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This drama has the same lead pair Hu Ge and Ariel Lin. It is a very sweet, funny love story. Though the story takes a serious turn halfway, it is very engaging. The soundtrack is beautiful too, give this a try.
Recommended by sadia - May 14, 2014
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All the surrounding and circumstances are different, but the feelings between the main couples (the "type" of love) in these two dramas seem similar to me. They start out with almost enemy like relationship, the man treats the woman sometimes really badly... but the girl in both dramas is the type who can take it all and some more, very strong girls both of them. Both pairs also end up in a difficult situation later on where they need to decide how much they can give up for their love.
Recommended by hmyr - May 14, 2014
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Both movies focus on the development of the bond between father and son, with a female friend to help out.
Recommended by redbeanmochi - May 14, 2014
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Both are about a families who seem to be normal from the outside, but in fact they have dark secret.
Recommended by Gummy - May 13, 2014
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These two dramas were produced by the same production team, same director, same writer. Surprisingly, the only common thing you can find in both dramas: time travel.
Recommended by djchiriko - May 13, 2014
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Both are divorce-themed stories and both are rom-com; yet Emergency Couple is a bit on serious tone, more focused on drama side than comedy. It's good to watch both so you get a glimpse on how Koreans' deal with divorce and learn more about their culture.
Recommended by djchiriko - May 13, 2014
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A man, accused of a crime he didn't commit, is on the run to save his ailing daughter and to clear his name.
Recommended by Count Chocula - May 13, 2014
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Both the movie and the drama are based on the same true events. So there could be a lot of similarities among them.
Recommended by RealmCreator - May 13, 2014
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I thought the humor was similar. The girls are both hard-working and surrounded by a bunch of guys. In my opinion, both are really great if you are looking for something light-hearted and absolutely adorable. :)
Recommended by kad88 - May 13, 2014
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This is just another great movie. Lots of martial arts. Based on true story. And just shows how amazing IP Man was.
Recommended by ArcaneAlterEgo - May 12, 2014
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Because it contains great martial arts and a great plot. If you know about the books a romance of three kingdoms. It is very famous in china espicially. The movie contains 2 parts. Red Cliff (1) and Red Cliff II (2). You must watch both because they complete each other.
Recommended by ArcaneAlterEgo - May 12, 2014
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Both are sad but beautiful. You'll cry more than 1 litre of Tears in watching each of them.
Recommended by smile-and-drama - May 11, 2014
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Vic Zhou was the main lead in both. And both have a strange plot but a beautiful aesthetic. (even if the story are very diferent)
Recommended by smile-and-drama - May 11, 2014
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Some of the story in Master's Sun is similar to Who are you. In who are you, is where the girl lost her boyfriend and then fall in love with another guy that she is working with. In Master's Sun is where the guy lost his girlfriend and then fall in love with the woman who came in his life. And both girls in Master's Sun (Gong Hyo Jin) and Who Are You (So Yi Hyun) can see Ghost.
Recommended by JiyeonnieWu - May 10, 2014
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Both are about dysfunctional families and mysterious characters who are potential murderers. Nakagawa Taishi also stars in both dramas
Recommended by kuay - May 10, 2014