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Find Me in Your Memory korean drama review
Find Me in Your Memory
0 people found this review helpful
by naoseranjo
Oct 26, 2021
32 of 32 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

Is love all about memories?

The premise revolves around a man who can never forget and a woman who can’t remember her past and doesn’t hold her memories. The drama continues to pose this philosophical questions, what is worst: being unable to forget beautiful experiences and memories but also past relationships and love and bad moments or being someone that can’t hold the memory of friendship and happy moments?
I have my opinion, but everyone should think it throughout there own experience or beliefs.

The backstory starts with Lee Jung Hoon (Kim Dong Wook) losing his beloved girlfriend, Seo Yeon (who is a beautiful joyfull person, full of life), to a psycho. And all the bad and good moments lived between them will stay with him forever. Can he fall in love again? Does memory plays a part in love?
Don’t really know why there are so many stalkers and kidnapers in kdramas (maybe is common in Korea, like amnesia and love triangles and squares). I think the show could had another way of developing the story, the main story that is always disturbed by villains that poped up like mushrooms…
I think this drama is also about today’s way of life: fans that can destroy lifes with comments; the unnability to deal with memories that are supposed to fade as time goes by but can’t disapear because of social media, and all the things we publish and upload to the web. And, as Cure’s Robert Smith say: “And the Spiderman is always hungry”. Public figures thrives with public recognition and opinions, but falling from the top to the bottom is only a question of hours. But it’s a price that almost everyone has to pay as they ascended in that way too. Rarely, very few ascends by merit but most do it by popularity. And people think it’s normal, by putting an avatar or being anonymous they can talk what they want without, most of the time, knowing the situation, like here in MDL.

Anchor Lee is mature, a competent and trustworthy man broadcasting the news. He feels uncomfortable and strange when Ha Jin (Moon Ga Young) apears and shares quotes and thoughts that resemble Seo Yeon. She also feels a connection and both can’t understand why…

The plot is about memories, the feelings, the past that is always present for Anchor Lee and non existent to Ha Jin. Suspense, crime, impossible love and cute romantic scenes all in the same drama. The drama is all about love, but the feeling floats in the air and not in the plot. It also deals with pressure from the press, media and fans; family love and support, specially Yeo Ha Kyung (Kim Seul Gi) protecting her older sister; work ethics and the truth about business (people, not companies, have morals,). The stalkers, the crimes are not my taste and don’t understand the need in this drama.

Another thing that kept me thinking was the way the psychiatrists dealt with the patients, medling and leading and lying insted of helping. It’s not my field of expertise, but i don’t think it’s the right treatment the way they talked to the patients and gave informations an, for sure, there were some major violations of work ethics.

I don’t follow the actors careers or have special feelings for any one. I think the main leads were great, loved the chemistry between them, and even her sister and Jo Il Kwon (
Lee Jin Hyuk).
Specially the way the romance between Anchor-nim and Ha Jin, the way they express their feelings and the memory issues. They talked about the problems, there were almost none misunderstandings, and the decisions were made with the knowledge of the other’s thoughts. Maybe Ha Jin didn’t believe in Anchor Lee’s feelings about her…

The 2 year gap is, for me, always a mistery. Maybe i can’t understand how to love in distance, not only geographically but emotional and without any communication!

The ending could be better and more focus on their love and the memories, old and new. I think they would, eventually, talked about Seo Yeon, because she was their connection, even in the past. They knew the other through her, the bond that glue their hearts…

Yeo Ha Jin is awesome. She is awkward and funny and straight talker because she can’t remember! And the memory plays a huge part of her personality. But she can deal with the hardships of her profession and the scandals. She is strong and beautiful.

Her relationship with her younger sister Yeo Ha Kyung is wonderful. She seems the young one! But the chemistry is great!

Lee Jeong Heon is the anchorman, with a sense of righteousness.He is as strong willed and dogmatic. He has hyperthymesia, that forces him to remember every moment in his life. He is very gentle and patient with Ha Jin. He is warm and kind, not the most romantic type, but more of a protective type.

Anchor-nim and Ha Jin are puzzled with each other. Ha Jin reminded him his first love and he was drawn to her when he found out who she really was and what she had to do to survive Seo Yeon’s death.

Yeo Ha Kyung is Ha Jin’s devoted baby sister. She chooses to support and sacrífice her independece for her sister and their relationship is beautiful. The romance with Reporter Jo was very fluffy. She also helps Jeon Heon to be by her sister’s side.

Jo Il-Kwon is the Anchor-nim’s junior. He is loyal, supportive and helps everyway he can. His romance with Ha Kyung is both cute and funny.

Yoo Tae Eun is Jeong Heon best friend and also Ha Jin’s former doctor. Don’t think that he does the best work as a friend or a doctor to both lovers, but he redeemed in the end.

Choi Hee Sang is Anchor-nims direct boss. She is amazing! She was very supportive to Anchor-nim, knowing his condition but always firm and competent. She is married to Cheol Woong, the director for news live which makes him Anchor-nim’s direct supervisor.

Yoo Sung Hyuk is an awful psychologist and that’s it. He is a bad person, but also incompetente.

Ji Hyun Geun is the director for Ha Jin’s film First Love and i really don’t know the purpose of him being in the drama.

Moon Seong Ho is the stalker. Don’t understand his behaviour because he murdered his muse and that’s it.

I think it was great!

OST – interesting and well placed in the scenes.

Usually i review my dramas on what i felt trough the shows and not technical, beauty of the actores or the production aspects.
I am not an active fan of the actresses or actors, well, i like some but that doesn’t move me from an impartial view.
I loved the idea of memories playing a huge part of live, and i think everyone should watch it. I wish it was a little shorter and without the villans, but it was ok. It desserved a better ending…
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