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Nobunaga Concerto japanese drama review
Nobunaga Concerto
16 people found this review helpful
by purplenette
Dec 27, 2014
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
Sequel? NC was so much fun to watch. I'm not into historical dramas, but this was interesting. The story line was full developed. It takes place during a "warring" period, butt Nobunaga wants peace. I like how he changes the thinking of the people. However, this drama is driven by the characters rather than the actual story. I enjoyed most of the characters. The ending is open. I hope that means there will be another series. I know almost nothing about Japanese actors. However, I absolutely fell for Oguri Shun as Nobunaga. His comic timing is great and he is also good at melodrama. The music is appropriate. I won't rewatch this, but it is rewatchable. I recommend this drama regardless of the genre you prefer.
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