Let’s Talk about Chu
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

Now let's talk about Chu

"Let's Talk About Chu" follows the story of a family and their struggles, trying to find "their place in the world". There are several storylines being told at the same time; Chu Ai and Ping Ke - who are in a friendship plus; Chu Ais brother finding (true) love; The sister and her husband, as well as their parents struggling with their marriage.

While I did enjoy most of the drama and I would recommend it to everyone in search of a more mature Asian drama, there still is some room for improvement. But first of all, let's start with everything this drama did right:

First, the drama feels like a cute mix of "Sex Education" and "The Warp Effect" at first but it soon becomes unique in it's own way! The drama does a great job of combining serious topics while mantaining the overall more light feel of the story. Talking about STDs or sexual desires never feels out of place, it's nicely put together, never feeling like it was just added to put it out there.
The characters feel well-built, having a real personality, their own problems and mistakes. Their relationships feel genuine (and certainly not picture book perfect) and I couldn't help but root for all the characters. The cinematography, the soundtrack and the acting are all good - helping the story come to life!

But now to the things that bothered me at times:
Sex scenes often times feel more like watching a sex comedy (especially the ones of the brother) which I personally find odd at times considering how good the drama handles talking about the topics. But considering that this drama isn't about these scenes most of the time; that's a point I can look over at any time.
The duration; with only 8 episodes (with about 40-45 minutes per episode), some storylines feel like they haven't been explored as much as they could have been, making them also feel a bit rushed at times.

Nevertheless, "Let's Talk About Chu" is a great choice when searching for a fun and enjoyable watch over the weekend!

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Let’s Talk about Chu
8 people found this review helpful
by Iulia
Feb 4, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

Really fun and at times touching

This was so much better than I expected. I don't have any experience with Taiwanese dramas, but this one was great. I enjoyed the acting and most of the storylines of the main characters.
I thought the older sister's storyline was the weakest, but it wasn't bad, just not as strong. The brother's storyline was the best to me. I didn't expect it and when it happened yeah, it really worked. Not a perfect drama, but it really worked for me and I'll be checking out more Taiwanese dramas for sure.
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Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Taiwanese hit

Generally speaking, Taiwanese dramas are usually either a big hit or miss for me. And this one was a hit. Unfortunately, the drama's title does not serve it justice, as it suggests some very superficial and cheap comedy content. Although it does give a lot of comedic moments, it is blended well together with the mystery aspect. You never feel like it currently is too lighthearted or too heavy, since it finds the perfect timing for both. I loved the bromance between ML and the medical student. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I would've loved or at least encouraged some BL here :p But even "just" as friends, they give you a lot of cute and funny moments and they are a joy to watch.
The only downside, but that's just a personal preference, I would've preferred some romance somewhere. But as I said, it also works well with only friendship and still is a really nice experience.

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A Shop for Killers
2 people found this review helpful
by Sweet
Feb 4, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Unfortunately very nice drama

Unexpectedly, Script is well-written!!!!
Action scenes are great!!
Great 528 chemistry between main lead oppa and his niece (especially the youngest version of Niece) .
I like main plot lines and dialogues!!
When main lead actor told his niece “listen carefully…”, it makes me heartwarming!!
Main lead actor oppa is really good in acting !!! Hope he can win awards with this drama.
Soft lovely chemistry between main lead oppa and his niece (especially the youngest version of Niece) .
I like main plot lines and dialogues!!
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The Untamed
2 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Words cannot describe my love for this drama.

I don't write reviews on here, but this show is just different.. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

I was putting off watching this drama for a long time because of its length, and the fact that's it's been censored compared to the original story, but as soon as I started it I was completely hooked. The story, the acting, the music, the sets, the costumes.. All so breathtakingly beautiful.
The cgi and special effects aren't the best but It didn't take away from the drama at all, it added to its charm.

The drama has 50 episodes, which at first seems daunting, It quickly becomes not enough. I'd happily watch another 100 episodes of this show.
The story is gripping, with new twists and turns every episode, making you question every characters motives, you connect deeply to the characters and are left heartbroken for them.

This is a show that will stick with me for a long time, if you haven't already watched it, do yourself a favour and give it a try!!

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Love Stage!!
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0

could have been great, but has the same toxic tropes as the manga

Unfortunately, the story suffers from the same issues as the original anime and manga. So many of the main couple's intimate scenes contain non-consensual kisses, touching, and borderline r*pe attempts. I don't understand why the mangaka thought this was necessary when the characters and story would be incredibly good without these elements. Ryoma is constantly ignoring Izumi's boundaries. The family and their agent turns a blind eye to this and worse, actively allow Ryoma to meet Izumi at home, at school, etc. Sexual harassment is not funny and should not be the baseline for a future romantic relationship. I was hoping they'd change these things for the live action drama, especially since they seemed to have no problem updating the wedding ad to show a same sex couple, but disappontingly the rest of the show was not updated.

The base plot would work so well, if they simply just allowed for Izumi to fall in love with Ryoma organically. Ryoma having a crush on Izumi first and wanting to get to know him would have been perfectly okay if he had even an ounce of self-control.

The actors played the characters well, and I immediately recognized Shougo's actor who also voiced the character in the anime. Ryoma's actor is yes, very over the top, but that is literally how the character is in the source material.

I am really sad about this one, because the writing and comedic scenes are otherwise great. The screenplay seems to be written by the mangaka too and they did a great job with transitioning the story into a live action drama and it flows really well. The actor really look like their characters, I love how their hair was styled to match the original designs.

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Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

More than just a rom-com

I watched this as it was recommended as similar to "The Red Palace" by June Hur, a book I loved. Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung may not have stolen my heart but it was a fun watch.
We follow our titular character in her journey to find something more than marriage as a purpose. This leads her to take the civil examination for Female Historians. As result she is entangled with other court officials, politics, corrupt, decades long mystery, and the elusive Prince Dowon.

The romance in the drama seems polarizing. People either love or hate it. I wasn't a fan of the couple, but I did appreciate some of their interactions and moments. It was refreshing to see a green flag, innocent, and sheltered prince, who was a romantic at heart.

What did steal my heart, was all the side characters. The dynamics between them, their workplace shenanigans,their camaraderie, as well as their integrity towards their title as historians. Honestly, if there was a drama just about the cast of historians, I would watch it without a second thought.
I would like to thank the writers for not including unnecessary Jealousy between the female historians.

Plot wise, the drama also included small sub plots which included: discussions about western influence, manipulation of history, variolation/vaccination, spread of Catholicism in the Joseon period. It also depicted the power that historians carried through their presence, even if they themselves may not wield power.
However, the drama had 20 episodes in total. Occasionally it felt as if things dragged or did not contribute to the whole picture. If is was atleast 4 episodes less, the plot could have been more tighter.

Nevertheless, I would still recommend this drama to those looking for a romcoms, a sageuk, or even a palate cleanser.

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

If you want to know about it you have to watch the drama to know your views on it

Story plot is overally good. It started well but afterwards it was not so well plot. Ending has some small small thing that gave a closure but still expectation was not satisfied. I think some character need in some scene but they don't get that and some characters story was not completed. But if you watch it then only you know it. Ya it's sometimes depressing, frustrating can't get over it as a audience. We want both friendship and love can get equal screen. Both to be valued.

4 character are main but don't understand what actually they trying to do. They just involve and tangled but separated not having proper reason.

Eun ta hee - She has very powerful character which is strong when in times of her love but not a good character. I mean that she suffers a lot yet she doesn't understand others feeling. If you can forgive one you have to forgive all because they all are equally responsible. She doesn't listen any other when times of her love only believe in him. Then why can't she understand friendship. I don't want to write much if I started then I don't know I can't control myself to write but it may be not good to other viewers they might be get spoiler. You have to see to understand it.

Kwon si hyun - He has good character development from starting to end. But when he going towards further he forgets his base. I know you find better in fact best according to you i don't deny it but how could you left them alone who were with you from starting. What they do is wrong but you are also equally responsible then how could you forget all. You can keep love and friendship both. Actually you don't deserve their friendship. Sorry if I am rude I don't want to rude but I also suffer with the character don't know how but understand them so well. I also understand your situation but you have a chance to keep three most favourite people in your life but you didn't all the thing you said was just in vain. You don't deserve to be their friend. You have to trust them they understand you if you have them time and just talk clearly but no you just left them.

Choi soo ji - she did wrong thing but everyone knows why she did that. How she feels inside. Suddenly one precious thing will lost. Her friends know her well but who we think, she think was the one who will be always with her he slowly slowly disappeared from his life with not a valid logical reason. If all of them started something then why only one to be suffer. I literally felt so sad for her. You deserve much more good thing only believe in your self. You are so lucky that you have someone with you like se joo who is just their without any relationship just be there everytime you need someone. Only he is the best thing of your life. Be strong my girl. They don't deserve you. You and se joo have to be stay forever.

Se joo - only good and best character in the series. He tried everything to keep everyone happy. He tried keeping both friendship and love. Such a good person, good friend, good boyfriend and everything is good. He just want that all of his friends to be happy in their personal life but also keep their friendship. Till last he is the only one tried so hard. But everything has a limit till when he will be tried. Then one day he will stop. But at least not a bad closure he get just small tiny time of him with her love in the end. He deserves so much but thankfully they gave him a beautiful closure. I really love the character. You are the main and only reason for viewers to watch them for you we keep connected to the series.

Every character touches our heart or connect with us only when the casting mean the actors did fabouls job. Only for them we understand character. And to the whole team who were behind it from director, producer to the whole team of set, light, edit, script, dialogue and etc you did a very good job . It has not a great story but still a story so thank you for all your hardwork.

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Dropped 9/12
Cooking Crush
0 people found this review helpful
by Nica
Feb 4, 2024
9 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.5
At first I was really excited to see this, OffGun and NeoAung but the longer the series were, the more bored I was. I wondered if it'd have a deeper plot than a cooking contest but actually no. I thought there'd be more trouble with Ten's dad but no. I thought Dynamites one-sided crush would last longer but no. Why does this series have to have so many episodes when it's all solved three eps before the end and just a cooking contest is missing? Everything here felt too rushed and not really thought through. I also expected Dynamite to like Fire just because of love at first sigh which would be less cringe than him saving him from bullies. The trope I hate in straight series is here as well so I can't bring myself to like FireDy when it's so stereotypical. Dy being the typical bottom doing everything for his top to notice him and the top notices him just when he stops. I liked them in the beginning but Firs forgot about Jane too quickly. He may be bi but feelings and affection shouldn't change from one ep to another, right? It's always like "I didn't like you in the end, it wasn't love" shit.

TenPrem... seriously, father stopped bothering them, there's nothing in their way anymore, had several horny kisses but no sex? If it was japanese bl, it'd be actually better because you don't even count with it but from Thailand I thought they wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. Tbh, if it was Ten delaying it because he was afraid of touching, I'd understand it but it's Prem who delays it because of the contest and if Ten thinks it's because of Victor, idk the characters name, I wouldn't really blame him. How can even sex distract you and make you lose focus? If he's scared of the first time, delaying it would actually make him more nervous and unfocused.

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Love for Love's Sake
0 people found this review helpful
by bellak
Feb 4, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

LFLS the best

I really enjoyed this drama. Because of visaul and also a good story. For the main actor himself, it is very good to animate the character of this drama. Even for kissing scenes they are very natural. In episodes 7 and 8 I was very moved from their story And very satisfied and happy with the extraordinary ending, for that I had difficulty move on from this drama. For Korean boys love LFLS this is really the best for me. And I hope this can be a continuation of the story of season 2 of this LFLS drama with this cast that is so amazing. And the lack of all KBL is only from a short duration and episodes that are only 8 episodes. I hope to enjoy a long duration and quite long episodes as well. Thanks.

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Ongoing 20/20
Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 3.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 3.5

way to long

The story was dragged way wayyyyyy wayyy to far. Totally unnecessary with 14 chapters even 16 chapters was more than enough.
I just keep waiting to finally knows the end.
Love the main characters but it was quite boring since the chapter 15-16
this review we 500 characters is even longer that the drama. first and last review


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Love for Love's Sake
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Best Korean Boys Love

I really like this drama, especially the chemistry of the good and handsome main cast, for the story and visuals of this drama is very good, and for the kiss scene to be so real it makes me enjoy this drama so much. And the way of shooting is so good plus extraordinary cinematic. Perhaps the shortcomings of Korean Boys Love are only the lack of additional duration and episodes that are so short 8 episodes. I hope there is a 2nd season for this love for love's sake drama. I repeated watching this drama so good.
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Watashi no Oyome-kun
1 people found this review helpful
by KaTy
Feb 4, 2024
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

It was ok

The idea of this drama was very interesting. You don't often see dramas like this and to be honest, I wouldn't necessarily have watched it. However, I gave this drama a chance to see if it might be good after all.

The plot is quite sweet. I was impressed that the roles were reversed and I have to admit that I had to smile in some situations. The characters definitely fit, even if they were very over the top in some parts, but you know that when you watch Japanese dramas.

Even though I think the plot is ok, I have to say that it's not great either. I liked that both main characters have found a suitable way for themselves so that both are satisfied. Working towards this was very sweet, but also not really interesting. You can watch this drama for in between. There really isn't much to take away from it. There isn't much suspense, nor is there really any drama. It's not a drama that stays in your head for a long time. More like a drama that can be quickly forgotten.

Would I recommend it? Not really. The plot is far too simple for that.

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Hidden Love
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Made me watch cdrama again!!

It was fluffyy.. Sweet.. Stress and anxiety reliever for me.. I havent watch c drama in a very long time.. Last time mind you was "meteor garden" taiwan version.
I love how they look together.. Love the story line.. Love the people around them..
Its almost like it was written and produce for lusi and zheyuan. Their chemistry was great..
And the bts shoot is a show on its own. Love it..

The ost is amazing as well.
And if i may say.. The outfit that the leads wore on this show is better compare to other cdrama.

Overall i love it.. I love it..

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Blue of Winter
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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No good thing is expressed.

Blue of winter is the horrible show that I have ever seen so far.
A BL is a story where boy fall for another boy.
But this story is just showing the immature minds of boys.
First if you're not ready to face the problems then don't date at the first place.
Second if you're not ready to open about your relationship than hide it.
Third if you are facing problems then face them together.Breaking up is not the solution.
Fourth if you're saying you like someone and started to date then never involve anyone else for your cover up.
Fifth breaking up should be resonable and consulted.
After that hyun woo got trust issues and did not believe in love.
I am saying that only the K-BLs that are good are
Semantic error the OG.9.5/10
Love Class 2 9/10.
Nobleman ryu's wedding. 7.5/10
Unconditional love story. 7/10
The eighth sense. 9/10
These are the best BLs ever.

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