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Both Reply 1997 and Hot Young Bloods follow the stories of teenagers in the recent past - Reply 1997 takes place in the 90s, and Hot Young Bloods in the 80s. They both pay careful attention to the aesthetic details of the era. But beyond the fact that they’re both “retro”, they also both portray characters that are normal, relatable teenagers. None of the characters are outrageously rich, celebrities, damsels in distress or alpha heroes… Both female leads are a little on the “strong” side, they’re more assertive than the male leads, that are slightly timid. The male leads, despite being awkward and flawed (and occasionally ridiculous) teenagers, are still attractive. And both this movie and this drama have a nice mix of romance, comedy, and slight notes of sadness, that sums up into good coming-of-age stories!
Recommended by Kim-Park-Lee - May 1, 2014
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Both stories revolve around a woman falling in love with her husband's servant and having their love challenged by society.
Recommended by Ettie - May 1, 2014
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- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Mature content
- Both are japanese
- Both are based on a manga
- Bl dramas
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
If you liked
...then you might like
- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Both are bl
- Psychological
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
If you liked
...then you might like
- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Both are bls
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
If you liked
...then you might like
- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Mature content
- Both are japanese bl
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
If you liked
...then you might like
- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Mature content
- Both are japanese bls
- Psychological
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
...then you might like
- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Mature content
- Both are japanese
- Both are based on a manga
- Bl dramas
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
...then you might like
- Serious and realist vibes
- Strong plot that shows how deep the characters are
- Mature content
- Both are japanese
- Both are based on a manga
- Bl dramas
- You will feel empty after ending it, because the plot will hit you like a basketball and make you want to erase your memory just to watch it again
Recommended by LUMaFJ - 3 days ago
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Las historias coinciden en la lógica de los hermanastros (aunque son historias diferentes) y están muy bien contadas. Innocent Playmates (o como aparece en algunas partes "Stay with me"), es una adaptación de la exitosa novela "Are you addicted", al igual que la serie del 2016 Addicted Heroin. (un clásico que debes ver). En ambas historias se puede ver la calidad del guión con excelentes actuaciones y ambientación, así como la belleza de cómo se desarrolla la relación, como foco principal. Con personajes que amarás desde el primer día es una serie que, definitivamente, recomiendo ver.
Recommended by ps_70 - 15 days ago
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Se você está buscando um dorama mais recente que mantenha o charme e a leveza de Saboten to Marshmallow, "Nodame Cantabile" (2006) é uma excelente escolha. A série segue a história de uma talentosa pianista excêntrica e seu relacionamento com um maestro perfeccionista. O dorama mistura comédia, romance e música de uma maneira envolvente, oferecendo uma narrativa encantadora e personagens carismáticos que vão certamente agradar aos fãs de histórias doces e bem-humoradas.
Recommended by EMMA - 17 days ago
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"Kazoku no Katachi" aborda temas de família e identidade, mas sob uma ótica contemporânea, com foco em personagens que enfrentam as expectativas da sociedade enquanto tentam encontrar seu próprio caminho em um mundo em constante mudança.
Recommended by EMMA - 17 days ago
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"From Five to Nine" conta a história de uma jovem professora de inglês que, inesperadamente, se vê envolvida em um casamento arranjado com um monge budista. Assim como em Miai Renai, o conflito entre as expectativas familiares e as aspirações pessoais é central, mas a série acrescenta uma dose de comédia romântica moderna e leve, tornando-a uma excelente escolha para quem aprecia histórias sobre tradições versus modernidade.
Recommended by EMMA - 17 days ago
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"Reply 1997" utiliza uma abordagem nostálgica para explorar as relações e experiências de um grupo de amigos, misturando humor e momentos emocionantes de uma forma que ressoa com o público. É uma excelente escolha para quem aprecia doramas que são ao mesmo tempo divertidos e emocionalmente envolventes.
Recommended by EMMA - 17 days ago
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Se você gostou de "Kochira Shibaura Tantei sha" e procura outro dorama que explore o mundo da investigação com uma abordagem envolvente, recomendo "Furuhata Ninzaburo" (1994). Esta série também segue um detetive, mas com uma abordagem mais focada em mistérios elaborados e na astúcia do protagonista em resolver crimes aparentemente insolúveis. "Furuhata Ninzaburo" é uma excelente escolha para quem aprecia o gênero de mistério e investigação com um toque de engenhosidade e humor.
Recommended by EMMA - 17 days ago