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Intercom ga Naru Toki japanese drama review
Intercom ga Naru Toki
1 people found this review helpful
by Aii
May 31, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

What a good rollercoaster!

I didn't expect this emotional journey at all. I thought it would be a classical, predictable drama about infidelity, but oh boy, was i wrong.

+ The start is pretty usual. We get a good introduction of the characters and the dynamic. With each episode, we dive deeper into the emotions. It's not overwhelming, it allows us to understand everything better step by step.
+ The character development is slowy, but natural and so authentic. At the beginning i was so pissed about the husband and just screamed internally that she should just leave him, but with further progress, we discovered more and more of the story and the characters emotions unfold so beautifully.
+ Theres a deep dive into psychology and i really suffered together with the characters. This drama hit me off guard out of fkkn nowhere.
+ The OST. Its beautiful. Not just the song itself, also the vibe, the lyrics and how the intro was shot, the symbolism (i have my own wild interpretation of the blue apple :')) It's been a few day since i finished this drama and i still listen to the intro on repeat. The whole vibe of the song and the drama just has me in a chokehold. I am emotionally so hooked. x.x
+ Plottwists all over, kinda. I was definitely surprised. After the quiet/slow (?) and not-so-special start, i expected a usual drama, but nope.
+ The child actor! Yuma's actor is just great! But all the actors did a great job.

I actually don't have much that I dislike about the drama. There's nothing that I could name in particular, besides one little thing, that I will put in a comment of my review, because I want to keep this review spoilerfree.

I really don't get the low rating at all! It's not a typical infidelity drama, where one is cheating and then the other part cheats, too. Just for fun and without giving a fck about the relationship.

Its deep, emotional, raw and inspiring & I really like it a lot!
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