Kim Tae Won is an outcast at school, frequently laughed at by his peers. His only escape is newly discovered rock music, introduced to him by his uncle. Tae-won steals his older brother's unused guitar and learns to play a Led Zeppelin song by himself. Later, in high school he becomes the "Jimmy Page" of his neighborhood, showing off his guitar skills in duels and competitions. Being hot-blooded and overly enthusiastic about music and love, he soon becomes known as a hooligan. After losing his first love and going through depression, Tae Won decides to become a rock star, and founds a band named The End, which is soon renamed Boohwal (lit. "Resurrection" or "Rebirth"). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 드라마 스페셜 연작 시리즈 - 락락락
- Also Known As: Deurama Seupesyeol Yeonjag Shirijeu - Rak Rak Rak
- Genres: Music, Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Noh Min WooKim Tae WonMain Role
- Lee Seung Chul[Himself]Main Role
- Hong Ah ReumLee Hyun JooSupport Role
- Jang Kyung AhSoo YeonSupport Role
- Lee Jong HwanLee Seung ChulSupport Role
- Bang Joong HyunKim Jong SeoSupport Role

As for the drama itself, it follows Kim Tae Won's life from his teen years up until almost the present (it ends in the mid-2000's, I think, and the drama aired in 2010). Since this is a low-budget drama special, there's not a lot of emphasis on makeup or anything like that to help convince viewers that time is passing. Wardrobe and props/surroundings change (and the hair!), but that's it. And that's totally fine. It's just a limitation of the format. I can suspend my disbelief enough for that.
Especially since No Min Woo is pretty good as Kim Tae Won. He was an excellent choice for this role. He does the anguished, tortured creative genius well, and does a credible job showing the growth and changes of the character over the ~20 year period that the drama covers.
The drama features the music of Boohwal, as expected, so obviously the soundtrack is good. Overall, it's an interesting watch for someone who likes music biopics or is interested in Kim Tae Won or his music.
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