
  • Last Online: 3 days ago
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: USA
  • Contribution Points: 112 LV2
  • Birthday: October 04
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  • Join Date: April 21, 2014





Happy endings? Yes Please! Sad endings ?  Nope, I don't want to watch it! My favorite genres are Romantic Comedy and Sci-fi/Fantasy.

 I have watched dramas from Korea, China, Taiwan,  Japan, and Thailand. Each country's dramas have their own charms.  

My very first Asian film: "Chung King Express". I still love it.  

My very first Asian Drama:  Korean drama "Creating Destiny."

Asian drama obsession: Any drama  based on Itazura Na Kiss.    

American and British favs that I would love to see Asian drama remakes of: American movie "The Proposal", British book and movie Persuasion, American tv series Gossip Girl.   

Looking for a recommendation? Try Looking at my Custom lists.  I currently have 18 themed lists. 

What do my Ratings mean? Warning: My ratings are chaotic. ... depends on my mood.   In general:

8 -10 = Well made dramas will always fall somewhere in this range. Fun dramas that have what I would consider minor faults. For me, a drama does not have to be award winning for me to rate it in this range. If it is in this range you can be sure I enjoyed watching it. 

7 - 7.5 = probably mostly good but had slow spot and or a less than satisfactory ending

6.0 - 6.5  = probably touched on a topic I find distasteful and had a sad ending. Guilty pleasure dramas sometimes fall into this range because while I enjoyed watching it, objectively I can not give it a better rating. 

0 - 5.5 = tragic endings, weird pointless storylines, If it falls into this range IMO it is not worth starting.


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