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hi everyone ! Thank you for entering in my profile, I'm Riah and first of all i'm a kpop addicted . in 2016 i fell in love with a korean boy group, the now famous BTS ,and  right after that i started to follow more and more groups like EXO, GOT7, MONSTA X  becoming then obsessed with SUPER JUNIOR . During my EXO obsession period i found out their web drama EXO next door that i come to love so much that i rewatched it six times at least. Then it was a full immersion in web dramas… i enjoyed dream knight , choco bank and noble my love . At that time i didn't know the existence of full dramas yet but one day i noticed some 16 full episodes dramas but they seemed so long: too many episodes and too many minutes ( or hours ) but i still wanted to give it a go.  So, my very first drama was Oh my ghostess and after that i watched 1 drama per week. 

Right now i have watched more than 200 dramas, they are just so original and perfect. I have also watched chinese, thai and japanese dramas but i think the best ones are korean because of the setting , actors and the money they spend every time to make a kdrama ( think about how many millions to make Are you human )Now i am watching some japanese movies and dramas and other currently airing because i think i have already watched all the good ones from 2012 to 2016 that i had missed in my past non-asia-addicted life.

My favorite korean actors are …. all of them !!  seriously, i  love them all, from the youngest to the eldest , from dongsaeng to ajusshi, it doesn't matter to me, they are all good. But, if i were to make a bias list i will put these ones in the first places.

1) Park Bo gum : with his cuteness and big smile he always makes you feel loved…  by chance we met during my stay in Havana, Cuba while he was filming Boyfriend and he was so kind to me, he asked me questions in english and took pictures with me

2) Lee Jong suk: the perfect boyfriend,  so out of reach yet so kind that he doesn't seem of this world . I mean, how can be possible that such a handsome guy actually exists?

3) Park seo joon: both funny and sexy. 

4) Seo Kang joon: he's actually a robot

 5) Park hyun sik: he's very kind and gentleman. i really loved all of this drama except for Suits


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