This lakorn is very well made....it looks like a kdrama very pretty but has that thai chemistry in it.
The main lead pair -just incredible. Krit and Yada are so freakin awesome together....no real kisses but u dont even need them....these guys build chemistry just being in the same screen space. I love Ken since Sawan Biang and watched many more but this show is like his rebirth...he looks sooo freakin HOTT.... I love the female lead playing Yada too, watched Ngao Hua Jai before this so could really connect with her.
This show has everything and is well paced...so much happens in 14 episodes that u feel like u gotta rewatch it again to absorb it better.
Watch it if u like gr8 chemistry, bad heros, romance and strong women.... no rape in this drama and it still rocks the slap/kiss charts plus the behind the scenes at the end of each epi is so cute:)
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There is a super adorable kid here as well which is fun to watch.
The drama is shot in a non linear manner sometimes and the first 8 epi are well shot and plotted but feels a little soulless...but after tht the rest is gr8 to watch.
There are some parts that were very convienient and some very irritating.... after epi 29 it just feels like it is draggin bcoz of the female villian.
Worth a watch for the chemistry until ep 32 max...after that u ask urself why watch this drama...just skip to the end....
This drama is available on daily motion as RRi-16 (epi no changes) in 380 and upto 15 on dramanice in good quality.
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This is one of those dramas were everything that thai lakorns are about - slap kiss/ violence/ kidnapping is there...but the heroiene is equally badass and returns a bite for a bite...
There is force but not force rape scenes despite thm getting intimate...so that was somethin diff!
Except for the last epi which felt like how did this happen and the first epi where u want to kill the bitcy villian...this lakorn is really nice to watch. The chemistry between the leads is good and I am so go na watch more of this guys shows????
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The acting is good. The plot had potential that is why there is a remake coming out this year. It's better to wait for the remake that watch this, but if u can't wait be prepared to skip a lot towards the end.
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Guys this show is loud and screechy and full of OTT villians but OMG THE CHEMISTRY between the leads is fab. It takes major skipping at first but there is a strange hook that keeps u in place and doesn't let u switch off. Very cute slap/kisses ... The nice kind not the brutal rapey types while still having his naughty vibe. The background score and the leads are why this show worked for me.
The story is a guilty pleasure - playboy hero, will not show I am hurting heroine ... Sweet story. Worth a watch when u want some plushy drama.
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I just finished it and I wanna watch it again..
The classic Queen band songs take on such a major high...I am still quivering as I write this, I want to jump and shout and tell everyone to watch this amazing drama...!!!
This drama is a total human emotions drama, such a roller coaster of emotions and this is 2004 ppl...so way before anything that was gr8....this story is where it all originated from...
From ep 1-8 , I was on this major roll, pumping with emotions as I watched, 8-10 was a little slow so cut half a score only for that but come 11 ep, especially the end and this is my current state as I type... sad that the drama is over and totally euphoric!
The best part is the video quality is awesome...this feels like a jdrama with an imternational today's vibe. Watch it if u like real romance and gr8 chemistry!
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This drama is an exact replica of kill me,heal me...so it is a little difficult to not compare the two and in some scenes it does happen as well....but leaving that aside, this drama is very well made and the actors are excellent.
I did not like the lead at first but omg...when he switches personalities, especially mr bad, he is soo hot!
I put it on hold purely bcoz halfway thru I realised that I wanted Mr. Bad and the heroiene to end up together even in the original, so did not want to watch that again....but otherwise, this drama is gr8....I only wish they had deviated a little, so some surprise elements were possible.
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We want diff stories with heroes who are really unbeatable...and this drama gives yoy that... You don't have to shed a single tear worrying for Kang Pil Joo...infact whn ppl betray him u look forward to how he has defeated them....
Brilliant Acting...there are a few loop holes but otherwise fantastic...worth a watch...totally hooking... binge wathing with full dedication kinda drama !
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The pace and narrative is very slow. The scenes are stretched out. Its a dull watch. I sustained bcoz of the chemistry but to be honest it was really not worth the bother.
This is another one of those revenge stories and its follows the cliched route of revenge, love, then backing out to protect ur love and then getting back together to fight all evil. BUT there is something about this show that makes u watch it even of high skip mode. But after ep 36, i just cant do it anymore.
Skip it or not, it won't make much difference except for the time lost.
****** finished it and I have to say that 37 to 40 was the good part...cant believe after siting thru 36 epi I was gonna leave it! Its kinda worth it a little, these 4 episodes are cute with bromance,romance,Father in laws. Still had to skip some scenes but if u have started it and unable to leave it, like a peak after a plateau, it does get better*****
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The looks are great,chemistry is good and if u can get past the first few episodes where u feel this is a spoof due to the ott imaginary sequences its worth a watch.
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What a yumm male lead....what sizzlin chemistry....and that catchy music....the first epi will def reel u in and keep u hooked like crazy...
The story is fresh and u don't really know what will happen next....it takes conventional turns but in a diff manner.
The acting is amazin...Hyun Bin 'aww' in his sexy voice is sooo awwww :) can't believe I did not realise he is secret garden actor....I so love him.
Comedy is damn good/ romance is excellent and despite being an old drama it is really good.
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I watched it a year back and watched it now, brilliant...anyone loving asian dramas or romantic dramas in general, watch it. Fresh content, well written.
The main leads acted so well and that kid was so cute. The relation built between the grandma and grandson was so well done.
You do get angry with the heroine for not grabbing happiness but u thn realise that is her character trait that they have maintained throughout.
Worth a 100 rewatches...best drama ever!
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For the first 10 episodes lots of slap kiss romance chemistry, it blew my mind. I thought wow how have I not seen this before and then wham.... U have to watch it, but this story should have ended in 10 episodes. 17 was just too much. Every twin trouble is available in this drama. Lots of incomplete info... evil twin mother what happens to her- she just like disappeared after the second episode. If the good virgin twin slept with the hero how could he still think she had other 'husbands' and then confess in the end he knew she was not the save woman he loved from that night. Leaving these loopholes aside and a lot more, I have seen worse so this is tolerable fun too. Slap kiss, gr8 chemistry, good acting... Only viewers who like this will enjoy.
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This drama was meant to be a comedy spy drama...with ott goofy aspects...
It is enjoyable and very global commercial kinda story, so not ur typical K drama setting. No wonder netflix has this!
Watch like u would watch any american show...the only K thing is the comedy and the bromance...:)
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