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The Best Story
29 people found this review helpful
Jul 24, 2021
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
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The Dew Best Story

This mini series, where to start; I was smiling at the sweet puppy love crush, Best was having throughout the series. The friends also made me smile, one of the best of friends to have really, except Dew's acquaintance cause that rat sure isnt a friend. Anyways, War's acting was amazing as always, tore at my heart and squeezed it when it needed to be and Yin improved as well, actually bawled when he did so yeah bring tissues along for your binge. Shame it wasn't longer to really show off their talents with a HEALTHY COUPLE's storyline. Loved the chemistry between the friends as well.
As far as production goes, I was a little annoyed at the missing subs especially at a crucial part, luckily fans in the comments translated it but hope they fix it for the future watchers of the series, the cast deserves the best. Would I watch it again? Yes. It's my favorite YinWar series they've done. Gonna miss Dew and Best. Spin off for Ray and Dave seems possible from the hints of something going on throughout...or a second season would be great.

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27 people found this review helpful
Jan 10, 2021
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Goodbye is not goodbye.

First I would like to say; If slow burn fluffs aren't your thing then it may not be for you. That being said, I absolutely loved it. The story, the chemistry, the music; Everything about it. Jeff and Gameplay took their characters; Marwin and Tops and made me feel very connected to them through their internal struggles of finding their passion, finding their own path in life; Marwin with his music and Tops with his cooking. All while sharing a bond with Tops' recipes made especially for Marwin, who he has feelings for but is too afraid to say so, not realizing he feels the same and vice versa.

The Ost is so beautiful, Jeff's voice is so amazing. Definitely recommend checking on his covers on youtube.

The chemistry was amazing, I would always get butteflies with every stare and touch. I would also burst into tears at the emotional moments with the way they pour their hearts into what is being said.

Sad to see it go but happy with how it ended, wouldn't mind another season in the future though. After all, Tops needs to keep those cooking skills in practice and learn new recipes to keep his future customers happy; His current day one is already satisfied with his love alone but making music can tiring on an empty stomach hehe.

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His Cat
18 people found this review helpful
Sep 19, 2020
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

His Cat

I just watched this for the first time today and I have to say it filled my heart with warmth. Right off the bat you fall for He Chenghan; A talkactive, cat obsessed boy in need of a friend. A friend he finds in Ye Yu Wei; A standoffish boy with the dreams of being a writer, who transferred into He Chenghan's school.

Later on in the movie you find out that the reason he transfered. The boys get to learn about eachother and find out some things that a person not paying attention wouldnt notice. It's a really wholesome movie and it made me smile a lot.

Production wise, there were times when the audio was off and things didn't quite make sense in the storytelling of it but it wasn't too distracting from the main focus of the story; Which was two boys discovering feelings they've never felt before.

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A Tale of Thousand Stars
18 people found this review helpful
Apr 3, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Missing it already

I had high expectations for this and I’ve been waiting for forever it felt like since the first trailer was released. I’m glad that it exceeded my expectations, I laughed, cried, boy did I cry and smiled so much with this series. Mix and Earth portrayed their characters amazingly well; So well that they had me feeling super single at times. Their chemistry was phenomenal to the point that I didn't need super intimate scenes to feel their love. From episode 1 I was hooked onto Tian's life story in the city to his life in the Village with not just Phupha but with the kids and all of the villagers. To see how far it went within the 10 episodes, it's a journey that I would love to experience all over again for the first time.

The cinematography was beautifully done, every shot left me in awe...especially with the mountain scenes. Nothing more to say there except great job to the crew for their hard work just as much to all the actors.

The Ost remains my head for days until the next episode so that should tell you something.

Overall I give this masterpiece a 10/10, definitely recommend and would rewatch again. Missing it already as I type this.

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Your Name Engraved Herein
13 people found this review helpful
Dec 25, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Why can't we all have the love we think we deserve without judgement

Just freshly off watching it; I'm writing this with the feelings still in my heart. The story will break your heart to pieces, seeing Jia-han and Wang Po-te(Birdy) struggle with their feelings in a world where their love was just seen as a sin; As we see with a builled boy for liking boys and police going after a harmless man fighting for his right to just be. A great example of right person, wrong time.
The acting was amazing; They had me bawling my eyes out while feeling their pain and heart racing at their chemistry.
The music was also amazing, in fact I have 'Your Name Engraved Herein' on repeat as I write this in my feelings.
The movie was so good it had me wanting to go back and watch it all over again once it was done. One thing's for sure; Won't think of wǎn ān the same.

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Not Me
8 people found this review helpful
Mar 20, 2022
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10

Not Me, Not You, But Everyone...

I recommend this series 110%. The plot, the acting, cinematography, everything was amazing. You learn some real life lessons along the way when dealing with an oppressive government; one being that not everything, especially the characters, are black or white; Well besides the twins who are actually named Black and White...From the struggles the gang of college kids went through together for justice to the heartbreak some faced, it was a great journey to be on. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a strong case of second couple syndrome cause I did, tho main couple was great in their own way, had me rooting for them too. The unexpected ghostshiping was also strong at times hahaha. Soundtrack was good, nothing I paid too much attention besides intro song, mainly cause I was busy bawling my eyes out. So yes I also recommend lots of tissues for your tears. That's all I'll say without being spoilery. Would definitely rewatch it in a heartbeat.

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11 people found this review helpful
Dec 5, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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A warm cup of milk

If you want a series to give you warm, fuzzy feelings after a long day, this is the series for you. The relationship between Solo and Gui is so sweet and endearing to watch grow throughout the series, like a warm cup of milk if you will. The side couple from the start grab you by the heart. Watching the bunny like; Kao melt the hesistant, cold walls of the man with secret soft inside, a love for bunnies and an awful reputation; Phu and fall in love with their chemistry.

Another set of characters are Dr. Petch, Dr. Perth, Khim and Khem... I honestly wouldn't know where to start with them. That whole storyline brings down the score to where it is vs what it would've been if it wasn't included. Not much of the intense fujoshi characters, so Khim was a bit of an annoyance for me, nothing against the actress but luckily I could look past the scenes without really missing anything important. I did end up liking Khem and Perth towards the end though nothing really came of that storyline.

The ost is so incredibly catchy, it will make you want to stick through the intro every episode.

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Golden Blood
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 11, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 10
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Duty or Love

First can't believe it went by so quick. I'm gonna miss it, though full of stress, I enjoyed it very much. Were some scenes goofy cause of the fighting? Yes but that was part of its charm for me. I got very much Where Your Eyes Linger vibes and thats not a bad thing at all cause I love that BL also.

Pitch and Bank were so cute to the very end, so I was greatful to have them to cut some of the stress from Sun and Sky with their comedic relationship. Sugus and Tenon's chemistry was everything and more. Sun and Sky pulled at my heart so many times but that's what made it great, I applaud Boat and Gun for their perfomance; Again I can say the chemistry was everything and more with them as well. The emotions that pour out in their scenes, I loved. Wish we got to see a little more of the girls; Juno and Toktaeng in the flashforward like a surprise confirmation they were dating or something but I'll just make that my headcanon. Also wish we got more on Pitch and Bank but I understand it was Sky and Sun's story. Sky's dad remained a piece of work and that's all I'll say...Mafia parents...

The music? The Ost was cute and had me swaying in my seat everytime.

Would I watch it again? For sure. A quick 1 day binge I recommend.

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The Tuxedo
5 people found this review helpful
Apr 22, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5
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If I have you...I fear nothing..

I first want to say that I was waiting for this drama to come out cause of Green and Chap's chemistry outside of the show. I love how they are with eachother and in turn that made me feel the chemistry between them in the show. Was it the best drama ever? No but it also wasn't awful like other things i've seen that have full hour length episodes. Honestly with longer episodes they really could've fleshed out the story better and we could've gotten more about Nawee and his family. I think if they had scraped the whole turtle thing with the brothers and used that time to develop Aioun and Nawee's story it would've been better. I actually thought that if there was going to be a side story, that it would've been with Oab and Sichol, who turned out to be my fave characters. Either way, it was a nice watch about an isolated man conquering his fear with the help of someone unexpected and it was sweet to watch. I hope Chap and Green get another chance at a series. Another thing I liked about the drama is the Ost, Jeff's voice never disappoints, I sat through the intro everytime.

Would I rewatch this drama again? Sure, if I miss GreenChap and want something light to watch i'd concider it.

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Peach of Time
5 people found this review helpful
Sep 27, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Heart wrenchingly beautiful

As a lover of angst, this drama fullfilled that well. It had my heart aching almost every episode. It took me through a rollercoaster of emotions, tearing up and angry at times. The soundtrack was beautifully done as well. The acting of course was amazing, regardless of language barrier issues; I felt the connection between Peach and Yoon Oh intensely, as well as with Yoon Oh's mom. Jimmy and Tommy did a great job in their roles and i'm proud of them. Choi Jae-hyun definitely got my attention as Yoon Oh, enough to want to check out his other works. I don't give it a full 10 because Mario's storyline felt a bit incomplete to me, I needed to see more punishment for the person responsible for what happen to Yoon Oh and wish there was a bit more to the end like a flashforward but other than that I loved it.

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5 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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A comfort show

First I would like to say, dont go into it looking for plot that goes in depth, you wont find it with the time crunch of 2 eps per couple just pull back your expectations and you'll enjoy it just fine. My ranking for each story is as follows (my opinion):

8.5 + 8.5: TueAke's story I loved their chemistry, bit messy at parts but I was still able to enjoy it with a smile.

4 + 6: SunNuea I personally couldn't stop cringing their first episode, don't really think the aggressively flirty fits Nat in my opinion and Max as the shy tutor was just weird for me. Their second episode was better in terms of acting and the script but it was still just alright for me.

8.5 + 9: TeamMon is another of my top faves, their story was really interesting and the acting was great, made me emotional in their second episode so I enjoyed it more. I commend Korn for playing such a bashful character, must've not been easy and Gung with the changed playboy, loved his acting.

8 +10 PaoThur: Omg their story moved me so much, their acting was amazing, their plot really grabbed me. I was very much invested in them. They left me wanting more. I applaud Pee and Au with their amazing chemistry.

8.5+9.5: KaengPuth: Some things were unclear but were answered in their special episode, so be sure to check it out. Perfect chemistry, amazing acting. Nothing else to say besides, I pray Toru and First get their own series.

8.5 +7.5 ChokeSat: I was honestly enjoying their story and did but it somehow fell apart for their second story, it felt rushed so I rated it lower than their first. I did enjoy Ton and Jaab's chemistry they were just given a complicated storyline to work with but made it work how they could. I also just never understood the purpose of the language swap besides for entertainment, I suppose.

9.5+9 HiaMasuk/Tir: Tears, pain and bittersweetness. Definitely the deeper plotline that I personally loved. Being familiar with Lay, Yoon and Perth; I was prepared for their level of acting and of course they didn't disappoint me. Where as the writing is what fell at parts concerning Tir. It was a beautiful story about not living in the past and moving on from what can't be changed.

9 Everyone: Pure fluff and I loved it. Not a huge fan about Tir's fate but I get they wanted Perth around for the last episode, the rest was adorable and had me smiling non-stop.

Overall I would recommend this to anyone looking for something to bring them comfort after a long day.

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Gen Y
5 people found this review helpful
Dec 16, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Believe in destiny?

I'll start off by saying, I enjoyed the original 2moons cast very much so I was excited to see Kimmon, Copter and Bas to play in another BL together. As before; They have not let me down with the chemistry. Up to now they've managed to make me cry several times and laugh as well. One thing I wonder tho is the reason for keeping Pha's face a mystery.

Now for the side characters; I love each and everyone of them, even the jerk, Padbok. I especially love Phai and Sandee since they're played by Pon and Bank from The Moment: I need you mini series. I love the chemistry between their respective future partners and with Wayu, Kit and Mark; They all play off eachother really well in my opinion. Since there's so many of them though, it is a bit unfair on screen time but if you're only interested in the main that won't bother you. Will update once it's over.

The Ost is catchy as well.

Update: Just finished the final episode of Season 1 and I seriously can't wait for season 2! That twist at the end oh my god. At the end I came out rooting for WayuThanu, PokTong and MarkKit of course ♡. Also sideeyeing some characters...Anyways, give it a chance you'll enjoy it.

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Dew the Movie
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 30, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
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This movie was so emotionally draining for me. I was a total mess during and still after it was done. The injustice the gays faced for liking who they like, broke my heart. Dew deserved so much better than to die and be reincarnated into a teen girl. Such cruel fate to keep him and Phop apart even in his second life. Ohm and Sadanon are such a good actors, they really let me feel Dew and Phop’s pain. Their chemistry together really shined through, I would love to see them in something else together. Also the rest of the cast was great; Phop’s father was a complete asshole and I was happy when Phop finally fought back against him. I felt bad for Phop’s mom who had to see her son be thrown away like garbage because of who he likes. The score was beautiful and set the tone for the movie just right.

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Cutie Pie
21 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Love Is A Human Right...

Overall I recommend this series 100% so don't read on if you don't want to be spoiled.

First I'll start with the negatives since there isn't many. The negative for me was Yi and his guilt for an accident that happened when he and Diao were kids and how it dragged on for so long without communicating. Once it was I guess revealed, I felt underwhelmed by it and confused on how it would cause such a side effect, though it has never happened to me so I guess it's possible, but that just left me feeling like "Eh they're cute I guess" in the end. These characters did work better for MaxNat for me to like their chemistry as a couple but idk I just got very annoyed with Yi.

Onto the positive. I love how the series addressed the Marriage Equality issue, especially with Thailand being one of the many country that still doesn't have Marriage Equality in their country, regardless of the community of LGBTQ+ that lives there and the BLs/GLs they produce. Kuea and Lian talking about how they want to get married but society doesn't allow them to, it was nice to see.

Zee and Nunew's chemistry is chef's kiss amazing. They constantly gave me butterflies and put a smile on my face. They also made me shed so many tears, when they cry it's heartbreakingly real and I love that. Though I was prepared for Zee to hurt me emotionally cause he's good at it. I was pleasantly surprised with Nunew. Not only Nunew's chemistry with Zee but with the whole cast honestly, most importantly Nat as Kuea's bestfriend, Diao. The friendship those shared made me bawl my eyes out at the sweetness and caring way they were always there for eachother. Bestie goals honestly. On another set of besties that had great chemistry were Lian and Yi played by Zee and Max, they weren't as loud about their affection towards eachother as Kuea and Diao but you could tell that they cared for eachother as best friends and business partners.

Speaking of business partners; Jay ♡ That's all I gotta say. Also loved the comedic relief that was Foeii.

Though they got minimal screen time, Syn and Nuer grabbed my heart and held on tight to the end so props to Tutor and Yim.

Music was 10/10 Nunew and his voice melts my soul. The Ost is super catchy, love it.

For the story the only irritating parts were the secrets and the underwhelming reveal but other than that; I liked the arranged marriage concept.

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Bite Me
5 people found this review helpful
Nov 7, 2021
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
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What just happened?

When directing and script does you dirty, you get this show...I felt the chemistry but it was brought down by the fact majority of the screen time was spent on stares and no lines being said, I love slowburns but the pacing was just ridiculous. Lots left without explanation and by the end the second couple pretty much became main? Also that montage was edited better than the entire show... Feeling bad for Mark and Zung cause I know they're great actors but the way things went didn't really let them show that till basically the last two-three episodes, where really I hated Chef Aue for being too pushy on Aek and not giving him space to process his feelings. Also the no apology? I don't blame Zung tho, script just sucked. I wanted to know more about Aek's friends and their lives, especially Bie and Pock. Also wanted more about Nuna cause seemed she might've been hinted at as Bi or I interpreted it wrong. Also Chef Viphob & Chef Moo relation? Eve & ___? Anyways leaving it at that. Loved the ost and liked what I got to see with the acting, especially with the mom and Aek together. Would I recommend it? Eh maybe I dont know, I've seen worse so there's that..maybe read the novel after to feel complete.

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