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Over the Rainbow korean drama review
Over the Rainbow
5 people found this review helpful
by DreamingKoreanBallad
Dec 2, 2016
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
Believe it or not I marathoned this drama in 2 days straight! It was really good! I enjoyed everything and it was a stress free watch ^^ The ups and downs of the characters the breakups and past and future loves, the struggles of trying to make it in the entertainment world - everything was a nice peaceful easy and very enjoyable watch! More dramas should be made this way! If you were a fan of 'Dream High' or 'What's Up?' then you will like this drama... maybe even more then you did those (like me) ;) Story: "The bright and dark side of the world of stars is dramatically captured in this drama by giving a realistic depiction of singer-wannabes ambition and their dash for stardom. A story about the painstaking work it takes to become a popular singer, the intrigues and betrayals arising from constant meetings and partings, and heartbreaking love that blooms amidst all that. It presents viewers with a glimpse of a life that burns like a flame." MBC (taken from Asianwiki). Cast: Hwan Hee as Rex - He's been in the industry since he was 13 and he's being suffocated by not being allowed to do the kind of music he wants to do. He tries to break free. I liked him, despite his rude demeanor and sour attitude, he is really just an innocent kid who doesn't know how to share his feelings gracefully - I found him adorable and loveable ^_^ Half of my heart shipped him with Sangmi. Ji Hyun Woo as Hyuk Joo - He was a rebel in school disobeying everything and was even a part of a gang, he turns into a dancer and goes through hardships with his teammates to make it. I liked him and the other half of my heart shipped him with Sangmi as well lol - He was a total fool in love and that was what mattered most to him... which honestly made it easier for my heart to be split in two. He loved dancing as it made him happy. It was his first dream so to say. Seo Ji Hye as Sangmi - She was the awkward girl who is a huge fan of Rex - a total devoted and loyal fan - b/c of an incident she tries her best in a field she isn't good in and in doing that she discovers her true talent. I loved her! (to be honest I love any character SJH plays when she is equally innocent, sweet, smart and loveable) ^_^ As I said above I shipped her with both guys hehe - of course if I had to choose I did prefer one over the other but there were a few times where I was ready to kick him to the curb lol Kim Ok Bin as Hee Soo - I didn't like her personally as a character - she was very selfish and at times quite manipulative (as Hyuk Joo's friends said) she's not all bad however - she is nice but she was just too selfish (and in that there was a lesson to be learned for the viewers) - With all choices there is a price to pay. Nam Hyun Joo (Poppin Hyun Joon) as Manjong - He's a part of Hyuk Joo's dance team and for me he was the cherry on top of the Ice cream so to speak lol - I was totally shocked when I saw him as I didn't know he was in this drama! but I was even more surprised when I realized he wasn't just a "guest" but had a "supporting" role to play in it! Needless to say I loved it and loved his role in this drama even more - he was smart, clever and entertaining and he always gave good advice! The rest of the supporting cast was great and I enjoyed everyone - it wouldn't be the same without one! Music - I loved most of it (there was one English rap song played early on that I did not like and one song of Rex's that I did not like b/c well... uhm... yeah lets just leave it at that - you'll know why if you watch it lol - it's the lyrics ya'll) - but I LOVED at least 3 songs if I remember correctly - one was by Rex (or Hwan Hee) called 'Tomorrow' (and I actually listened to it before I watched this drama several times lol - I have it on CD - I LOVE it), there is a Ballad song by Ji Hyun Woo 'The Single Eyed Fish' (and I'm a total ballad lover so it speaks to my very soul lol), and one BG ballad song by a female artist that I don't know that I really liked. I also quite enjoyed Hyuk Joo's fathers Trot Song lol Re-watch Value 8/10 - Definitely worth re-watching - and I recommend it to music lovers!
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