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Apparently, or as I think it is, Xiao Wei again met Pei Rong in another life as Princess Jing, the warrior who saved her in her staged ambush. Just like before, Princess Jing loves General Huo (the incarnated Wang Sheng--Xiao Wei loved in the previous life (in the first movie)) Again, by fate, the three of them met.
I like this sequel as it shows a bit of a soft side of Xiao Wei and her desire to feel and be a human. She had hated Pei Rong in the previous life but the connection she established with Princess Jing, might be complicated but can be measured as friendship. The plot of the first movie is about protecting and sticking up with marriage promise. This sequel, on the other hand, not only shows that but also shows love between friends, forgiveness, consideration, sacrifices and letting go. The idea that this film focuses on Princess Jing and Xiao Wei as they help each other makes it different and better than the first movie.
It's kinda sad how Xiao Wei, again, is put in the same position once again. General Huo offering his heart in exchange for saving Princess Jing. Unlike in the first movie where she did it because of her love for Wang Sheng... this time she flat out rejected General Huo's offer and saved Princess Jing on her own. (Well Princess Jing saved her multiple times anyway). This kind of gesture is sweet and warm but sad at the same time.
Where could Xiao Wei be now after saving Princess Jing and returning her heart? Hope if there's a next movie, she have a happy ending.
The main cast again wow the entire production of the movie... better cinematography, better fighting scenes and better plot. Not giving it full stars tho as I personally hated the characters... and I don't like hiw the film started.
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I saw the movie version first before this so I had some comparisons.
Firstly, Angelababy took her role as WeiWei very natural. It's like she owned it. ZS on the other hand doesn't feel right for the role. She's awkward to watch, tho she looked close to the age of Wei Wei, it's bothering to keep watching her. Often times, she is busy pouting all over the screen than to actually embodies Weiwei's natural charm. She is also awkward at kissing. Also, there's a big change in plots between the two versions, the Wei Wei and Xiao Nai in the movie gives off a real and natural feeling that they are indeed both hot bods and smart bods of their department/campus.
Secondly, I would prefer the movie's take on the gaming wardrobe of the characters especially of WW and XN. In the story, they are part of their server's leaderboard and are considered elite players. This descriptions can be easily distinguised by looking at their equipments and dresses unlike the drama version. I can say this coz I am a gamer too.
Thirdly, why I did not pretty much rave all over this drama is because the other supporting characters (especially KO-Mei couple and ErXi-CaoGuang couple) are more interesting to see on screen than the actual main leads.
Lastly, since the drama is longer than the movie, each episode seems dragging and boring to watch. If not because of the occassional gaming scenes, I would probably already dropped it. They are trying to slowly transition and progress in the story but sadly it is wasteful. The plot doesn't suggest a complex storyline nor rooms for intense twists. It is only a simple and straight flatline of story so getting it into a 30 episode is already a drag. (The main cast did not even help making it more comfy to watch, except YangYang is undeniably very charming but that is just it)
Probably if Angelababy was casted as WeiWei in the drama version, everything would be good or there's a significant change and uplift in the overall feels of the drama.
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My only setback is the flashy display of technology, overacting gestures of the cast and the cheap costume plays.
I also have mixed feelings with regards to their comedic transitions. It was so out of place that it felt inappropriate. Though, I laughed and did exactly what the purpose of those scenes and lines for, it still does not beat the need for balance, simplicity and the essence of the story itself.
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What I didn’t like tho is the animation editing and the numerous failed edits in some scenes which is noticeable. There’s been some scenes cut hastily or not shown which makes the whole flow a bit rush and lacking. There’s a lot of fillers that should have been compressed in few episodes, too. 1 evil spirit for 1 episode is a bit much.
It is also predictable and closes in an open ending. Some might find it uncool.
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Probably, it's because of the amazing transitions of frames, the great scripting and acting of the cast, as well as the choreography of the fight scenes that did not spoil the entire feel of the film.
It has the right balance of fantasy, drama and romance. I had been investing the entire time and was crying during last segments in return. Amazing, everyone.
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I wholeheartedly thank them for being loyal and faithful to the real Mulan story and for not romanticizing Mulan as a disguised woman in love.
Furthermore, with the talented cast, it became greater than just having faithful plot.
Amazing, I have no ill feelings or complaints.
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It did not waste any screen time being overly dramatic nor display nonsense script and unnecessary acts. Every facial and body expression from that little twitch of the male protagonist's finger to his wrinkled eyebrows are all on point and entice a great sense of heightened euphoria within me. It is very seldom to see a drama/flick that does not romanticizes the idea of "romance" itself and overlooks the quality of the story in the process. This drama makes a good use of every seconds running to showcase everything patiently in a creative way of story unfolding; being sensitive in every angle possible. The connections, the behaviors, the relationships, and even the psychology of everything is well crafted.
Even the art--Xu Xu's comics is very creative and warm. It does not feel out of place in the overall visual nor in the very story. Every puzzle fits perfectly like they should be there because they must be. Amazing mind is what the mastermind of the story have.
I might as well hunt for the novel itself.
Can't get enough of the mysteries and warm and sincere display of affection.
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1. Brings back youthful memories
Yeah, this movie certainly makes you remember all the things you and your school friends did years back–including those embarrassing memories you buried deep within your brain. LOL. Nice throwback trigger to the time you ecstatically cheered your crush on or helped your friend passed their love letters (or even your letter) or you cursed together your teacher from being too strict.
2. Remember Meteor Garden?
Since we are already doing the “throwback” game, who would have forgotten about Meteor Garden? A smash-hit Taiwanese TV series that centers around an ordinary girl Shancai and rich-and-handsome-but-arrogant boy Dao MingSi. They share the same feels. Hsu Taiyu and Dao Mingsi share the same personality, except that Hsu Taiyu was not really that rich like Dao MingSi and not really as dumb as him. Lin Chenshin is also not as openly revolting against Hsu Taiyu’s bullying but shares the same bravery when protecting their love ones.
3. Do you also remember That Thing Called Love?
This also shares familiarity with That Thing Called Love in a way where they both tried to help the other catch their crushes’ hearts. Fake smiles. Fake love. If only they have been honest from the start.
4. Inspires you to be someone that is not labeled based on anything but of who you are, because you deserve it.
One of the scenes that really get to me is the part where Lin Chenshin and their friends indirectly defended Hsu Taiyu in front of the whole school during their awarding ceremony, citing that they should not be labeled on how they fared their school exams or what grades they got.
5. Makes you love your friends more.
Yeah, it made me feel even more appreciative and loving towards my friends. This is a friendship movie, too, so it is just right enough to feel that after watching it. We cannot avoid falling but we should not be scared of it. Whatever decisions we make is our own responsibility and that we should not blame ourselves for other people’s decisions. We change ourselves to trap ourselves in that guilty prison or just to escape painful reality but we can always change back to who we really are… and we have our friends around to support us in our way.
This is also posted on my blog: https://woahbam.com/watch-times-taiwanese-movie/
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I love the plot so I am considering trying the book novel itself. People might get confusion when they watch it and it is understandable. It will actually take you more or less half the movie duration to actually get the plot... When I realized what the plot really is, I have liked it. I particularly find it interesting and rich in potential. Too bad the reception and overall film creation did not give justice on the beauty of it.
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