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May 15, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Agh.... my heart.....
Honestly, this show was able to pull on my heartstrings harder than most of the previous shows I watched. It was cute and had some light comedy, but what made it give me a lasting impression was the romance. In fact, the romance was so adorable that I won't be surprised if I find myself on YouTube rewatching certain scenes so that I can fall in love again. But hey...... there is more to this show than just romance. A few other disappointing elements...

Story 〆(・∀・@): This is where the majority of my problems lay: the story. In short, the story was extremely messy at first. So much was happening to so many different characters, and you just had to follow along. Not that it was necessarily confusing since each plot point was straightforward, but it instead started to hurt the show in the long run. Because of all the side stories, the writers had to try and wrap them up to make way for the main plot. But that instead just left us with unsatisfying closures and a plethora of characters that have nothing to do. It's these very unwanted characters that stopped the show from being much higher on my list. When a side-characters story is over, they just hover around and do stupid things to try and keep the comedy alive. In the beginning, the humor was so strong. I haven't burst out laughing as many times as I had during the first few episodes (a major feat since I don't consider myself someone who laughs a lot). But as the show went on, some parts got heavier to match the darker plot. Yet to the writers, that just seemed like a call to add as much humor as they possibly can. So now we get needed characters doing stupid things that neither farther the plot or keep you interested. It was a huge downer and bored me so many times. I would have brought the story score down much more if it wasn't for the main couple. They were the most well-written and sweetest little things! Everything they did was so meaningful without the writers forwarding their relationship via troupe checklist. The main rich guy, Ahn Min-Hyuk, is a prime example of the show creating something new and enjoyable. Yes, he was the rich and lonely character, but at the same time, if we were to strip him from his wealth, not much would change. He did have his shopping sprees and cool gadgets, but his character was so much more than having a company and a bank account. His personality was so likable and flowed so nicely with the story. There were other characters that were written well like this, but he is just the first person that comes to my mind.

Acting 。゜(`Д')゜。: I honestly love/hate the casting done on this show. I have no problem with any of the main characters. Park Bo-Young played the little King Kong, Bong-Soon, so well. Bo-Young just naturally can make any character so cute you just wanna hold your heart and never let go. But despite her everlasting cuteness, she was able to pull off serious and heavy moments as well. I think she was the perfect fit both physically and personality-wise, which made you want to root for right-of-the-bat. I already talked about how much I loved Min-Hyuk as a character, but without Park Hyung-Shik, I don't think it would ever be the same. Similar to Bo-Young, Hyung-Shik fits his character perfectly to the point where I can never see anyone else in that role. Just his smile alone was enough to melt me twenty times over. That smile partnered with Bong-Soon's cuteness just killed me over and over again. Those two did so well in the romance aspect, making them probably my favorite couple to date. Ji-Soo also did an outstanding job with the gold-hearted police role. He was humorous at the start and heart-wrenching at the end. Which only ended up making the love triangle harder to watch. With my praise out of the way... I need to make light of a few casting issues. Like seriously...... in the world of Korean actors they couldn't find someone who didn't look over 30 to play a high school character!? That was one of the funniest things for me. And on top of that, all the gangers were also a little odd. Not that they didn't fit the appearance, but none of them really caught my attention and just seemed like actors trying to get through the script without showing much. And the ones that did try their hardest were just a little too much for me....

Music ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪: I usually hate talking about the music since I am no expert and struggle to evaluate it properly. Yet I can confidently say that I loved the music from this show. Well.... love is a strong word. I wouldn't go and look for the soundtrack, but when I was watching the show, I enjoyed listening to it so much. It was so unique to this show that if I were to be asked which show does this song belongs to, I would be able to identify it in a heartbeat. Not just the main opening theme was recognizable. Many of the background songs helped the scene carry more meaning and were just as catchy to listen too. It's in no way near the most spectacular music, but it is incredibly delightful to listen while watching.

Other (ง°ل͜°)ง: *sigh* ...... that's really all I can start with. I loved the idea of a tiny girl having super strength, so It was delightful to watch play out. But - I'm sorry to bring it up - the rules just didn't make itself apparent to me. As I always say, I am a stickler for supernatural laws and love knowing what can and cannot happen. But it's just super strength, what else needs to be clear? If it were just strength, then I wouldn't have an issue. It's just that this show made the idea of losing one's powers a terrible thing. And I get it. They have to stop people like Bong-Soon's mother from using it in the wrong way. But how exactly is the meaning behind an action judged? I initially thought one would lose their powers if they did something with a dark intention behind it, but apparently, that isn't the case. That brings to question about all of the stuff did with previous strength holders. Did the ones who kept their strength really not accidentally harm a person? It's just the show tried to make some kind of line to keep the supernatural women in check, but it just left me a bit more confused. Nothing to pull your hair over, but something I would have definitely loved answered.

Time to wrap things up! This review is a bit long, so sorry about that, but I just needed to get some things off my chest. All in all, the story was enjoyable. I wouldn't say this is my favorite show, but I will say that this had my favorite couple. The love story was the main saving grace and kept me with the show when I was starting to falter. Without such a well-written duo, I would have never enjoyed it as much and would have most likely considered dropping it. So if your a romance fan (more specifically a fan of cute and fluffy love stories) than this show is for you!!!
Will there be some tedious and frustrating things? Yep. But it's all worth it to see Bong-Soon and Min-Hyuk smile at each other with the most sweetest puppy dog eyes.
Happy Watching <3

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Feb 18, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

I Love this show

this show generally is good the romance plot is so cute I’ve seen a lot of people who disliked the thriller aspect of this which I honestly agree I skip a lot of those parts but I don’t think that ruins the entire show and eb says the the humor is childish and middle school humor so I guess I’m a middle schooler lol I thought it was funny not hilarious but funny nonetheless to do with the main characters this show made me love both the actors because I really do think they portrayed their characters so well
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Nov 23, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
"Strong Woman Do Bong Soon" has just about everything one could ask for in a drama: Romance, Comedy, Thriller/Suspense, Cop/Detective, Supernatural, Martial Arts, a small helping of Medical, & even a few scenes with a Historical element. Normally, such a hodgepodge of genres would result in a muddled, muddy mess; however, each aspect is done very well; more than capable of eliciting tears, smiles, feelings of happiness, anticipation & anxiety, & more laughter than some straight up comedies! The actors are incredible, but that's pretty much a given in regards to K-drama, imo. Still, I appreciate how dedicated they are to their craft.
Bottom line, I don't think one could go wrong watching this series! I bet you'll be hooked after a couple of episodes, at most!

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May 6, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers
It all ends the way it started. With grown men getting a beating from a tiny little woman, but this time around there’s two of them and the mobsters still run in fear and tears. Also, they were their babysitters.

Personally, I through-fully enjoyed the mobsters storyline from beginning to end, and it’s so like them to get conned and end up in embarrassment yet again. In their defense, they are like a phoenix that keeps on rising from the ashes, again and again. And despite their ways, they were kind of good guys once you got to know them and kept them in line.

Another incredibly funny storyline were the neighborhood kids, who I was sorry to not see at Bong-soon’s wedding, and just kept brining laugher with every scene they were at. Their journey was equally enjoyable as the mobsters, sometimes even more because theirs was a love story with their Noonim. And I love how they went to have a little talk with Min-hyuk to know more about his intentions with their boss. I love even more than he had no idea Bong-soon had this group of high-school kids patrolling the neighborhood too. HAHAHAHA!

Also, it was good that the show clarified that Mom didn’t use physical violence against Dad *that* time around. I still believe that the show didn’t portray this woman in the right way and that her journey wasn’t all that. She’s still the bully she was at 19, the only difference is that she doesn’t use her fists. Should I be applauding this? And I would have like for Dad to make an stand other than to leave the house, for example, how about a real talk between them? He was such an endearing, honest and good character thorough out the show that I grew to love him as I love our leads. He is precious. It gives me hope that the last scene between him and Mom was much more peaceful than usually when Gook-doo’s mom was involved.

I’m also happy awesome bro Bong-ki got some screen time too. This was such a good character, just like Dad, and I was sorry we didn’t get to see more of him. I also think his storyline with Hee-ji was a little rushed at the end. And it doesn’t seem like it because Bong-ki spent a lot of time healing broken bones (thanks to his sis) but this relationship was really put to a test: Gook-doo found out not only that he had been lying through out their entire lives by keeping Bong-soon’s secret but also that his girlfriend was attracted to his best friend. So I appreciate how their friendship remained strong even after everything they went through.

As for other characters like Secretary Gong and Mr. Oh, they were another great comedy act. Especially when they were together and I love how their bromance was born by getting to know each other better through their shared experiences with Bong-soon’s abilities. Pffft!

Finally, Min-kyuk really changed through the story: started as a lonely guy looking for protection from his own family and ending up as a man with a family to protect. He was smart, honest and assertive from day one, and not once he tried to change Bong-soon into something she wasn’t. The greatest attribute Min-hyuk had was that he never made Bong-soon feel that she had to hide from the world, what’s more he even encouraged and helped her to be more like her true self and come into her powers. He always tried to be there for his girl but was more than willing to be a proud onlooker when the time called for it and let Bong-soon do what she had to do.

Bong-soon’s journey was also something to witness. When we first met her she was hiding from the world, afraid of her powers and by extention herself. These abilities she was born with had made her an outcast despite her spunk and outgoing personality, she was confident but had insecurities. Some of them born out of crush and others from the idea society holds on how a woman should be and behave.

I liked how the show connected her personal life with the city’s problems, because in a way they are one and the same, by having her best friend being kidnapped by the resident psycho. It was a good move since she was already gaining the confidence to do more with her powers by watching the news, her interactions with the mobsters and the neighborhood’s kids and Min-hyuk, who knew from day one about her powers and didn’t rejected her. He thought she was sexy! All of these factors made Bong-soon want to become the heroine of her life (beyond a video game) and I really loved to see her grow into a truly strong woman ready to take on the world.

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon wasn’t a perfect show but it was really entertaining and sweet, made me swoon and laugh out loud more than twice per episode, and I’m going to miss these characters and their shenanigans!!

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whatever flows your boat
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10


I didn't expect much at the beginning but it turned out to be one of my favorite k-dramas.

The love triangle. Nothing new. Girl loved her boy bestfriend who didnt realise he liked her until she started flirting with someone else. And yet in cooperation with the serial killer trope , the idea that the female main lead has unusual strength. The fact that the Ceo hired her as a bodyguard in the company she wanted to work. The fact that villans kept coming, danger akways knocking on one of the character's door.

The show feels more like a comic than a drama and takes multiple genres to the extreme.. I would like to warn eceryone to not anything seriously and enjoy the plot and the carziness. the characters [ *cough Park Hyung Sik as Ahn Min Hyuk cough*] have very overdramatic reactions{ I personally find the cute}.

It's such a super hero romcom story and I am totally down for it.

The plot progressed beautifully. The characters developped. The twisted story and the riddles came to a solution at the best paste possible. We got to see how the emotions of Do Bong Soon change. We saw how she went from liking one guy to the other. we got to see her story, her pain, her tears and finally her love.

Its an incredible series and i totally recommend

The only part that isn't incredible are the special effects. The effects used to present the unusal strength of Do Bong Soon are really unrealistic and fake. It didn't bother that much but i acn see why it would bother someone. Especially since we are all used to high quality cgi.

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Jan 4, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This is the second drama that I'd recommend for anyone to watch.
I don't remember the songs that I've heard from this drama.
I have an outstanding memory of this drama, in and out. It was filled with cuteness, love, comedy and it was absolutely perfect.
I love this drama because it shows how strong women can really be. It shows that you should never be fooled by a pretty face. Innocence doesn't mean weakness.
The two main actors: Ji Soo and Park Hyung Sik are perfect for one another.

At first Ji Soo annoyed me, but the serious role fits him. It makes him super duper sexy.
Park Hyung Sik is hilarious when he gets jealous. He is definitely funny when he gets drunk. I love his character.
Overall this drama gets a 10 stars. It was well performed, well casted, and it didn't make me cry. Which is a rare matter when it comes toward dramas.

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Jul 19, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
There's nothing sadder than a show that has so much potential never reach their full on potential, sadly that is what happens with Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. If it wasn't for the main leads chemistry and performances I would've probably dropped the show. The main proble with the show is that it gets stuck in a storyline and it drags it out until the end. Also the show is quite lighthearted so the serious stuff doesn't fit in, it just feel strange to move on from a serious scene that involves a serial killer to lighthearted moments between the two leads. If that whole story arc was left out of the show or at least wouldn't have been dragged out for so long I probably would've enjoyed it more. Still I find the show worth checking out, especially since Park Bo Young & Park Hyung Shik do a marvelous job as the leads.

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Dec 7, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

The cutest OTP

Fair warning. This show can go from cute (make you feel every tiny heart flutter) to crass (Get you annoyed at the Bad taste in jokes and even worse imagery) to creepy (scoot back in your seat in fear) in T-minus ten seconds. The swift change can give you whiplash, and more so turn you off from continuing the show, but stay. Press on. You’ll see one of the most rewarding love stories ever.

Min min and Bong Bong are anything but a stereotypical couple. In fact everything this couple does is a role reversal and that in itself is pleasantly surprising. Who wouldn’t want to see a pint sized firecracker carry a sassy six footer?

Some people did suffer from SLS, but fortunately for me Guk Du’s brash personality didn’t tamper with Min Hyuk’s quirk. Park Hyung Sik owns Ahn Min Hyuk in a way that seems like his character is second skin. Do Bong Soon is everything you want to see in a woman, with her superhuman strength, her cutesy personality and sharp wit.

All in all a wonderful show, if only for the lead couple. You might use the FF button like me for the not so pleasant parts.

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Oct 27, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Great comedy & Romance

I don’t like silly dramas that are full of slapstick style over the top physical comedy. That being said, the comedy in this drama is pure gold. It’s very funny. I was laughing all the time watching this. I like that the drama doesn’t take itself too seriously and stays light hearted throughout the drama. There’s just enough angst and plot depth to keep you interested but not so much that it loses it’s light hearted feel and hilarity. It’s popularity and high ratings are well deserved.

As far as romance goes, the main leads have some of the best chemistry I’ve ever seen onscreen. (In fact the male lead admitted to having a crush on the female lead in real life. She wasn’t available at the time but now that she’s available he’s in the military.) There’s lots of steamy kisses, hugs, flirting, and cuddling here for those that are into skinship. The way the female lead flirts with and teases the male lead until he’s all tied up in knots is just too adorable. And if you’re into height difference couples you’ll be pleased because she’s so tiny compared to him he calls her his peanut.

Her “powers” are a bit far fetched and not very believable. But that’s part of the charm of this show, it’s not supposed to be believable or realistic. It’s just super funny and cute. This tiny little girl is such a feisty little fireball, you can’t help but love her and her courage and strong sense of justice.

It starts out funny but gets a little serious when a man starts kidnapping women and the female lead thinks she may be able to identify him. Then there’s the whole mystery of who is threatening the male lead and why. And of course a love triangle forms. So there’s more to the story than just comedy and romance.

Overall I really loved this drama and have already rewatched it mainly for the comedy and romance. I wish there more dramas like this that does such a good job with both comedy and romance. Don’t skip this one, it’s a really good drama.

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Jan 11, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute Cute
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Feb 15, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This was one of the very first K-drama's I started to watch and how I got started watching K-dramas, was literally just flicking through Netflix after work and just happened to click it and start the show! Who knew that it would be one of my favourites after!

I love how Park Bo-Young portrayed this really strong women, who just wanted to help everyone around her, and then Park Hyung-Sik, was this like rich person who needed like protection! - Such a interesting twist in roles!

Definitely really enjoyed it and would - and loved how like light-hearted it was and Kim Won-hae, I loved his character, I feel like I see this actor in a lot of dramas but thought he was just hilarious in this role, both him and the secretary Jeon Seok-ho were both so funny!

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Feb 5, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I miss this drama! Right after I finished it I didn't rate it as high but I miss it and there is a chance I will rewatch this drama. Do Bong Soon is one of my favorite drama characters in awhile. I love her for her strength and her relationships, and being relatable for being average (other than her hidden strength). I also think she has the cutest cry ever. The male leads are both great too. They are such opposites but I enjoyed them both. I love In Gook Doo's passion for his job and his desire to help people. I love that Ahn Min Hyuk is very strong and capable but at the same time is very sensitive and needy. The writers amazed me at how they made this drama jump seamlessly from comedy to thriller to a fluffy romance. I truly enjoyed this drama even though a lot of it was comedic nonsense and very predictable. I would not want it any other way! I am not sure if this is true but I watched it on Netflix and I was informed that Netflix changed some of the music. I hope that is a lie because Netflix should just leave dramas alone especially since one of the reasons I love Asian dramas is the music!

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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017) poster



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