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Fahlanruk thai drama review
4 people found this review helpful
by SweetsKitKat
Dec 5, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Friends And The Benefits?

Okay at first I wasn't going to give it a chance bececauae of the feedback but decided to in the end anyways, so here is my review. I'm not going to tell you to watch it or not watch it, that is up to you. Just don't let other people's opinion persuade you one way or the other.
On to my review;

Sher and Fah:
Honestly I thought they were cute together during their domestic moments. Their issue of mistrust and jealousy tho, I understood tho from both end to an extent more in Fah's favor but I related to Sher in the family situation and why his heart was closed off. Tho I related to Sher, I understood Fah more because Sher wasn't exactly showing the same seriousness for the relationship as Fah and Sher's relationship with Prince, anyone would side eye if they were in the same situation with the person they liked. At one point Fah apologizes for feeling jealous and repeats to Sher that he didn't do anything wrong, that it's his own fault for feeling jealous then it turns into a fight and Sher slaps Fah unnecessarily once (poor guy got slapped unnecessarily so many times) and punches him the second time tho, that time it was justified cause Fah was kissing on him when he didn't want it, I think that whole thing didn't need to happen, it added unnecessary toxicity to the point that I was doubting whether Sher deserved Fah. Yes whether SHER deserved Fah. In the end trust is earned and I suppose he earned Fah's trust with the whole Pie situation. Speaking of which; People constantly trying to take Fah for themselves got on my nerves, I know he used to be a playboy but geez these people had no self respect, it made me crack up how he turned them down though so there's the plus side to that. Am I happy with their ending? Yes. Did they end up on my fave couple list? No. Also as far as intimacy chemistry between the actors goes, I think it was decent but I'm not one to fuss over that stuff really.

PingTap and Namwhan:
The whipped, nosy besties. I would've loved to have seen a flashback to how they became friends with Fah cause honestly their dynamic had me cracking up. Ping was always so nosy and Tap also but he knew how to keep it to himself, the perfect calm to the nosy storm that is Ping; Made for eachother. Nam surprised me, usually the girls are villanized in BLs so I was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't and handled her situation with Tap gracefully, helping him open his eyes to his feelings for Ping. Though how they got together was a little rushed in my opinion, they still managed to make me smile an look forward to their screen time.

Gear And Prince:
Just like with Sher and Fah, they also dealt with jealousy over Prince's relationship with Sher, understandably so. Glad they didn't drag it for too long and they went back to being the cute relief. Their first time was also filmed beautifully in a fairytale way and honestly it was fitting, just for them.

Tar and Pink:
Loved Pink and her mission to get Sher and Fah together while Tar followed her around like a puppy. Though we didn't get a clear answer for them, I was rooting for Tar to get his girl haha.

Tam and his guy:
I was both confused and intrigued by them just to be left in confusion about them lol.

Nothing too special. Ost was nice.

Overall with everything considered, I enjoyed it and give it a 8.5. Would I reach for it for a rewatch? Maybe depends on my mood. One thing to take note of is that Dark Blue Kiss is one of my fave thai BLs so do with that info what you will lol.
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