Hands down…Best CH7 Lakorn of 2020
-I'm gonna be in a drama slump after watching this :(It has everything: angsty romance, emotional father son scenes, plot twists, and best of all some good revenge.
Where do I start? Story, story, and more story. The story is literally everything for this lakorn, forget all the cliches there’s something about this lakorn that keep you on the edge of your seat!
Story: Plot revolves around Paul getting revenge (and rightfully so) on his real father that kept Paul’s mother’s assets and abandoned both of them for his mistress and adopted daughter(Nai). Paul comes back years later to take back what rightfully belonged to his mother and should now belong to him. This is a revenge lakorn gone right, nothing he did was unreasonable IMO. Smart and planned out revenge with no unnecessary BS and no forced kisses or anything, good development for the romance aspect as well.
Acting: EVERY SINGLE SCENE with Paul and his real dad is acting gold on Donut’s part because you can really feel all the emotions, the hurt, the secret hope for his father to be proud of him, and Paul just yearning for his love. Paul and Nai’s chemistry was intense! I mentioned this before but 14 episodes with no kiss and that literally wasn’t a problem, you could feel the love and longing they had for each other, just goes to show that romance isn’t all about physical stuff.
Nai’s acting/ character could’ve had some more development but Prapye did the best she could. I will say Donut’s acting just shone through the whole show he kept the audience really captivated, this dude is going places I tell ya.
Music: Music was pretty good!! I listened to some of the songs audio only because they were pretty catchy (especially the one by “Big Ass”- I still can’t get over their stage name XD)
Because the story is so important, rewatch value is a little less, however its very rewatchable due to the amazing acting by pretty much all of the cast and the angsty romance between the MLs.
only reason i took off 0.5 was because the cousin and niece scenes were a little filler and unnecessary, and also Nai being a little stupid sometimes.
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Story: probably the strongest point of the show, side plots were just as important to the story as the main plot so you cant really skip that without missing some stuff. I liked how unpredictable it was, i couldn't really guess who was good or bad until the later episodes. There were some unpredictable plot twists and unnecessary deaths (not really a spoiler considering how many characters there are). Overall plot was better than average. Also liked how some characters you might like/hate in the beginning you might change your mind after, there was some character development.
Acting/ cast: Considering the ML is still a newbie, he did a pretty good job, plus he was eye candy XD. Wasn't a huge fan of the FL, she was kind of naive and a crybaby, but still a lot better than being a doormat amirite. I really liked the relationship b/w Mek and King, they really felt like father and son more that his actual father. Surprisingly, I found that second couple (Lek's brother and Rose) had really good chemistry, I liked watching their parts. Overall most character weren't black and white, most not all.
Music: pretty average music, nothing too special about it. Don't have much to say lol
Rewatch value: as i said before, the plot is pretty important in this one so not as easy to rewatch if you know whats going to happen already.
Overall: overall I give it an 8, not just based on the points above but also my personal feelings :)
P.S. this is one of my first reviews plz don't bash me for it if you dont like it, simply write your own :)
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One of those dramas that makes you sad and nostalgic when it ends
I binged watched this over a period of 3 days however i didn't really skip as much as I thought I would.Story: the story is very important to the show, it adds to the whole theme of fighting for justice and freedom and the long road in that struggle. I liked the main couple a lot their chemistry was really palpable, not to mention some cute scenes here and there. I noticed when i started watching i skipped so many of the fight scenes but as i kept watching i skipped less and less because i started to get really interested in all aspects of the story not just the romance. One thing I really was how rape was portrayed as something the bad guys did, all the main characters were good people who joked around but never showed women as some sort of objects.
Acting/Cast: They probably couldn't have picked better cast because all of them really did their roles justice. I became a fan of Sammy Cowell since lhong ngao jun and she really shone in this role, she was a true fighter but knew when to give her hubby some love and they were so cute <3. The bad guys were also good in their acting because they weren't cartoon villains that were 100% they all had their motives and personalities which was nice.
Music: THE MUSIC WAS SO GOOD!! I'm a sucker for a few musicals here and there and this show had just the right amount of songs and good songs too. I'm pretty sure the songs were sung by the actors so it felt pretty real too! Gosh there were so many times when i rewinded just to listen to the songs again because they were so good arghh
Rewatch: The ending made me so nostalgic it felt like i had been living in Pha Phuen Tak and was leaving the town, I felt so attached which I usually only do for certain shows. might rewatch in a few months but I will definitely listen to the songs again.
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plot: yes, this lakorn is about romance. but not just that, there's so much more going on that you probably won't skip the side plots. Each character had a definite good or bad persona but they still had depth by doing questionable things occasionally. the main couple was of course cliche but the side characters all had very unpredictable things going on, so that was fun to guess. lakorns have a tendency to drag the ending but not for this one! the last few episodes were actually the ones I liked the most. also, one thing I really liked was that they didn't romanticize rape like at all, that's so important to me considering previous lakorns I watched where the guy gets off scot free or is even forgiven.
acting/ cast: so happy to see Louis in another ml role, his acting is getting better for sure. his character wasn't perfect and yet he was very likeable, not anti-hero at all. wasn't a huge fan of the fl's character as she was supposed to be somewhat childlike, they probably should've chosen a younger actress, however, I liked that she was honest about her feelings and didn't shy away from them. the interactions between them were very respectful, unlike many lakorns I have seen. I liked Kim's sister, expecting her to be naive and selfish, she was actually quite a complex character that was stuck in the middle of hin and Kim.
music was average, nothing extraordinary
overall, I would say watch it if you also enjoy the plot/suspense as much as the romance. once you start watching, you will become curious about the ending for each character so much that sometimes you might even forget about the romance or main couple.
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