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Ranked #2448
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28-year old Liang Xia and 34 year-old Mao Liang have been together for 10 years, and living together for 5 years. Liang Xia assumes that Mao is going to propose after 10 years of being together, and had given up her dreams on becoming a painter just to stay with Mao. However, she is disappointed when the diamond he had bought was for his boss, Mr. Gao's wife to earn her support in improving his design company. Her friend suggests to Liang that she should force Mao to marry her by proposing to him in public. However, the plan backfires and Mao ends up breaking up with her. The devastated Liang eats a magical chocolate, transporting her memory back to her 17-year old self. Without the worries of adulthood, she is back to her naive, optimistic self and that triggers a surge of interest in Mao, who she now refers to as “Uncle”. Things turn even more complicated when Liang Xia's 17-year old self falls in love with another man, Yan Yan. Edit Translation

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  • Country: China
  • Type: Movie
  • Release Date: Dec 9, 2016
  • Duration: 1 hr. 47 min.
  • Score: 8.0 (scored by 4,545 users)
  • Ranked: #2448
  • Popularity: #2053
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

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Suddenly Seventeen (2016) photo
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Suddenly Seventeen (2016) photo
Suddenly Seventeen (2016) photo
Suddenly Seventeen (2016) photo


32 people found this review helpful
Feb 1, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This movie is typical romantic comedy. And yet at the same time it's not. I picked it up because of the leads whom I really love and I kinda liked the plot. I was expecting something fluffy, cute and already seen but honestly it was different. The core and essence of this movie is actually quite different than all the other romcoms I've seen.
Yes the main plot is about one couple who were together for so long that their relationship started to fall apart and at one moment the girl comes in possession of magical chocolate that brings her mind when she was 17 to 28 years old herself in the present time. And going like that back and forth she begins to realize her life, her mistakes, she starts to find her old self again and learns what was it that she lost along the way till this day. Whole movie is funny and very sweet, it brings many memories of our own past and it definitely makes you connect with the main girl. She is one beautiful woman who for the man she loves gave up her dreams, her own desires and her own self, she thought that acting that way will bring her marriage and happiness. And that's when Little Liang comes to the light, she awakes in Liang that young spirit, she brings her back her love for painting and drawing, she makes her feel alive and full of life again, to be more brave and relaxed, simply she makes her to learn to love herself and do what she really loves. And that was the strongest part of this movie, the main focus is only on her and her two personalities- young 17 years old Liang and unsatisfied lost 28 years old one. The way they start to interact with each other, in the beginning their bickering, misunderstandings, to the part where they finally accept and learn all the lessons becoming one. The guys were pretty good although I couldn't feel the chemistry with her boyfriend and I find that part of the movie weak- it simply wasn't explained how they feel in love with each other and till the end I think they weren't suited for each other. My heart has won the second lead or should I say the guy with whom Little Liang fell in love with. He was a typical rebel, riding a bike with living his life to the fullest but the one who awoke in her passion and love, they were totally great together. And when you add that Darren Wang was that second guy, well then it's logical that I rooted for him. ;)

The choice of the actors was also good, Ni Ni is one gorgeous goddess and she looks more beautiful by each day. She could really pass as a high school girl. Her acting was very believable and although she is older than Darren, their chemistry was so damn real and fantastic. Wallace as the lead guy was okay but in his typical wooden serious cool style and although in some other projects of his I liked him, here he definitely wasn't my choice nor the right choice for her. Despite that, it doesn't matter in the end because the main thing wasn't in men and relationships, it was in her, her mind and her heart.

" I'm proud of us"- this sentence simply engraved in my heart, the moment she said it, the way how two of them were portrayed and what they said to each other, it was very touching and realistic. As long as we have our own selves, as long as we think with our hearts and do the things we desire, as long as we don't lose ourselves along the way of growing up, we can make it, only then we can be truly happy, making our dreams come true and our lives into the life worth living for. This is the best message one movie can teach us. Despite that we may already know all that, still it means and makes us smile. It made me smile and I fully recommend it for watching.

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20 people found this review helpful
Feb 14, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Time traveling is not a new concept in dramaland. In fact many of today's favorite dramas and movies involve time travelling....... to the point that some of us (me!) gets so sick of it.

Only one sentence got me watching this movie... it's "she revisits her past and learns what it takes to love herself again".

Really .... for those people who are depressed, on a slump, on the point of their life where they do not know what they are doing or on the point where none of your plans and visions work... take time to watch this movie.

As I said, time travelling is not a new concept, but what makes this movie unique is that only the mind of the main character travels back on time, forcing her seventeen years old self to live the life of her current 28 years old. Looks satisfying isn't it? to live your life when you're done studying, have your own job, and you do not have to worry about all the drama in your teens. But what if the current you isn't living the life you wanted? What if none of your "future" plans made it to your present? What would you do? This movie ventures on how a person can learn to love herself back despite of all the disappointments she made out of herself.

On the romance part...I do not really like what happens to her love life so no... I won't venture that part.

The acting was good especially the lead character. She was on point and it will really show the difference within the two "personas" just with her eyes. The rest of the cast were also good but nothing special of some sort.

I didn't pay that much attention to music with the the fuss going no it does not make that much impact on me.

Overall, it's a must see movie.... especially to those who fits the criteria I mention above. If you don't meet the criteria.... ah who cares? I already said it's a must watch movie. So go... watch it!

I don't know if this count as a review and if it will ever help anyone decide... but oh well..!

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  • Movie: Suddenly Seventeen
  • Country: China
  • Release Date: Dec 9, 2016
  • Duration: 1 hr. 47 min.
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated


  • Score: 8.0 (scored by 4,545 users)
  • Ranked: #2448
  • Popularity: #2053
  • Watchers: 8,881

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