Destined Episode 1
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5 hours ago

When we first met...

The lifting of her veil reveals his first impression of Liu Yuru and Gu Jisui his kindness to the homeless boy in the snow... sooo melting!
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11 hours ago

mengejutkan banget!

tiba-tiba cerita series ini berubah total, suasananya benar-benar berbeda dari episode sebelumnya. San dan Wee juga benar-benar seperti mereka yang saling kenal sejak lama. Saya sangat menyukai plot twist di episode kali ini. Beberapa scene terasa agak rumit = namun mudah difahami, scenenya sangat bermakna, bagus, dan cinematik - membuatnya sangat terasa berkesan, aku merasa series ini lebih dari satu jam, padahal aslinya cuma 40 menit. Scene yang ditampilkan tidak mempunyai filler, membuatnya punya isi cerita yang fokus dan mendalam. Saya tidak sabar menonton episode selanjutnya.
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18 hours ago

True love

Awesome episode. Great actingand great pacing. Love how thefeelings have developed and theprogression toward true love. The supporting cast continuesto add that hidden touch. Fastpaced. Outstanding music. Greatediting.
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20 hours ago

Still waiting...

It has been 2 years since the last full episode, its really a shame that we can't watch it in full episode anymore. I've been searching everywhere that this series is loved by a lot of people internationally, I think its time for saying good bye to this series, I've had enough of waiting it. Its been a great series, just like the series Roommates :)
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24 hours ago

Three Stars

UF not good episodes . lalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalaallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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1 day ago

Can we already kill the aunt? Haven't…

Can we already kill the aunt? Haven't she done enough? I like the chemistry between the leads. I hope they don't suffer.
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1 day ago

Difficult beginning, hoping it pays off (update: it gets better)

I found Win’s character to be very off-putting in the first episode. To the point where I’m not sure I want to continue. But I will. He treats his supposed best friend terribly, when presumably he should know Korn’s character better than that. His behavior towards his sister afterwards is straight-up abusive. I’m sure there’s a backstory to this behavior, but I don’t think I care. Hopefully some redemption will follow, because right now all I see are red flags. And not the exciting kind.Acting is good. I felt the bond between Win and Korn, and there were several scenes that showed stronger emotions. Their chemistry is great.Update: I’m on episode 3 now and it is much more enjoyable. Like a different character. I won’t say much more, but the chemistry of all three in the triad is very good. Impressed with the woman that plays Lin. So, if you were upset after the first episode and happen to see this, give it a shot.

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1 day ago

Did we watch date with AtomKongthap or FourthGemini?

I'm actually deeply confused about the last episodes. I think I'm missing something from the manga because if I remember correctly, the characters were so much different, specially the main character here played by Fourth. Am I missing something or did they just changed his personality traits?In the japanese adaptation named Kieta Hatsukoi, the characters were more realistic perhaps they seemed more alive and they were pretty much acting like a normal person would. I don't hate this thai adaptation, don't get me wrong it's great and sweet but it's really THAI of them when you think about it. There's so much unnecessary amount of humour and it made the whole masterpiece look like a joke. It's not necessarily a bad thing, more like a reminder to people.There is also so much product placement, are we watching FourthGemini or the products? Made me laugh but also got me angry at some point, their advertising is working.The last thing, the whole 6 ep felt like watching a vlog of FourthGemini, did they just forgot their roles for a moment there? This whole story doesn't feel like the story of AtomKongthap, more like the story of FourthGemini. For some reason, I don't think they're acting, I just can't see it. All I can see is two boys enjoying some quality time together. Somehow, I don't think it was intentionally done by the directors, it feels like it's a mistake of the actors themself. They're not playing their roles, they're playing themselves. Don't get me wrong, I love them and I love their work big fan, BUT their character traits doesn't match neither do gestures, something feels off.The original story is not bad, it's simple but greatly done, amazing characters and interesting storylines. For me, pleasant show with heartwarming interactions. But this adaptation has nothing to do with the original story. It's just so different and the whole vibe is off and it's just doesn't fit. I love My Love Mix-Up! but it's not the same story as Kieta Hatsukoi, never will be.I'll continue with my watching, have a great day!- zero

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1 day ago

Meh for a Series Finale

It could have been better. There was a time jump and if you weren't listening carefully, you'd miss it. Also it perpetuates the idea that you and your college sweetie stay together forever which is not always the case.
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1 day ago

Five Stars

I really love gem4 (especially in my school president which is my fav bl lmaoo) but i still kinda found mlmu boring and weird.. i'm not a real fan of comedies and overacting stuff (but because it was gem4 i still gave it a try) AND NGL the episode 7 had me giggling, it was far the best episode for now and got me hyped for the next episodes..
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1 day ago

Best Romances!

Episode enam the best sih, banyak banget romansa di episode ini tersajikan. Rasanya sangat harum dan menyenangkan, saya mengalami banyak butterfly effect!. Karakter yang ditampilkan diepisode kali ini menjadi lebih kompleks dan mendetail, selain itu perwatakan main role "Sun" dalam cerita di episode kali ini benar-benar dinamis dan bagus banget, Wee pun begitu. Adapun Third sangat bisa mendalami perannya sebagai antagonis. Dari segi romansa, ini adalah episode dengan romansa terkuat sejauh ini ; banyak sekali nuansa di dalamnya, series ini benar-benar memberikan sesuatu hal yang bagus!
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1 day ago


The word Iuse to describe this episode is genuine. The tonefrom start tofinish felt like reality. Itwas geniune. The mls conveyed such raw and true feelings. Nothingis rushed because thisis new territory for each.
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2 days ago

Five Stars

It's going wayyyy tooooo we'll right now oh my heart hurts!!!!! It all goes down hill from here doesn't it??
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2 days ago

The Son

***SPOILERS*** Thought the son was sensitive and endearing in the first few episodes..but, he lost me completely in episode 8 and 9. Knew his Dad was sleeping with another woman and having a baby with her and he says to his mother…”So?” And in episode 9, his mother starts to move on and he scolds her, even after spending time with his Dad and new wife (the woman he had an affair with..) and their new daughter, treats his mom like crap for moving on with another man
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2 days ago

favourite ep

taking care of her while she was having her prdsomg?thats the bare min but omg it was tooo unreal to be true ykwim
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