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In my own little world in the middle of the U.S.A.


In my own little world in the middle of the U.S.A.
Panda and Hedgehog korean drama review
Panda and Hedgehog
8 people found this review helpful
by purplebichonhorse
Oct 12, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
Even with the lower rating it is not a bad drama just lacking- it was very cute and reminded me a bit of the tdrama Fondant Garden. However, the plot was not all that original so it was very predictable and some of the main characters lacked depth. >What I liked: her childhood friend Won Il's sister was so funny and without her this drama would have been pretty boring and the pretty cakes. How PanDa reacted to finding out hedgehog's past. The ending was super cute >What I didn't like: Pan Da Yang's character was boring, acted really stupid at times, and was just kind of flat. The plot was predictable and it annoyed me when they didn't get to the bottom of things until the end. The acting: Pan Da Yan- soso acting and I really didn't care for her character. Hedgehog- *Excellent* acting. Won Il- acting was fine, but nothing spectacular. Eun Bi (Pan Da's Friend)- her acting was good for the character. Won Yi (Won Il's sister)- Excellent acting and I loved her character. Music was fine for this drama, but nothing blew me out of the water. Rewatch value is ok since this is a good I'm bored and want some cuteness drama. You may like this drama if you like the drama Fondant Garden, baking, cakes, cuteness, and love triangles.
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