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Apr 5, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo was a breath of fresh air. I found the story, the characters, and the music to be light-hearted and refreshing. Initially when I heard about the show, I was conflicted whether to watch it because I had never been fully invested in the sports genre for dramas and found this particular drama to be unrealistic (i.e. Kim Bok Joo didn't look similar to the weightlifter who the show is somewhat inspired by, Jang Mi-ran, or a weightlifter in general...). Even with these concerns, I am definitely glad that I ended up giving Weightlifting Fairy a chance. The story encompassed the themes of comedy and school, but most especially of friendship, romance, and youth. These themes just happened to use the sports genre as a 'backdrop' per say. The cast's chemistry really tied together the themes of friendship, romance, and comedy (this may have been the case as several of them worked closely together in Cheese in the Trap). Lastly, the music matched the cheerful story and the noticeable chemistry between each of the characters and the actors who played them. This can most especially be heard from Kim Min Seung's "From Now On", which I believe was played at least once in each of the episodes (or as often as one would hear the word, "swag", in the series). It is likely that I would rewatch some or all of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo when I'm in need of a break from the stresses of a busy life or when I'm in a reminiscent mood.

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Jul 30, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I would say the story is "basic" (a group of college athletes who are fighting for their dreams) but gosh the acting and the chemistry between Nam Joo Hyuk and Lee Sung Kyung is daebak.
I cannot hide my happiness when I saw the article about their real relationship haha
I felt so empty at the end of the drama that I listen to the ost every day sigh my life is very boring lol
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Jul 8, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

a classic

I understand now why people always recommend this show. It is one of the best dramas ever. I loved the characters, the actors and the story overall.

Nam Joohyuck is one of my favorite actors and I decided to watch this because I missed him and I haven’t watched most of his work. Some of the dialogue and actions of the characters reflect the era when it was created, so at times I was a bit iffy to continue, but those moment didn’t overshadow the story as a whole and I’m glad I continued because it’s such a great drama, it makes sense why it’s considered a classic amongst the kdrama community.

They went overboard with the side storylines so I would bump them a star just because of that, and the mother returning was useless to the main storyline but it was well done.

This is definitely one of those dramas I’ll be rewatching in the future, it’s become a comfort show for me.

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May 16, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10
Never really had the urge to watch this drama in the beginning. But curiosity led me to watching it from beginning to end. And would rewatch it again soon. Lee Sung Kyung proved she can act and do it well. The interaction between he characters were good which made the series a well loved kdrama of its time.
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Sep 30, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
The start of this show is shaky, with really in-your-face montages. The characterisation was pretty weird too. I mean, now I know what people talk about when they say inexperienced actors. But everyone gets better!

I enjoyed the strong sunbae culture and it was also nice to see the protagonists being the sunbaes instead of the hoobaes.

I like the show deals with mental health issues. And that people don’t just become depressed because they break up. It’s very rare for a heroine to have a breakdown over something or someone that isn’t the romantic line.

The character have sad back stories, but they just suck it up and deal with it simply without drama.

Random note: I like the different names of the characters, instead of ones that I’ve already known from other dramas.

Joon Hyung - male lead
Nam Joo Hyuk’s acting gets better. In the beginning, I really wasn’t sure what face he was trying to pull. He has some really great one-liners throughout the drama.

“People either really like me or hate me, y’know.”

He’s used to people being pissed at him that he’s come to the point that he just shuts it out.

“Relationships aren’t like sports. Effort does not guarantee success.”

“I’m yours, so I have to listen to you.”
I like that Joon Hyung was only a little adverse to therapy and it showed how he was challenged but he just got into it quite easily. He’s really a very gentle soul and the actor who played him when he was a kid was just perfect. Nam Joo Hyuk also has a very puppy dog vulnerable expression. I appreciated his shyness when it comes to emotions, but also how he is quite in touch with his.
Joon Hyung’s relationship with his bro is so funny. I like how well he knew his brother and wanted to support him. Joon Hyung has a very middle aged man personality actually.
I liked the way he acted towards his parents, maybe it’s because of his inexperience, but it felt like his character was also acting a certain way, putting on a show for his parents.
His stand out trait is his loyalty. I love how kind he is to lots of people but of course the way he cares for Bok Joo and is concerned for her is beautiful. He really goes out of his way to make sure she’s ok. And he thinks about how to approach her and puts thought into how to talk to her or make her feel better. He has some of the best moments of sincere gentleness and kindness that I’ve seen in dramaland.

I love the swimming pool analogy and what it means to Joon Hyung.
Bok Joo
I like that Bok Joo wears really unflattering clothes constantly.
Usually I would dislike a storyline where the heroine is in love with the wrong person for a majority of the show. But Joon Hyung’s gentle and kind support of her made it ok. It’s a bit funny how scared Joon Hyung is of her.
It’s unusual, for me to see a heroine really go for her misplaced love, and in a way it felt a bit more realistic that just because he’s not the hero of the show, doesn’t mean that it’s not hard to get over him.
I like that Bok Joo is so good at what she does. That Joon Hyung has to work hard to keep up with her athletic achievements in his own field.


“Is this a home shopping channel? That sounds ridiculous.”

I like that you can see that Joon Hyung is so polite to his family to the point that it’s stiff. So it’s really meaningful the way he can relax around Bok Joo.
Bok Joo’s way of comforting Joon Hyung is really genuine and I like that she avoids cliches, and is so real about what she says to him.

Best Friends
The best friends of both Bok Joo and Joon Hyung were borderline stereotypical. But they had some nice stand out moments.

“Did she eat ginseng or something? What’s wrong with her?”

And it was funny to see Joon Hyung’s best bud get involved with Bok Joo’s girl friends.

Female Role Models
Coach Choi was a great character and I loved the way she yelled at people like a lion. Not your usual high pitch barrage that you get with female characters but a very guttural roar haha.

Ah Young
“It’s good to love someone, but you need to be loved to boost your self-esteem.”

Si Ho
Also, I like that I got to love the crazy ex-girlfriend too. There’s something really cool about her.

Jae Yi
It was a bit funny to see the nice guy, “second lead syndrome” personality get a bad rap for hurting people with his consideration.

“Seriously, I had no idea that treating you well would create more distance between us. Agh, do I have a disorder?”

Jae Yi - “You were quite scary when you got angry. I thought you’d punch me.”
Joon Hyung - “I may seem sweet to you, but I can be quite tough.”

We have some beautiful scene stealers! This show had the best cameos – all my favourite actors. LJS didn’t even try and act, but come on, it’s LJS. Ji Soo, however, put his whole heart into his little scenes. Love that guy! And had to squee when I saw Kim Seul Gi too.

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Aug 6, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
My favorite drama. It's cute, its refreshing, its bubbly.It makes me fall in love with it. The cast is amazing and the chemistry between the characters are great. The chemistry is so good that lee sung kyung and nam joo hyuk are dating in real life. These two main actors how now become my favorite leads. The drama itself it is not boring and it is worth the 16 episodes not once will you ever feel like it boring and not want to watch it. Also if you want a drama that gives you that heartwarming feeling. This is ur drama. I loved it and I know you will too
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Srta Jane
5 people found this review helpful
Feb 18, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Quero soltar fogos de artifício quando penso em: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo (2016, MBC, 16) , porque amo esse drama e nunca está de fora da minha lista de indicações. A temática e os personagens são muito bons, o ar descontraído e leve que essa história têm é excelente. E, o romance fofo certamente embalou as minhas tardes e cativou o meu coração.

O enredo que envolve o halterofilismo feminino, um esporte que raramente é abordado nessas produções, ao mesmo tempo em que mostra outros esportes superconhecidos e queridinhos de muitos: ginástica rítmica e natação, é a primeira coisa a despertar seu interesse. Além disso, a personalidade da nossa mocinha é muito boa e a sua paixonite por um médico muito mais velho que ela, que sequer era capaz de perceber isso, rende muitas risadas logo de cara.

Outro ponto que não posso deixar de abordar é que a relação de companheirismo e amizade das personagens femininas foi algo que deu gosto de ver.

O romance é daqueles bem fofinhos que fazem você se apaixonar junto com eles, e a ausência de grades encontros e desencontros ou de madrastas maquiavélicas, brotando do nada só para dificultar a vida do casal, tornou tudo isso ainda mais cativante nesse drama.

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Aug 2, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5


Assisti a fada do levantamento de peso com muitas expectativas de ser um dorama com uma personagem feminina com personalidade, com orgulho de sua força e com determinação nas suas atitudes, mas ela se mostrou uma pessoa com vergonha de sua força, com insegurança nas suas ações e dependente de amigos e familiares sempre para levanta-la quando está mal e até ai tudo bem, o problema é que ela não dá de volta todo o carinho que recebe, mesmo quando os amigos estão mal ela pensa nela e acha que seus problemas são os maiores do mundo.

No meio do dorama ela acaba tendo uma paixão platônica que pra mim foi uma das coisas mais vergonhosas e desnecessárias que poderia ter acontecido, ela finge ser quem não é para agradar um homem que nunca tinha visto antes e só o que eu posso dizer sem dar spoilers é que por essa paixãozinha dela deu vontade de dropar muitas vezes, pois ela teve atitudes que colocavam em risco sua carreira, suas amizades e sua relação familiar e ela nem pareceu se importar com isso, enfim.

Não gostei também do fato que o par romântico dela teve que se esforçar, se humilhar e se colocar em segundo plano só pra conquistar o amor dela, sendo que ela demonstrava seus sentimentos em poucas cenas.

Sobre os pontos positivos: O inicio do dorama tem episódios divertidos e legais, tem uns 3 que são horríveis e depois do 10 fica ótimo, então acho que balanceou bem, porém poderia ser bom o tempo inteiro se não tivesse tantas enrolações.

Por fim, o casal principal tem muita química, quando começam a namorar ficam muito fofos e se apoiam o tempo inteiro, o mocinho faz questão de dizer a ela que tem orgulho de sua força e isso é muito lindo de ver, ela acaba tendo uma evolução e se torna mais confiante no final e consegue entender melhor seus sentimentos, ele está do lado dela desde o primeiro episódio e apesar de eu sentir que ela foi ingrata em vários momentos no final acaba tudo se encaixando e o namoro não se torna nada forçado, as amizades também são bem construídas e os momentos cômicos são bem cativantes

Recomendaria para alguém, mas não prometeria tanto

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Roger T
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Surpreendente como esta série é divertida e romântica. Pena que o nome da série não ajuda muito na hora da escolha. Com certeza tem o casal mais fofo de todos os tempos. A história no início estava até estava um pouco lenta, com a protagonista desesperada com sua primeira paixão platônica. Mas logo depois, a história ganha um ritmo intenso, fazendo o casal passar por várias pequenas situações de dificuldades. As resoluções destas situações ou desentendimentos são resolvidos bem rapidamente, deixando a história mais leve e sem muitos daqueles dramas infindáveis de algumas séries. E toda vez que o casal se reaproxima, um perdoa o outro e a felicidade transborda a tela. Nesta hora então a gente chora de alegria !

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Jan 17, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

Un bon drama dans l'ensemble

J'ai bien aimé ce drama. J'ai cependant trouvé les premiers épisodes un peu ennuyants surtout pendant la "relation" entre Kim Bok Ju et Jeong Jae Yi. C'est devenu un peu mieux quand la relation principale est devenue Kim Bok Ju & Jeong Jun Hyeong.

Néanmoins je trouve que le côté sportif est très pas assez exploré, beaucoup mis de côté. Au finale on a vu que très peu de compétitions. Jeong Jun Hyeong et sa natation on a du voir que 1-2 compétitions et encore, c'est vraiment dommage de pas avoir montré plus ce côté.

J'ai adoré le trio entre Kim Bok Ju, Nan Hee et Seon Ok (cette actrice a vraiment un flow incroyable je trouve).

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Dec 15, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

ligera y divertida

me encanta, la química entre los protagonistas es inmaculada!! me encantó la historia de principio a fin y amé la personalidad de la protagonista. también me encantó como el protagonista la seguía a todos lados y la buscaba siempre.
a diferencia de la mayoría de los que han visto este drama yo no odie al personaje de shiho, tal vez fue porque la entendí muy bien y aunque no justificó sus acciones entiendo el porqué hizo lo que hizo y la presión que tenía, y me gustó mucho el desarrollo que tuvo su personaje porque al final ella no era mala, solo tenía problemas que resolver, lo único que no me gustó fue que no le dieran un cierre apropiado a su historia pero fuera de eso este drama es muyyy bueno

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Jan 23, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Kim Bok Joo A fada do levantamento de peso (2016)

Kim Bok joo A Fada do levantamento de peso é uma trama divertida, encantadora e inspiradora. Tem romance, comédia e drama na medida certa. Amei todos os personagens, principalmente a Kim Bok Joo, a família dela e o Joon Hyung.

Sou apaixonada por um bom clichê e fazia tempo que não assistia a evolução de friends-to-lovers, que é bem presente no dorama. Além disso, foram abordados assuntos como transtorno alimentar, abondono parental e depressão na juventude, a pressão que os atletas sofrem. Temas delicados mas que foram construídos perfeitamente.

Enfim, depois de assistir esse dorama só consigo pensar que mais uma vez uma protagonista atleta (ainda mais uma levantadora de peso) serve de inspiração não só para outras atletas, como para todas as mulheres em si. Mostra dificuldades que enfrentamos independente do cenário em que estamos inseridas. Mas Kim Bok Joo foi uma personagem muito bem construída nesse aspecto de mostrar força e ao mesmo tempo sua vulnerabilidade como apenas uma jovem de 21 anos, e não só uma levantadora de peso.

Joon Hyung é um dos personagens mais gentis dos doramas e mais sensíveis também. Nam Joo Hyuk é um ator incrível e consegue transmitir as emoções de seus personagens com êxito.

Super recomendo!!

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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016) poster



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