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First off: I rarely watch revenge lakorns, mostly because no self-respecting man or woman should put up with that kind of abuse, let alone FALL IN LOVE with their abuser. I watched this one because it's the same director who did Full House, and I ADORED Full House.WARNING: RANT AHEAD
THINGS I LIKED: Directing is exemplary (as usual). I especially like how this director humanizes the nang rai; Chaya really wasn't evil for the sake of being evil. They portray Chaya as someone who is so desperate for love that she will do anything for it. Childish, but mostly realistic.
The music was good, mostly. The dramatic music was definitely overused, though.
Peat and Kiew's chemistry was AMAZING.
Peat is SUPER HOT.
The romance between Kiew's friend and the bar owner guy was SO CUTE and serious relationship goals.
Those few episodes where Peat and Kiew were happy together made me so happy, though they were fleeting.
I was glad they showed how hurt Peat was. Instead of being just an angry guy up to his eyeballs in revenge, they showed us that underneath all that, he was deeply hurt (not that that justifies anything). In short, I loved the emotional depth of the characters.
I liked Kriss a lot until I realized in ep 9 he was probably evil.
The story is mostly unique; it followed a few stereotypes, but everything else felt very original.
Now for THINGS I DISLIKED (here comes the rant):
The overused dramatic music.
Peat was WAY TOO CRUEL. I desperately wanted Kiew to find somebody, anybody, better than him so she could stop suffering. I couldn't even be happy they ended up together at the end because Peat was so abusive.
Pest and Kiew's dad. I HATED the BS of "use your love to thaw Peat's heart because he still loves you." How DARE he ask Kiew to endure more abuse based on the TINY possibility Peat actually loves her! It doesn't matter if Peat still loves her, when he is abusive to her, he deserves JAIL. Period.
Chaya and Kriss. Honestly I would've shipped it if Kriss hadn't tried to ASSAULT her that one time. Messed up.
Peat's repentance came too quickly. It should've been a slow process of him learning from his mistakes, not one sudden revelation that made him good again.
Kriss. Oh, Kriss. His repentance scene is downright cringey. Not that I don't believe in repentance, but the guy TRIED TO KILL THEM AND RUIN ALL THEIR LIVES. NOT cool. Again, it's a slow process, not "Wow you just shot me but I forgive you cuz you said sorry haha lol BFFs 4ever!!" *facepalm*
Strangely, I still enjoyed the drama pretty well. I guess it's the same with all revenge lakorns: it's just a guilty pleasure. I've seen too many even more frustrating dramas to say this one was horrible, though I will say it could've been a lot horrible. If you like great chemistry in a guilty-pleasure lakorn, this one hits the mark.
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Honestly, this is one of my new favorite dramas. The acting, direcing, writing, sets, costumes-- all stunning. We finally got a few REAL kiss scenes from Bie (who's a great kisser) and Esther (who's a good kisser compared to just about every other Thai actress).
STORY: Amazing. The storytelling was consistent, thoughtful, and heartfelt. I usually find melodramas cheesy (let's face it, You're My Destiny is a melodrama), but this one was able to make me laugh and cry without overdoing anything. I especially loved the character development in the last four episodes; it's obvious that both Wanida and Pawut changed, but they were still fundamentally the same people. The family values were sweet, and Taya was totally hot (poor second lead...). And no NANG RAI!!!! Thank goodness, everyone in this drama were logical, NORMAL people and not crazy psychopaths!
The story was a little out-there, but that's the point of You're My Destiny; Pawut and Wanida were brought together by fate.
The only complaint I have was with the ending. Sure, everything was satisfactorily wrapped up, aside from the aunt and her son (I'm not really even sure why they were in the drama... even the other characters seemed to forget about them), but the way it was wrapped up felt very abrupt. They should have split some of the wrap-ups between the last two episodes instead of spending three episodes being completely unproductive story-wise.
ACTING/CAST: I mean, Bie's cute, but I honestly think Esther and Taya were the standouts in this drama. Esther often plays the innocent pushover role, but when she transformed into the later Wanida who wasn't a pushover and who was willing to fight for her man, that's when her acting really shone. Taya was adorable and hot for one, but he also did a very good job of portraying his one-sided love for Wanida. You could tell he had feelings for her just by the way he looked at Nid. And his abs...
MUSIC: Lots of variety to this soundtrack, great OST by Bie. I especially loved the "Smile" song that Bie sang in English... that one made me bawl my eyes out when they played it at the end of episode 13, which is a first for me.
REWATCH VALUE: I would definitely rewatch this one, in spite of the slightly disappointing ending. The acting, directing, and story are just too good to limit to one watch.
I HIGHLY recommend this drama for anyone who enjoys beautiful dramas that avoid the Thai drama stereotypes, and loves heartwarming stories with happy endings.
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Not as frustrating as most lakorns
TL;DR coming straight from BPS with no experience with other lakorns, you'll be disappointed. However, it's actually pretty good.STORY:
TL;DR The love story's AWESOME, the plot is frustrating at best SPOILERS ONLY IN THIS SECTION OF THE REVIEW
The major issue I had with the story was the evil girl. *sigh* she was too much-- seriously... who acts like that??? Everyone in the drama is a serial cheater. They forgive the evil girl-- which is great, but how on earth could the leads allow her to LIVE WITH THEM???? Pope suspects she's trying to KILL Bella, so what does he do?? He "keeps a closer eye on the evil girl" Bruh. If your girlfriend's and unborn baby's LIVES might possibly be at stake, YOU KICK THE GIRL OUT. So yeah. Typical nang rai getting all up in everyone's business, with no one bothering to keep an eye on her.
That being said, I looovvveeed the love story! Min and Picha's characters were very well-rounded, especially for a lakorn. I loved how they showed Picha's difficulty in committing to another relationship (though it was a little frustrating). It's hard after a divorce! Especially a nasty one like hers! Any misunderstandings the couple had were resolved on the spot, which is something you NEVER EVER see in lakorns. They actually communicated with each other lol. Min was so patient and level-headed, but we also see that he's imperfect in his relationship with his dad. They're both so believable.
Pope and Bella have done it again! This drama made me realize something: not only do they have amazing chemistry, but their acting styles complement each other perfectly.
ALSO, REAL KISS SCENES. In which we see Pope, our favorite cinnamon roll, making use of his kissing skills-- another thing you NEVER EVER see in lakorns.
Everybody else was convincing and worked well together!
I'm sorry Bella... but you need to stick to acting... amazing actress, terrible singer. Pope's passable at best.
The other songs were great, though!
Only worth rewatching for Pope and Bella's scenes.
A good lakorn-- not amazing, but good. Recommended for the avid Pope and Bella fan who has preferably seen a few lakorns before.
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STORY: Quite well-done. Yes, the nang rai (Pisamai) is a little typical, aka super possessive and crazy. But they make an effort to show you that she really is hurt by Prajak's associations wih Wanida, which honestly is understandable. Prajak made me both want to pull my hair out and grin like an idiot at the same time. I appreciated that his character wasn't perfect, because we're human and no one is perfect. Lakorns often portray either the male or female leads as perfect little angels that can do no wrong, but that just isn't true in reality. None of us are like that. Prajak's hubris was that he couldn't stand up for himself. It drove me crazy, but his character was also kind, understanding, and loyal, which counteracted his weaknesses. Wanida's growth as a character really added to the drama. She starts out as a spunky, naive young woman who gets into trouble constantly; later, she matures a woman who still has that spunk, but has a little better idea of when and how to channel that spunk.
I liked that while this was an arranged marriage drama, the leads didn't follow all the stereotypes, such as sleeping together, having to kiss at social events, etc. I also liked that Prajak didn't fall into the lakorn stereotype of the nang rai accusing the nang ek and the male lead blindly believing the nang rai. Prajak reminded Wanida that he "knows what kind of person she is," so when people talked bad about her, he would listen to her side of the story as well. The mother's "deathbed repentance" scene was a bit much, but whatever. And I had a hard time buying into the storyline with clearing Wanida's grandma's name because it just felt superfluous.
The story lags at the vety beginning and at the very end, but the pacing is good everywhere else.
Montree honestly made my life. He was hilarious and hot at the same time.
ACTING/CAST: I can't imagine anyone better than the people in the drama. Tik has got the loving look down-pat, he's on the same level as Colin Firth in that respect. Aff was simply gorgeous, and she did well in playing the naive, childish character without overacting and without becoming annoying. Wanida's father was hilarious. Prajak's brother was cute. The servants had AWESOME chemistry together, though Aunt Thom drove me crazy because of how badly she overacted.
MUSIC: Beautiful soundtrack. This is the only drama I've seen that didn't suffer from using the same music too often; the songs switched up once in a while, so you would expect the main theme, only to hear another very pretty and very fitting song. The only fault I found wih the soundtrack were the "soap opera" tracks used in a million other dramas for the dramatic moments. They felt out-of-place and a little obnoxious.
REWATCH VALUE: I would definitely watch this again, though probably just for Tik and Aff ;)
All in all, a very enjoyable drama that I highly recommend. Though it has its faults, the drama as a whole is so beautiful, any viewer will be willing to overlook its faults.
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STORY: I really enjoyed the plotline of this one. While it is somewhat similar to the Samee Tee Tra 3-husband thing, the similarities really end there.
The plot is very different. There really aren't very many detective lakorns (at least that I've seen) out there, so this one has a refreshing premise.
HOORAY FOR NO LAKORN STEREOTYPES!!! There's no crazy ex-girlfriend, no stupid misunderstandings between characters, and a super cute romance between Pope and Mew.
The plotline is simply adorable, well-written, well-paced, and consistent. Plus, it's funny.
ACTING/CAST: Really can't go wrong with Pope and Mew. The supporting cast also worked really well together, and didn't overact everything like supporting casts usually do.
Pope almost made me cry when he did his crying scenes. His comedic timing is great, but then he gets to the emotional scenes, and I just wanted to reach through the screen and give him a big hug.
MUSIC: Fun and light, nothing super remarkable.
REWATCH VALUE: I'd watch it again when I need a light and fun drama to balance out all the dramatic ones.
I highly recommend this drama for anyone who wants a light, funny, and non-frustrating drama. And for anyone who loves Pope :)
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I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this one. Of course, it has Pope in it, so that definitely helped.STORY: Well-developed childhood romance that carries into adulthood. I was fully invested in the Ram-Krathin relationship the whole time.
The misunderstandings actually didn't follow the lakorn stereotype. They were frustrating, but they didn't drag on and on like others do. Additionally, they were understandable. Ram's and Krathin's misunderstandings weren't about them thinking the other person was evil or bad, but about being upset that the other person didn't confide in them, which was a problem the drama displayed in their relationship from the very beginning.
Pupe needed to die in a hole. She unfortunately was the typical nang rai. I did like that Ram was very direct with her, instead of the usual "I don't want to dishonor her" "I don't want to hurt her" stuff.
The evil people, especially the mother, were typical lakorn crazy. I skipped a lot of her scenes because they got so repetitive. The stupidity of the characters also got to be a bit much. The mother literally (spoiler) kills people, and they KNOW she killed those people, yet they still let her run free and do whatever she wants. Then when something bad happens, they're all shocked and trying to figure out who the culprit could be. It takes talent to be that stupid.
But all in all, the plot was engaging, well-paced, and emotionally evocative. There were a few inconsistencies here and there and a few forgotten characters near the end, but those were all very minor flaws.
ACTING/CAST: Pope is wonderful, as usual. He was able to add depth to Ram, making him a supaburoot (gentleman), but also showing that Ram was always a little childish, even after he grew up.
I was impressed by Diana.She did a very good job, especially for a newcomer. She had good chemistry with Pope, and though she's a little stiff here and there, on the whole she acted well. Diana gave Krathin strength without falling into the trap of apathy.
I've only seen Alex in Raeng Pradtanah, and liked him alright as the villain in that one. But he really outdid himself in this drama. Every little mannerism he had pointed to his gentlemanly character; he even softened his voice and spoke quietly and evenly, like a gentleman would. I had SLS so bad because of him XD
Mae Nim was a little annoying, and Putkrong became boring to watch. But all the supporting cast's acting was good.
MUSIC: Lovely. I'm fairly certain that whoever wrote the music for Padiwaradda also wrote this drama's.
REWATCH VALUE: This isn't one I personally would watch on repeat, but I'll probably come back to it again in a few months or so. It'll definitely be worth it to rewatch Ram and Krathin grow up together, now that I know what happens later.
All in all, a lovely drama that plays into a few lakorn stereotypes here and there, but is an overall satisfying watch.
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STORY: Pretty lacking. The premise is cute, but there are a lot of little hints that are never explained. Why Esther's character hates men so much, for example. Not one word of explanation. Or why Sean's character pretended he was a photography major... the list goes on. I didn't watch this drama for the story, only for the premise. Don't expect incredible writing or anything from it. I did, however, like how the lakorn wasn't about gay or not gay. It was about Esther's character giving men a chance, and not being preachy for either side.
ACTING/CAST: Sean and Esther. Hot men. Esther's mother. What's not to like?
MUSIC: Cute, not a soundtrack that really stood out for me, though.
REWATCH VALUE: Something fun to watch in between long/overdramatic lakorns. I watched it twice, because the humor is such that it really doesn't get old XD I watch it when I want to laugh... and watch Sean and Esther's thoroughly satisfying REAL kiss scene that's slightly more than just touching lips and calling it a kiss.
Overall, a cute lakorn that makes you laugh. Very little plot to follow, and one that is just fun.
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STORY: Very well done. I applaud the writers on their brilliance in this one. The drama was fast-paced (unlike most lakorns) and engaging. The romance was adorable, the characters well-developed and believable,. The mystery never lost its intrigue, and I was fully convinced that any one of the people in the drama could've been the murderer the whole time. I was shocked when the big reveal came, though it was still believable, and didn't come out of the blue at all.
ACTING/CAST: Pop was so adorable in this one and such a pra'ek guy. He was funny and cute with good morals, but he still had his flaws. Pop did an awesome job at keeping his character consistent, even when Thi wasn't so cute and became more angsty. Bua did a great job too. Her Sina and Siriya had distinctly different personalities, but still had depth as characters. Sinna acted strong even though she wasn't always so strong on the inside, while Siriya was kind and sweet, but she didn't allow herself to be a doormat for the people around her.
The supporting cast was great too. The Sutharaks made a believable family, and the villain was downright amazing in their role.
MUSIC: Very enjoyable. I especially liked the song that sounded like the songs that used to play in old superhero TV shows :)
REWATCH VALUE: Now that I know who was behind everything and the whole evil plot, I'll definitely be watching this one again to look for clues. I'll also rewatch the romance because Bua and Pop were so great together.
All in all, this drama was an awesome watch for all 31 episodes. It has a bit of everything, from romance to comedy to action to drama. Plus, it has a strong female lead who ISN'T a damsel in distress for once. I highly recommend this one.
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The paragon of Chinese dramas
This is my new favorite Chinese drama! This drama had everything-- legitimately strong female lead, sweet male lead, respectful depiction of women in the workplace, solid character-building, great music, great acting, great chemistry, and a believable storyline that didn't drag.This review is more a list of the things I liked about this drama.
This is definitely a slow-burn romance, but it's worth the wait. I actually liked that their romance extended over so many episodes because it felt more believable.
I think I'm in love with Qi Xiao. It's been a looong time since I loved a ML OR FL this much. They both were well-developed, likeable characters who had relatable flaws. They also had sooo much chemistry! No misunderstandings that broke them up. They actually demonstrated good communication, which is rare in drama-land. And may I just say, it was GENIUS to have the leads work together so closely in a slow-burn romance. Even though they weren't dating, they still had TONS of screen time together.
I appreciated the fact that they acknowledged the age gap, but didn't make a huge deal out of it. Love knows no age!
I also really enjoyed the side characters' stories. They showed respect for different kinds of romance, and didn't pass judgment on any of them. Xiaoyu's character was fantastic, because I think we all hit multiple points in our lived when we have to re-evaluate where we are and what we want in the future. She was the most relatable character.
The makers of this drama FINALLY gave us a drama that respects older, independent career women. Ruoxin didn't need Qi Xiao at all (in all areas but romance and companionship). She was very capable of taking care of and providing for herself. There was no cattiness among the women in her workplace (at least, not the usual cattiness over men or positions). The women were respectable and mostly capable. Even when Ruoxin met Lisa, they were respectful and professional towards one another.
Mr. Wu's storyline was also handled well. When it came down to it, Ruoxin wasn't wishy-washy about her feelings. She was direct and polite with him. No beating around the bush. And after he was rejected, Mr. Wu was still professional and friendly towards her. Hats off to our mature adults!
I will absolutely be watching this one multiple times! It was a fantastic watch. Personally, I liked it more than Find Yourself. However, the two are very different dramas with different positives and negatives.
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DISCLAIMER: It's been a while since I watched this one.I found this lakorn to be a very delightful rom com. There's no nang rai-- at least, not one that goes in and destroys everyone's lives. There's no pointless drama that would be resolved if the leads would just TALK to each other. There is some villainy, but it's not as crazy as other lakorns.
The soundtrack is super cute. Mario and Toey are super cute. The second leads were almost CUTER than Mario and Toey.
Overall, a fun, light comedy that's a pleasure to watch.
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STORY: Epsiode 11 made the entire lakorn go down the drain for me. I would rather gouge my own eye out with a spoon than watch those last four episodes again. The first ten were great, with a smoothly developing plot line and everything. But then episodes 11-14 came along, and it was as though the first ten episodes never happened. The show started acting out every romantic cliche ever (I've seen the balloon with the ring attached to the end of it in about a hundred different rom-coms), and I don't remember anyone even mentioning Ta Nu in the last two episodes. They created a whole new plotline for the story in the span of one episode, and went off of that for the remainder of the drama. It wouldn't have been so bad if the new plot had 1) been relevant to the first ten episodes, and 2) not played off of every lakorn cliche there is. That whole line with the nang rai came completely out of the blue and was downright frustrating. Then the last episode... ugh. They literally wrote in Great getting injured in the most random way possible so we could have a scene of Matt crying over his hospital bed, then he recovered in less than ten minutes, and we rushed into a random pregnancy montage in the span of five minutes. It felt like the show had a complete personality transplant, and was trying to cram in every sweet scene possible with minimal plot development (if any). It made me so angry because the first ten episodes were SO GOOD. Then the drama just threw it all away.
ACTING/CAST: The cast did a really good job in their respective roles. The couples were well-developed and believable, and each of the characters was flawed in small ways, just like the rest of us. Great/Matt chemistry was on point, and Ta Nu was absolutely adorable.
MUSIC: Good, but nothing too remarkable.
REWATCH VALUE: 9 for the first ten episodes, 2 for the last four comes out to about 5. I have rewatched the first part, but the second is just too painful.
All in all, this lakorn had a lot of potential until it threw it all away in the most horrific ways possible.
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Just finished watching this one. It's a fun one.STORY: Pretty simplistic. Evil birth father tries to destroy his rival's farm and everyone gets shot or beaten up in the process. The usual lakorn unlikelihood. The way lakorns make it sound, farming must be the most exciting job on Earth! XD The love story between the leads was very funny and sweet. No nang rai either, which is always a plus.
ACTING/CAST: Personally, I'm still not totally sold on Mike. He did a good job overall, but sometimes his acting seemed to waver, he got a little stiff and unsure of himself. At first I found Peak annoying, but she grew on me.
WHY DID THEY CAST A 50-YEAR-OLD GUY AS THE SECOND LEAD??? Not that I didn't like him or his character, but they were trying to pass him off as 35 or so. Honey. Anyone with eyes can see there's no way in HECK that guy is 35. To be fair, I think his acting was some of the best in the drama. Bussaba's ex's girlfriend was over-the-top, but so are all lakorn villains.
MUSIC: Cute. I especially liked the main track sung by Mike. That is, until he made a "music video" and sent it to Bussaba to tell her how he feels. It was so corny I almost wretched.
REWATCH VALUE: Might come back to this one in a year or so. I enjoyed watching it the first time, I think a second time through would be worth it just to watch Din and Bussaba fall in love again.
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STORY: Simplistic and overdone. That being said, the drama didn't try to be more than it was. The story mainly revolved around the leads' love story, and that's really what made the drama worth watching. It was awesome seeing Singh go from the tough guy to an adorable little cinnamon roll. Mew's character was good too, and it was nice to finally have a heroine who will actually stand up for herself once in a while.
ACTING/CAST: Nadech stole the lakorn easily. He was so hot as Singh; seeing him play a sexy guy instead of a goody-two shoes made my life.
Mew did a great job with what she was given. Her character didn't have much depth, though. I was pleasantly surpirised at how great the chemistry between Nadech and Mew was. A lot of it was he height difference... Mew is so tiny compared to Nadech, but they were honestly couple goals in this drama.
The side characters overacted as usual, but they were funny and kept the lakorn lightm
MUSIC: Nothing amazing, but the theme was good and blended well with the drama.
REWATCH VALUE: I'd rewatch for the couole scenes and skip through the rest of the plot. But I'd watch it again.
This drama is for lakorn lovers who love a good romance but don't want to have to endure the usual emotional rollercoaster. The lakorn is logical and doesn't fall into the usual stereotypes with the leads breaking up because they think one is lying or because they believe the evil girl, etc.
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STORY: Mik and Pooklook's part was well done. The marriage without love after a one-night stand, living together, all factors in an entertaining romance. It definitely helped that Mik and Pooklook have GREAT chemistry together.
Unfortunately, aside from the romance, the plot was same old same old. Long lost brother, estranged father, forgiving everyone at the end... golly I've seen the exact same storyline in way too many lakorns. Unoriginal and cringey.
ACTING/CAST: Mik and Pooklook were definitely the highlights of the show, though the secretaries were fun XD Everyone else did well with what they were given.
MUSIC: Lovely.
REWATCH VALUE: I'll probably rewatch Mik and Pooklook's parts because they are SO CUTE TOGETHER, but nothing else.
If you enjoy a good romance and some major eye candy from our two leads, go for it. If you want a good plot to go with the former, look elsewhere.
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Fun to watch for all the now-big names, but otherwise completely nonsensical
I skipped through this one, so I can't speak for the entire drama. But wow, what I saw was a dumpster fire. The plot almost never made sense. The characters' actions didn't make sense. The drama couldn't seem to decide if it wanted to be a comedy, slice-of-life, or melodrama-- it failed at all three.Vengo's character, Ying Dong, couldn't seem to decide on one woman to date. First he dated Luo Yi, then the *day* she dumped him, he rebounded with Wan Jia. Then a few days after Wan Jia dumped him, he convinced Amber to start dating him. Why can't Ying Dong seem to survive without a girlfriend?? The drama never brings this up as a problem. My favorite part was when he had the nerve to say to Luo Yi, "I have never dated anyone else [all these years]." Ummmm WHAT??? That is the fattest lie I have ever heard in my life! Did the writers forget that he just spent the last 30+ episodes seriously dating not one, but TWO different women? And when did he break up with Amber at the end? It's like they forgot that they had been dating for months at that point, and were even considering marriage literally a few days before!
I only watched this for Vengo and Dilraba, and they did not disappoint! It was fun to see them act together, especially since Ying Dong is much more affectionate than our icy Dong Hua Dijun. All the Eternal Love cast honestly did a great job. It was a little eerie to see Dijun putting the moves on Bai Qian, though XD Don't let Ye Hua see you hugging her, Dijun.
I don't know why Yang Mi was in this drama. Probably the only reason was because she's an A-lister. She was only in five episodes of the drama, so I don't know why she got top-billing. I don't know how on *earth* the writers thought it would be a good idea for her to be absent literally the entire drama, then throw Luo Yi and Ying Dong together in the last episode (well... kind of). How are we supposed to root for them as a couple when as far as the audience is concerned, they've never *been* a couple? Ying Dong honestly should've ended up with Amber, and I'm not saying that just because I love Vengo/Dilraba. They had the best chemistry, they got along really well, they were well-suited for each other, they both became better people because of the other's influence, and somehow the writers just ignored all that in the finale? What??
Thanks for reading my therapy session. I honestly thought it was fun to skip through this one just to see the cast from TMOPB plus Vengo and Dilraba being all cutesy (Vengo is an absolute snack this entire drama), but otherwise it's a fat waste of time. The plot makes zero sense, the characters make zero sense, and the ending makes zero sense.
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