While You Were Sleeping
1 people found this review helpful
by mars
Apr 4, 2023
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
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as expected, such an amazing drama

the amount of bad reviews this got was SHOCKING. when i originally found this drama i knew it was going to be great considering the casting. bae suzy AND lee jong suk in the same kdrama had me in a chokehold. the acting was incredible and the story line was so good.

i feel like not many dramas can pull of this supernatural/fantasy genre but in this drama it was pulled of amazingly. not only was there such a cute dynamic between the main leads but the main storyline was so captivating and the plot twists were so good. i also liked the fact that the two main leads had a backstory and they were all connected.

1000000% recommend and will definitely rewatch.

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Sunny Happiness
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Must-to-see drama TW (slice of life, romance, family) with Mike He & Janine Chang.

Super "dramaland" ++ We have here ALL the cliches:
- the kid drowing at the swimming pool, under the supervision of many adults, and it is his hidden father who saves him!
- FL "gift from heaven" martyred by her mother-in-law and the step-sisters (Cinderella), but who knows how to do everything, including repairing a car almost without tools :)

+++ Lots of inconsistencies:
- new presenter of the TV news who takes 8 days off immediately, without pb.
- mother (ex-wife) who does not ask to see the new wife?
And it keeps getting worst!!

- Very great actors (I'm an die-hard fan of Mike He :) but Janice Chang also did here a great performance), who make us live this story, realistic, coherent, moving, ... intensely.
- Well-written dialogues, intelligent psy evolution.
- no evil character: even the ex-wife has +/- an understandable behavior.
- the parents, the families really act as such, without excess: they are not abusive.

The image and audio are low quality (old drama) but it remains a MASTERPIECE.
Must-to-see dans les dramas TW (slice of life, romance, family) avec Mike He & Janine Chang.
Super "dramaland" ++ On a droit à TOUS les clichés :
- gamin à la piscine, sous la surveillance de plein d'adultes, et c'est son père caché qui le sauve !
- FL "don du ciel" martyrisée par sa belle-mère et ses filles (Cendrillon), mais qui sait tout faire, y compris réparer une voiture presque sans outils :)
+++ Bcp d'incohérences :
- nouvelle présentatrice du JT qui prend 8 jours de congé tt de suite, sans pb.
- mère qui ne demande mm pas à voir la new wife ?
J'en passe et des pires !!
- De très grands acteurs, qui nous font vivre cette histoire, réaliste, cohérente, émouvante, ... intensément.
- Des dialogues bien écrits, une évolution psy intelligente.
- pas de evil charactere : mm l'ex femme a +/- un comportement compréhensible.
- les parents, les familles agissent vraiment comme tels, sans excès.

La qualité d'image et de son n'est pas top (vieux drama) mais cela reste un MASTERPIECE.

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Above the Clouds
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

Nice but Could have been better

There are good things, that make it nice to watch
-interesting plot
-plenty of new happenings, a good rythm, the story is always moving forwards and we never get bored
-characters who are interesting because they are neither entirely black or white and they all evolve (except one, but I’ll come to that later), especially the « villains » : their growth is very interesting to follow. They’re all very different and somehow relatable
- good casting
-i have a crush for the setting in the show business world : it’s super interesting to see how they work, what kind of new roles they would get

…But there are some less good things that make the drama not so good
-plenty of cliches, that include these annoying tropes we don’t want to see anymore : everyone bullied the female lead, she gets framed and saved, the male lead starts off as a jerk (he was reallyyyyyyyyyy annoying) but later comes as a nice guy and all, all of the girls of the drama who are after the female lead for some reason
-the female lead herself : the actress is not even so good, but that’s not the main problem, it’s the character. She’s incredibly naive, never really evolves, never has any character growth. Every time she gets bullied or framed, someone has to save her ass again and again. And yet, she always falls again in the trap and gets bullied again and again. She’s neither smart nor strong, or mature and she doesn’t change through the whole drama. You don’t get why everyone is so obsessed with her
-The repetitive plot : to see her get accused wrongly, to see her fight for no reason with the male lead, again and again… at some point, that was really annoying to see the same trope used over and over
-there are some plot situations that feels very frustrating. The biggest how everyone cornered her in the end to guilt her into giving her kidney (or something like that) to the kid :I hated how everyone was trying to force her, with different means, for different reasons. I get it, the parents and the public wanted her to save the kid. But whether she wanted to do so, to risk her own health to save the kid that her mom had after abandoning her, it was her business, no one had the right to tell her what she should or should not do. What I hated even more is how they were basically coercing her into doing this : no one thought of asking her nicely (except Zuo Zuo, who had started as a spoiled brat ; can’t believe she showed more sense than the others), no one considered she had the right to say no and no one thought of considering her feelings or comforting her (I mean, come on, she never received her mom’s care and suddenly, she had to help her mom’s other kid who had received it ; that’s harsh !) ; they just either confronted her on live tv, so that her whole career would be jeopardized if she said no, or told her « you must help him ». I can’t help but think this was way too arbitrary and unfair on her. The female lead often annoyed me and made me feel she deserved being bullied for being so stupid but this time was too much. I also disliked how those who had done this for other reasons than the kid’s health were not good responsible for this : basically, her biggest rival spread the word of what’s happening and her suitor because she can no longer stand that the male lead like. But this was something that often happened : whenever some people would do her wrong, they wouldn’t really (or at all) be punished, and that felt very frustrating.
This is only an example : there are plenty of situations that feel very frustrating because they don’t make sense, are unreasonable or unfair and make you just wanna throw your laptop through the air when watching (there’s also the fact that you don’t get why her mom had to be mean to her when seeing her again and pretend she didn’t acknowledge her, if not only she knew the female lead was her daughter and if it wasn’t because she feared her daughter would jeopardize her new family/status : just WHYYYYYYYYYYY !). We couldn’t help but feel like the screenwriters wanted to insert these tropes and not care if that made sense.

So, in short terms, it was nice to kill time… but it could have been much better, hadn’t they used such annoying cliches, tropes and hadn’t made the female lead such an annoying doormat

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Apr 4, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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Facing your dark truths and secrets

This series is extremely heavy, it's emotionally taxing and draining for you. if you are not in the right frame of mind mentally and emotionally, I would suggest you skip this one entirely. There is triggering topics in this series (death of a loved one, grief, bullying, homophobia, alcoholism).
Overall Thoughts: This series was excellently produced; the acting was phenomenal. I felt every emotion and tension the actors was conveying. At episode 6, I considered dropping it because I felt my mood plummeting and I'm still not over the roller coaster ride of emotions this series took me through. This series is depressing and taxing on the viewer.
- How the series had cut breaks every 15 - 20 minutes to show you a preview of exactly what's going to happen in the next sense was annoying for me.
- I think it was unfair for Wang to blame In for his father's death in episode 8. Wang's dad got rejected by In when he expressed his love for him and because he could not handle the rejection, he killed himself. I think In has /had love for Wang's dad but just in a brotherly way nothing more, because he is not GAY, nor is he interested in being with a man in that way. I do think it was unfair to In. In has love for both Wang and his dad but not to be with them in a relationship.

I do agree with Mol when she and In was having a conversation in her room that Wang mistook the obsession and admiration he has for In into love. (I don't remember which episode that happened I think it was episode 8.)
(My Takeaways)
From episode 4-8. We have to deal with our deep-rooted problems, secrets and trauma. Pain is part of living this life, so we have to learn to accept, heal, let go and forgive ourselves. For if we don't, we will be forever having a heavy dark cloud on our shoulders. We will forever be stuck in the time we experience such pain. We have to integrate our dark side because it's a part of us, it's what makes us humans.

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Midnight Museum
18 people found this review helpful
by chiha
Apr 4, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 9
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

everything and nothing

Midnight Museum was a very ambitious project, there is mystery, science fiction, dark magic and curses, fantasy and even some religious jargon thrown into the mix–everything and nothing because it did not create a cohesive plot. It was almost as if the show makers couldn't decide exactly what they wanted to create, not to mention it also as very convenient plot points.

The biggest fallacy of this show is its pacing. When Khatha's museum is robbed, the dark artefacts he has stowed away make their way into innocent hands and create chaos. The first six episodes revolve around a bunch of random people discovering these artefacts and killing a bunch of other random people. The excitement is boosted by bunch of random cameos by a l o t of popular gmmtv actors. Also, did i say "innocent people" because no, these were terrible people and the artefacts brought out the worst in them. It was fun as the kill count kept increasing with each episode, but it does get boring after a while you know? In retrospect, I wonder if the show was created for this very purpose, to showcase the gmmtv roster.

Throughout this however, gmmtv was working on the gayest bromance to ever exist—the story of Dome and Khatha. The actors, Tor and Gun, have a "to die for" chemistry, probably because they themselves are very capable actors. Honestly, without them and their "bromance", Midnight Museum would have ended up on my drop pile. Their intriguing past and the estranged soulmates thing they had going for them was really awesome, at the very least it did keep me impatient every week for the ep to air.

After episode 6, the show kind of loses steam in terms of fantasy. We are now thrust into the emotional exploration of Khatha's past and we learn some unexpected (and some very expected) things. Cue another cameo. But this was really strong development on the "bromance". Then all of a sudden we are thrust unceremoniously into the possibility of multiverse. Think multiple moons, nerd scientists, communicating with the past from a different galaxy–hardcore shit. And Dome is lost!

Now with the sudden absence of my favorite on screen off screen straight gays, I was examining the plot and all I saw was a string of unexplained bizarreness with some murder thrown in; plot holes or a lack of plot to even have holes! And lo! We have been fooled ;) There is no plot, is what I realised as even more bizarreness unfolded in front of me.

Coming to the characters, Bright as a moth-eating murderer was more developed as a person than the supposed important side characters of this series. Take June for example, I found so many viewers confused as to who she was although it was actually shown in the very first episode, in a very confusing way. Then there was Bam, a "spunky" officer; i put that in quotes because spunky equates to useless and dumb enough to be killed. And Phob, he supposedly helped Khatha do undercover work ...

In shows like these, I usually turns to the villains. But the villains here were either behaving like a lazy grouchy teenager or cult leader (played by Tay Tawan, LOL)—they seem to be power hungry and they did given Nanon some very good one liners and Tawan a lot of swag, but their motivations were largely unclear.

Even my favorite b̶r̶o̶mance seems undeveloped now as the Dome in the past wasn't Dome at all! Won't spoil any further but as much as i liked seeing them together, it doesn't make sense to me (but I won't take points for that, bc I love my straight boys). I won't even take points for this queer baiting because wow, that good.

Overall, this has been a terrible disappointment but i can't bring myself to rate this a six, as I rightfully should. The overall production is very lazy—lazy fight scenes,

lazy fashion (1. why was Gun always in that fucking grey tee and pants like a prisoner! 2. impractical clothing for women, CHECK 3. sometimes they dressed Khatha so well and sometimes the clothes looked so cheap...)

lazy pacing (it is slow as a sloth till episode 8 and then it's dashi dashi! keep up! till the finish line),

lazy half-assed development of the universe this was set in, the only consistent point being that it is extremely illogical.


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Angel's Last Mission: Love
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Rollercoaster drama

What a ride this drama has been. Funny, cute, emotional, dark, you name it.

The plot is so complex that I don't even know where to start. Everything is centered around Lee Yeon Soo but the other characters have their conflicts as well. The backstory of Kim Dan seemed so interesting to me. I'm glad the ending was a satisfactory one because the last episodes were so sad. If I had something to object was the fact that the ending was a bit rushed but that's not taking anything from the drama's charm.

The highlight of the acting performances was definitely for me Shin Hye Sun's, absolutely great. Nothing seemed exaggerated in any way whatsoever. L improved a lot. The antagonists played so good!

The OST was just perfect, most OSTs are OK, this one sticks in your mind.

I would rewatch this for sure, once my planned-to-watch list becomes shorter.

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Midnight Museum
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Still enchanted by the midnight museum

I'm glad I decided to watch it after some eps were released but not really when I've binge watched and wanted to know what is going to happen in the next ep.
I'm interested in bizarre, creepy, dark theme and supernatural things so that was perfect. I was hooked by the first episode and made me want to watch the next ep.

I really like the pace, each epswere like a layer of interesting things, it's not the usual dramas that I watch and it's like "unique" even though, I may find some references or some similar things but in thai cinema, it's a bit new and in particularly from GMMTV. So that's why it was worth it (or maybe, I forgot some serie or dramas or I didn't watch it).

I want to thanks the crew, staffs who have worked on this serie and of course, the cast! Actors were all great and I feel like it was a challenge to them to play these kind of characters. I feel like thanks to this project, they did improve their acting skills, like leveling up or something. It's really nice to see something new, something challenging.

But sometimes I feel like I'm dumb or I didn't really understand some parts or it's just me lol (maybe I had to check the whole serie again haha)

So I finished Midnight museum, but I wish it have more eps or a second even though we have to consider the investment behind this project.

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Who Is He
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Thriller, Suspense & Romance, Will keep you on edge!

Epic, Mind blowing & simply amazing story with full of twists & turns, no matter how smart the police is, the criminals are equally smart.

Zhang Yi as ML always delivers, a smart veteran police officer with calm mindset & very good memory always remembers even the smallest details of the cases, always on the front & leads like a leader, everything seems to revolve around him because of his capabilities as a capable police officer.

Other Support Characters are not simply there for the script, they have smart brains as well & deal with issues with maturity.

I specially liked the character of Gu Kaiyan, a smart capable & calm female police officer that deals with cases with calmness & looks for loopholes in the statements of the criminals, she really reads the criminals like a book & knows which page contains how many mistakes.

Romance was good, for mature audience, no kisses or anything though but we can see the emotions being conveyed.

Ending was expected, everyone got what they deserved but someone's missing, I won't spoil though, you guys can understand after watching.

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Midnight Museum
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Good, but could have been better.

I placed spoilers at the end of this review.

I love supernatural storyline but even this series took a drastic turn to the bizarre for me. The execution of the original story concept was not quite there. The script was good but not fully developed. There were many details that were not fleshed out which made many of the episodes seemed rushed, especially the last two. Episode 5 is when it started to crossover to the bizarre zone. Don’t get me started with the ending. See the spoiler alert at the end of this review if you want more information. This has an awesome cast in which the actors did an excellent job portraying their characters. My only critique is there are a lot of guest stars in this series. They all did a great job, but it felt like a GMMTV artist showcase at times. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it shifted the focus away from the main cast at times. I love the cinematograph and they did an awesome job with the special effects.

******Spoiler Alert******

I appreciate that they wanted to keep this interesting, but I wished they stuck with the lost/finding artifacts concept instead. Maybe it’s because I’m not religious but I found the overly religious tones in the series somewhat annoying at times.

I have mixed feelings about the ending. It hints to the possibility of a second season. This would be nice but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Regardless of another season, I wish this series had at least two more episodes so we could have received a fully develop script.

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12 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Thanks, I hate it.

First, I have to mention that I originally dropped the series after episode 8 because a friend told me the last two episodes feel like a slap in the face. And boy, was she right. That being said, I'll start with the things I liked:

The cast. I've generally seen better performances from most of them by now, but it's always nice to see some familiar faces. I also adored Akk, and he deserved so much better (but more on that later).

The music. Thank you, Gawin.

That's it.

On to the problems I've had and to the reason I'm so frustrated with this series:

I really wish there was a cute couple to love or a good story to get invested in, but in my opinion there wasn't. The writing is terrible. There barely is a plot, but it hinges on a wild goose chase for some mystery love interest. Why? Force and Book are the main couple, that's painfully clear from the start, so why go through all the trouble and pretend there's some great mystery to solve? I don't get it. On top of that, everything else feels underdeveloped at best. The other “love interests” could've been interesting, but they hardly get any scenes without Theo. After ten episodes, you barely know anything about them, because the show wasted all its time and potential on the most unlikable main character I've seen in a while. And that's coming from someone who suffered through three seasons of Riverdale.

So yeah, the main issue I have with Enchanté? Theo is not just a terrible person (which could be fun), but also a terrible protagonist. He suffers from the most severe case of main character syndrome I have ever seen: EVERYTHING is about him and if it's not, he tries his best to change that. Again, this could be fun, but the series doesn't acknowledge it. In fact, the series NEVER acknowledges that his behavior might be hurtful to those around him, especially Akk. Seriously, I hate Theo so much, but I hate the fact that the writers tried to gaslight me into rooting for him even more. There's no character growth whatsoever; he acts like the most self-absorbed and selfish person ever and doesn't even get a slap on the wrist because somehow he's right and justified in whatever he does. Even after manipulating Akk for most of the series, he doesn't apologize once and there are no consequences. It's the worst, I hate this kind of writing so much.

And then there are the last two episodes … At this point, I can't even comprehend what I just watched. What the hell. The amount of forced drama in the last two episodes was as insane as it was unnecessary. And for what, to get some equally forced happy end for our main couple? Urgh. Let's just say I went from rolling my eyes to wanting to punch the screen (or Theo) really fast. Fuck this show – especially for trying to gaslight me into thinking Theo is a good person who would be more popular than Akk. He's not, and he wouldn't be. Akk deserves so much better, holy shit.

So, if you couldn't tell by now: No, I wouldn't recommend this. Call me petty, but I'm actually mad at this series for its terrible writing and all its wasted potential. We could've gotten a cute premise and some interesting characters, but we got “how to manipulate your childhood friend into wanting to be with you and destroy his self-esteem along the way”. Thanks, I hate it.

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Midnight Museum
14 people found this review helpful
by Felipe
Apr 4, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.5
This review may contain spoilers

This is a mess

I truly can’t understand where it all went so wrong. Well, I can. It was the middle of the season. The story they tried to tell in the second half of the series does not make sense. It’s impossible that the story was finished when the show went into production, or they had to wrap everything up in 2 episodes. We had several “case of the week” episodes in the start and not much happening to build an overall world or explain any backstory. I was not super worried because I thought the series had 15 episodes. But then, I saw the finale trailer after episode 8 and my jaw dropped. The last 3/4 episodes are so so rushed. It’s basically information dump. Suddenly we have 3 parallel worlds and 3 Guns. And the 200 year old protagonist doesn’t know about that. The true big bad, with the VERY original name of “The One”, is extremely boring and goes into long monologues. Not even Gun and Nanon can save that.

Another major problem is that there’s not a single episode where one of Gun’s characters is not unconscious or needed one to be saved/rescued. And then we have the effects… they keep get worse as the season progresses. It’s really bad green screen and CGI monsters.

The only good aspect is the solid cast. Which are completely wasted on a terrible plot and weak execution.

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My Engineer
0 people found this review helpful
by RoseQ
Apr 4, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

When the main couple is the least likeable one...

The plot is nothing special. It goes through all of the usual BL cliches, including the engineering students. Cliches are not always a bad thing, but they need to be done well, and they need to be good. Which I don’t think they were. I also feel like the pacing of the series was too slow and very repetitive.

I did like some of the couples. The acting was better in some parts and not so great in others. I was not really bothered by the fact that Mek was actually dubbed. I need to read the subtitles either way, so I didn’t have the time to stress about the fact that his mouth moves differently from what is spoken. I don’t know why some people are so extremely bothered by that.

Bohn & Duen: they are my least favorite couple of the series. Which is a shame, seeing they are the main couple. It started off cute, I really enjoyed their first meeting. I mean, we can’t blame Duen for punching the stranger sticking their face close to his sleeping self. I’d punch him too. But things went downhill afterwards. I hate how Bohn treated Duen most of the time. The whole thing with Bohn fake sulking to manipulate Duen was annoying. Even more so as it was done multiple times. Don’t even get me started on the jealousy. Communication? We don’t know what that is. And the whole who is top and who bottom episode? Disaster that shouldn’t have been made. It’s full of very negative portrayal of gay men, especially those that prefer to be the bottom.

Mek & Boss: friends to lovers, what else can we wish for? I actually like how their story developed; it didn’t seem too rushed. The line between friendship and love is hard to cross, especially if it may mean losing the other person completely. The amount of suffering I went through watching Mek keep quiet about his feelings, and even helping Boss prepare for his date… Those were some heavy scenes for sure.

Ram & King: Yes, just yes. I was worried about how things would go as King seemed to be trying to get close to Ram only because he found his weirdness interesting. I was happy it wasn’t just that. I think the two of them had the best chemistry of all the couples in the series. They were adorable together, from the start to the end. And while verbal communication was not something Ram enjoys very much, I really like how they took this as an opportunity for the two of them to grasp each other’s non-verbal communication much better. King really understood Ram, even if he didn't say anything. And Ram pulling and pushing King around to get him to do what he wanted was cute.

Thara & Frong: I think we can all see the sparks fly between the two of them from the first meeting. I found both interesting, and I like how “fate” seemed to keep bringing the two of them together, giving them plenty opportunities to drive each other crazy. Thara seems to be a bit slow when it comes to love, but can we blame him?

The ending was… meh. Kind of anticlimactic. A lot of things were left open and unfisnished, as they were planning for season 2. It’s been 3 years since the series aired and there has not been any confirmation. Which sucks because it means a lot is just left in the air. I wish we would have gotten a few more conclusions, at least semi-conclusions.

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Her Private Life
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers
Finally finished this drama and I loved it so much.

The main characters have so much chemistry and I loved their story.

The FL was an awesome character, she was understanding, caring and likeable, my favorite character by far.

Loved the ML too, his character had a really cool backstory and was well developed.

Their chemistry was undeniable and THEY WERE SO HEALTHY??? Loved this.

But, even if I loved the kdrama as a whole, there were some negative points.

First, I hated that her “”brother”” liked her. I know that they weren’t related by blood, but it annoyed me while watching it. Take God he wasn’t the one for her and ended up with Hyojin (and I loved that, even if I prefere him with Dain).

Other thing is the 2 last eps. If it finished on ep 14, it would totally become one of my favorites, but that storyline from ep 15 did not make any sense. The woman is with him for like a month and DOESNT TRY TO FIND HIS MOTHER??? Like what the hell, and the thing about her brother who died and she forgot abou him, ugh hated it.

But in general, it was a great drama and I loved the leads so it is totally a 9/10 :)

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Ai Long Nhai
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Fluff, Just Pure Tooth-Rotting Fluff

Picked up this series because I think I saw a review that said this is just pure sweet stuff and boy was that true.

Story starts with Ai being forced to come back home by his dad because he was expelled from his university. His dad helped him to get into a university where he used to teach and that's when he met Nhai for the first time and likes him. Thanks to one duck keychain, their first interaction happens although no name is exchanged. What follows is just sweet fluff where after a drunk event, Ai is living with Nhai on a trial boyfriend period.

What happens next is just them being in a domestic living together, spending time with each other, going to the uni and general day-to-day behavior. The one thing that I like from this series is that how even if Nhai seems childish and chaotic at times, he still know how to voice his likes, dislikes, concerns and feeling. This in turn makes any argument that they were having lasted only like a quarter of the episodes or so, before they communicate with each other and solves it together. There was no real villain here, and even if there are some bad people, it was dealt with quickly in just a few episodes without making it too much of a drag and it goes back to the sweet fluff again.

Subjectively, I think this is perfect because I love the domestic life fluff. But objectively speaking, there are lots of plot holes and weird scenes that don't make sense chronologically. There are also some things that I just really can't see it happening logically. But because I am a subjective person in watching BL, I chose to ignore those plot holes and illogical scenes.

Sweet, sweet, very sweet, extra sweet, with sugar on top. But seriously, I think the acting was fine. There are definitely room for improvements but at least for me, they all are enjoyable to watch

Last words: if you just want some brainless domestic with an extra serving of skinship, do give this series a try. But if a cohesive story and scenes is a must for you, this might not be something that you would like much.

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Road Home
4 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2023
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A Completely Beautiful Love Story Of ..... "The First Love Is My Last Love" .... My Forever Love

I was still swooning from the aftermath of Seven Tan and Ren Jialun romance in Under The Power, when I clicked into another Seven Tan's drama "Road Home". Being a hopeless romantic, I immediately got hooked into this drama, curious to watch the really mesmerizing male lead Jing Boran. His manly, cool and man of few words Lu Chen character who only has eyes for Seven Tan's - Gui Xiao will simply take one's breath away.

The story itself is nothing new and yes, the pace was really slow. Therefore, the two leads had an immense responsibility to make their chemistry work on screen. Their un-said words, their internal struggles, their facial expression, their body language, yearning, happiness and love were all felt throughout the drama. The director's request for this love story to be played out in such pure and raw emotions amidst the beautiful backdrop of Xinjiang Autonomous Region allowed me to soak into the characters so comfortably. 30 episodes went by too fast for me.

Till now, I am still replaying many memorable moments between Lu Chen and Gui Xiao in my head. The love at first sight at school. 8 years later, bumping to her again after breaking up. Another 2 years later to meet again. Him singing his song for her whilst cuddling on the ground in the snow. Both of them watching the sunrise they name "Chen Xiao" and many many more. Everything that a die-hard romantic like me will find endearing is found in the Chen Xiao love story.

The drama however, is not perfect. The many repeated throwback scenes were a slight off to me. But, everything else made up for it. Two second couple love stories, Ming Yu's delightful son Xiao Nan, Gui Xiao and Lu Chen's parents drama and on top of this, an appreciation for military police S.W.A.T work which I did not know much about, until I watched this drama.

Road Home is a slow paced emotional drama for die hard romantics. If you are not into hugging, kissing and natural love interactions, you can give this drama a miss. As for me, this drama will be one of the classics, in my books. I will be re-watching this drama again whenever I feel like having a dose of positivity in my life. Scoring 10, for an overall entertaining drama.

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