Bipolar drama, which could have been great, but ended up average. Watch if 1) You're looking for a historical drama with something different (this one happens mostly in China, so the entire décor and environment is different), 2) You like strong female leads, 3) You're satisfied as long as a drama has intrigue from beginning to end. Don't watch if 1) You can't stand when characters or plot elements make no sense, 2) You're vulnerable to the 2nd-lead syndrome, 3) You like fairy-tale endings.
The drama can be divided into two, very distinct, very opposite parts. The first one, roughly 3/4 of the show, is quite good and well written. There's a steady evolution in characters and relationship, and an omnipresent intrigue (at times more prominent than others but always there). Towards the middle of the show an element emerges that begins to make the drama lose credibility, but everything else is great, so it's okay. Then comes the last fourth of the drama, and all hell breaks loose. The plot takes a 180-degree turn, faults and loopholes appear, characters regress or lose coherence, relationships become too ambiguous, unnecessary deaths pile up...in short, you have a very disappointing, overly dramatic show that seems completely disconnected to the rest of the drama except for the enduring intrigue. Expect a rushed and dissatisfying ending.
The story is one thing, but the acting is a completely different matter. Superb acting from the entire cast, at least from where I'm standing. The one that particularly impressed me was Ji Chang Wook, probably because his challenging role gave more opportunity to see his skills.
Good fit with the show and usually appropriate with each scene's mood, but I personally didn't like it. Lots of screaming. Watch out for Ji Chang Wook's song though. It's cute.
Until around episode 37-38, yes, after that, no.
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