. It kept me engaged and I didn't feel bored at all while watching - I don't think I even skipped a scene! The plot and the diverse characters was refreshing to experience. There was nothing unnecessary and I loved the messages this story tells. There was also quite a bit of development within friendships and dynamics that I really appreciated and loved. It's hard to really say my thoughts on the story and such without spoiling it but I hope y'all get the idea.
I think the cast did a great job with their acting performances and everyone had great chemistry. Personally, I loved the second couple - and their chemistry - more but the main coupling was also great to see develop. Since I know a lot of people are probably wanting to know about the kisses before watching, I'll say that I've 100% seen better and there aren't many but I hardly noticed because the chemistry between the couples were great nonetheless. I didn't feel like I needed to see them kiss a lot or anything. I would say this show focuses more on character development and plot rather than fan service, which I liked.
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