Everything in this drama was realy great and shown realy well. The actors fit the characters very well. This was was my first j-drama after a three month break and I'm realy happy I watched it... ^^
About the cast : They all were amazing together. Keiko was Riko, Tomohisa was Naoki and for me they will always be these. Because they were amazing and it's like these roles were made for them to play. When you see them fighting you can feel your heart aching and when they make up you can finaly feel at ease
There is one main song (like in, probably, every j-drama) but it's enough to say that the music is perfect because the song is amazing fot the show.
So, I can surely say that for me this drama was outstanding. At first you can think that a violinist and a basketball player would never be good for each other, but later on you see that you were wrong. ;)How they meet, how they talk, how they help and advice each other was beautiful. How they see each other by coincidence and how they feel embarased. You can feel their emotions yourself and you feel like it's effecting you, too. And that's why you fall in love with this drama even more. And that's amazing.
I'd definitely say that it's a must-watch drama!
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I realy loved this drama. I know it's a similiar to GTO and Gokusen - there's a 'strange' teacher who teaches life lessons but it's still different. The teacher is a swindler and he started teaching by mistake but he is probably one of the best teachers I've ever seen. He knows what to say and when to say it. He's smart and kind ^^. There is also a beautiful nurse (there has to be something like that in this kind of drama), an assistant teacher (who is kinda lost) and a funny girl in class who sometimes might get on your nerves but if she is your friend then she is the best one you could ever have. A person who would never betray you for her own good.
All the actors fit their roles realy well. They know how to portray their character, what expressions to use and etc. Perfect ;)
Even though there's only one main song it realy fits the show. A song liar in a drama about a liar (in other words : swindler). When it plays you somehow feel relieved because you know that everything is okay now. Just this feeling ^^
In rewatch value I gave it 9 not because I didn't like something about it. It's just that if you watch it the second or etc tim you can't get that amazing exciting feeling which you get the first time watching somthing like this ;)
Sooo, in one sentence : when you have free time, if you love j-school dramas you should definitely watch this!!!
(I watched on gooddrama.net)
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I never would've thought that I could like a drama about people in their 40's but after watching this I can (without a doubt) say that I was SO VERY WRONG. This is realy one of the best dramas I've ever seen. From hilarious scenes to heart breaking ones - everything was outstanding.
The story about four 41-years-old men might seem boring and etc. but it's not even similiar to what you might think at first. For people to stay such a good friends for more than 20 years seems impossible but these men take friendship to the whole new level. From playing starcraft together (LOL) to leaving everything because something happened to one of the four seems so amazing. And even from the screens they make you wish to have friends like that because it feels like with them you don't need anything else.
The females of this drama are also very strong so it's even more amazing. And there aren't any anoying ones (well, at least for me there weren't) that everyone hates. They are ALL fantastic characters.
This was the first drama I've seen that had prologues at the beggining of the every episode,too. They are so amazing to watch. You just laugh and you can't stop laughing. It's one big LOL. xDD
Oh, right there were also guests like SooYoung and YongHwa. ^. ^
So, the last thing I want to say is that this is REALY amazing drama and you should definitely watch it. It's realy good if you want to laugh and laugh, and laugh again ;) ;D
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So, firstly I have to say that this is an amazing movie. Realy. At the moments it's funny, other times it's romantic and kinda dramatic. The whole story is amazing. Even though it can make you feel sad but the sadness is not depressing. I even think it's amazing.
Secondly : the actors did a wonderful job portraying their characters. Tamaki Hiroshi (Makoto)showed all the feelings you can wish. Silly laugh he does when he's with 'Shizuru' is funny and his tears look very sad.
And about Miyazaki Aoi (Shizuru) - I think she was even more amazing. Even as a girl myself I can say that she's a realy beautiful model and yet she succeeded in portraying a girl who looks like elementary school student. So I think that she did a great job with both : outside and emotions.
Lastly I'll just say this - this movie is amazing no matter if you watch it with your lover, friend or even alone. It leaves you kinda sad but not depressed and even. . warm ^^
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I watched this without knowing what to expect. My mood just was like *I-want-to-cry* and someone reccomended this to me. Well, fine I guess I told myself as I started to watch it.
At first I didn't realy like this because there were too much unfortunate people. Grandma with Alzheimer, a husband without any motivation to work and a brother - gambler and alcoholic(?). Main woman had to help all these and then she found out she has cancer(and didn't see this earlier). But after about 20 minutes I started to love it.
This movie mostly tells you about loving your life and treasuring what's beside you. Something like - what if a very important person to you disapeared? And even though you love that person, you don't help him(her) and don't tell him(her) how important he(she) is to you. Would you be able to live without that person? Or would you be able to live with YOURSELF without blaming yourself or others for the things you did to that person that the things you didn't even though you could.
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So I was bored and found this cool-looking poster. Then I watched the trailer on youtube and thought it was hilarious, so I checked the movie out. It was amazing.
At first I didn't really like the story in the beginning but I started loving it about 20 minutes in. I didn't like it at first because it seemed to strange. And then it got deeper and more amazing as the movie went on. So by the end I loved it and I didn't want the movie to end.
I think the acting was good and the cast did a great job.
Music... I loved it. Well, you can tell that by the fact that I looked for a translation to one song for about half an hour. And I can't get the White Butterfly song out of my head. It's just so beautiful and emotional. And all the other OSTs were just great too.
So - overall, it's an amazing movie. Since I can't spoil it I'll just say this : by the end of this film I was crying and laughing at the same time. And Kim So Hyun's cameo was just... hilarious!
This movie is a must watch!
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The whole story is about a very energetic guy called Yuuki. He finds out that he has a disease only 8 people have ever had. Nobody knows the cause of it and it doesn't even have an official title. But Yuuki stays realy strong even when he hears it. He just asks to make up a title for it so that he would know the name of the demon he's fighting. And he stays a synonym to enegy and courage (jap. yuuki-courage). Even the friends who come to visit him say : "I came to encourage him but he ended up encouraging me".
Oh, yeah, one of many things I noticed and loved is that in the beginning of this movie Junji-san said that "Yuuki is nothing special - just someone to spend time together in a foreign country." and then later on he was like : " I thought we could follow wherever he went. I thought our road together was forever." And he talked about how in their 60's they would still be friends and talk about how bad the pensions are. That was touching. TT^TT
So, if you're down and want encouragement and/or just want to cry this is definitely a MUST WATCH! ^^
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The story is full of birth secrets, accidents and dramatic faces but that's what makes melodramas what they are, right? The characters were relatable and even though I hated some characters until the very end, most of them redeemed themselves. The main character is like in most dramas - an optimist who never gives up. The actors did a wonderful job and I have nothing to blame them for.
The OST's were great, I loved how the music expressed the scene's mood very well. I'm thinking of downloading a few of the tracks myself.
Overall, it's a really good drama. A must-watch dare I say. It shows a lot of different values like family, friendship and even that you should live for yourself, not for others. The ending was amazing, there are only few dramas that have such satisfying endings.
P.s. I watched this drama in two days, so DO NOT watch it if you are busy. hehe.
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The story was beautiful. I might be a little biased since my country also has a history of independence fighters and a lot of losses against oppressors and so I buy this kind of stories very quickly. Nevertheless it was well-told and I am happy with it.
I loved the cute little friendship between the three main male leads. Even if they stayed in denial about it.
The acting was great. I remember the first time I saw AeShin cry I was really surprised because usually during dramas when people cry you can see that they are sad and you can see the tears coming out of their eyes. But with her there was sadness, self control, helplessness... You could actually see from the way that she cried that she was a noble girl who grew up with everything but wants to be more than just a pretty decoration for her husband, so she becomes strong. And thus when something bad happens she tries to keep her composure and yet that darn lower lip just keeps twitching and doesn't listen to her!
All of the other actors did a great job as well. I think the acting was superb for the most part(except for maybe a couple of scenes where dead people's eyes were moving a little but I guess it's really hard to stop them so I'll let it slide). You could see each characters whole life story written on their faces.
I loved it that the characters changed a little throughout the drama but they didn't change their key character details, it was very well done.
Also I just want to mention the casting. The characters really looked A LOT like their parents and the younger versions looked like the older ones. I don't see it done that often and I was really happy to see it. Even the adult gunner Jang looked so much like his father, even though as a kid he didn't look that much like him. That's what happens in the real world as well.
The music was really good but maybe because I recently watched a drama with soundtrack that is still echoing in my heart I can't bring myself to give this one a ten.
I would gladly rewatch it sometime because I fell in love with a lot of characters as well as the wonderful directing.
Overall a great drama. A must watch.
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