Just to be clear about something, I'm not a fan of love affairs, actually I don't like them at all and usually do not watch dramas with concept like that but this one I chose because of the music theme and the main actor. And I'm glad I did that 'cause I fell in love with this drama so deeply with no cure for healing. For the record this drama and story aren't affair at all as all of us think what affair actually is and you could see that from the very start and the relationship between the married couple, they were more like business partners. Yoo Ah In and Kim Hee Ae have done the job brilliant in portraying the two people who met and simply, slowly fell in love through the piano playing, music sheets, Mozart, Liszt, Tchaikovsky, and many other classical geniuses. I was hypnotized and mesmerized with their conversations, with their playing, with their passionate chemistry, I can't remember when I've reacted like this to some couple and chemistry in drama, since MARS I haven't felt like this.
This is not some average bubbly romance drama; it's dark, complex, passionate, bittersweet, and sometimes even torturous. It's a true emotional, mature and adult romance drama where we'll cheer as hard as we can for love to win against all odds. It’s a story to show how love can change one for the best or the worst. I loved very much how they concentrate simply on development of the main characters, their constant battle inside them, their pain, their hope and most of all their passion. It had been a very long time that I had felt such complex emotions with such intensity. It was almost like I was one of them. Of course there are boring parts, for example the part about business and all those irritating female characters who were so evil, bad and gossiping around, I really hate that. But except that everything else was a masterpiece for real. Yoo Ah In as a young piano prodigy was magnificent, he once again proved to me why he's one of my favourite actors in the whole world. When he’s onscreen with Kim, they make beautiful music together, both literally and figuratively. The love story generates plenty of heat, and feels genuine and quite moving. As long as the two leads are playing duets together or sharing bowls of noodles, everything else was in the shadow, only them and their fantastic chemistry.
Unlike in the most of average dramas, the music actually added meaning and depth to the drama. They played so many beautiful pieces from so many great composers and anyone who has any appreciation for classical music is going to enjoy this drama enormously. This drama is a bit slow, but it didn't bother me at all. I loved that I could see and feel their every gaze, touch, and emotion. I was able to synchronize my emotions with them, to understand and feel how they fell for one another.
For me this drama has a deep meaning and definitely left me with so many great and honest emotions. If you're like me a person who loves a true pure romance dramas with adult and mature thinking with endless love for music in your daily life, then this drama is for you.
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As for the Suzuki, that woman is just too beautiful, I watched her in Tokyo Love Story where she was fantastic but in this drama she was way too brilliant and amazing, I was hypnotized all the time when she was in the screen. Hiroshi as the main guy, I was mesmerized by him, he just know how to portray tormented, lonely, tortured soul with a serious psychological problems, I've seen him in Lipstick and there he was fantastic and I thought that he couldn't play better any role. But I was so wrong. This is for sure, 100 % his best role, the most complex one and I've never seen that kind of acting like his in some drama.
One thing is sure about this drama and that is that there isn't no darker and more depressing Japanese drama than this one. Literally. I've watched many of them, old ones, new ones but like Kono yo no Hate, never. I mean there are no happy things at all, rarely you get to see some smile, some light, well maybe only in the last episode. This is the first drama I saw that there was a drug addict as the main lead and that someone from the top, a married man with career, a famous pianist fall so deep down in a a gutter and become worthless. And that is what fascinated me and wanted to see more and more, how Hiroshi played a heroin addict, you know how Japanese are the masters in creating some drama to be so realistic one, and I really thought that he was on some drugs. He starts from the top, a man with money and power who accidentally meet Mariya and fell in love with her, then the next stage is how he leaves everything for her, they start to live a happy life but not for long because some things begin to happen and slowly everything starts to fall apart. What left me with the most impressions was that man Shido, how he became wreck of a man, you could see how heroin had an affect on him, how he destroyed everything he had and the woman he loved because of that drug. This drama showed us how no matter how much you love someone if you abandon everything, your life, your career for that person and the most important if you lose yourself, start to lose self confidence and doubt in yourself and the woman(man) you love causing to become jealous and obsessive, you'll lose everything and that's when you turn to other vices and destroy your life and all that love you had for someone. It was very difficult for me to watch this drama because I am a person who hates drug in every single way but I always want to hear the stories and to listen to people who have gone through that hell and that's why this drama had such a big effect on me.
As for the main girl Mariya, she was the most gentle, kind and selfless person in this drama, actually the most selfless character I've ever got to meet but not the stupid one. This girl should have a medal for everything she's gone through, she was not typical girl at all, dressed more like a guy with short hair, smoking cigarettes all the time and with a quick temper. But how strong she was, how smart, how she was helping selflessly her sister, her mother, Shido to the very last breath. She was also a very tormented young soul with tragic past and you could easily see through each episode how she was struggling with everything, with all the insults, offensive words, rude behavior and remained strong, positive and cold from the outside, I think she is the woman I truly admire and respect.
In this drama I liked also the side characters, especially the guy with a scar, he was such a hero and cool guy, and I liked it how you get to see their stories, not only of the main couple.
There are no perfect and happy people in this drama, everyone had their own flaws and issues in the brain, simply that is the thing with Japanese, when they make a drama they make it more realistic and more darker than anyone else. And I admire that completely.
Kono yo no Hate is a drama with tragic events, dark issues, depressed atmosphere, crazy people, many tortures souls, with music in the background which suits so good with all the non happy things and happenings, I truly think that this drama is no doubt the most complex one I've ever watched but also a drama with the biggest and strongest emotions ever.
A true love story about a man who had everything and lost everything because of his stupidity, immaturity and jealousy and a woman who didn't have anything and who fought 'till the last breath for the people she loved risking her own life and not stopped believing and trusting her man. The story that showed us how love great and strong can be that nothing couldn't stop or destroy her but that sometimes just love isn't enough.
A true masterpiece for me.
If you look for something very different than all other dramas, if you don't mind real human stories, if you don't mind dark, depressed, problematic and mind issues plot with the complex characters, if you love a full development of how and why things happen and if you love not simply, not fairytale, a very serious and complicated romance story then this drama is a must watch for you. Also what was a big plus to the drama is how at every beginning and ending of an episode, Shido narrates and telling us his own thoughts from the time he met her until the end and you could easily find yourself to understand and feel everything he tells you through those sentences.
For me it was a piece of art. And in the end left me with so many lessons, deep messages and gave me a light in that dark atmosphere.
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I cried, laughed, cringed, shouted, smiled, raged and did all sorts of things while watching this drama, I even had to make pause of few days cause I didn't want to finish it. Ever. I know, it may seem too subjective, I guess it is but if I take out all too attached feelings still this is a drama which deserves to be praised and greatly received.
The cast was brilliant. From Hu Ge as too intelligent and clever strategist with many secrets and Wang Kai as loyal, brave and reckless prince who were the main leads in this woven plot, to other side characters: funny and dense General Meng, sweetie pie and awesome martial artist Fei Liu, astonishing and beautiful princess warrior Ni Huang, calm smart and always looking relaxed consort Jing, joyful, carefree and weirdly intelligent Lin Chen, crazy over power and greedy Emperor, faithful and innocent Jingrui, the dignified Marquis Yan, the most loyal retainers of Su ge ge, all of them were simply outstanding, list is too long. ;)
The one who shined the most in this drama is no doubt Hu Ge as Mei Chang Su, he was truly amazing. Man who lost everything where he was young, who lived and fought with only one purpose- to avenge his family and all those innocent lost lives of Chi Yan's army. He became a grand and calculating man with intelligence higher than everyone's else. I loved how Hu Ge portrayed him, as cold, emotionless man who didn't let feelings get in the way and cloud his judgement not one single moment, always being rational and moving forward according to his plan which he was making for 12 years. Cause in this game he couldn't afford himself that, otherwise his enemies would easily defeat him. But under that shell he was the same Lin Shu, kind with good heart and will to fight against injustice and evilness. I fell so much for him, his gestures, mind, expressions, movement, everything was really powerful about that man.
And the other one who has won me was certainly Prince Jing. He was opposite of Su Zhe, quick-tempered and disobedient, always hot headed and too reckless but loyal, brave and firm in his decisions, I really respected that side of him, his unyielding morals and fighting for justice no matter what. It was so entertaining to watch two of them bickering, arguing and sharing their opinions, prince Jing was always bringing fear to Su Zhe cause he was the only one who could actually make Su Zhe's plans not going in the way they should and mess something up, I loved their bromance, their powerful bonding, their attachment to each other, they looked so cute, sometimes like a romantic couple. ;) And I think that Wang Kai really nailed it, he is such a talented and great looking actor, looking forward seeing him more in the future.
I enjoyed in the feeling they gave me, their characters so endearing and strong, greatly written indeed. I enjoyed in all of them but those two especially captured my heart along side with little monkey Fei Liu. What is so fantastic and attractive about this drama are so many awesome bromances, friendships, funny moments in all that seriousness and revenge fights, many of those characters were like a family, I loved their talking, their joking around the house, their ultimate protections towards each other, and that subtle, little amount of romance I really really loved, it was such a wonderful addition to all those powerful feelings.
Without even one little dull moment, I can only say KUDOS to the whole production team and the writers. Production quality is so high and impressive with great action scenes, wonderful costumes where even the shades of colours fitted perfectly to the characters who wore them and not to mention settings and sceneries, every scene shot outdoor was really delightful for watching and every scene shot indoor also was beautiful. Effects and CGI look very realistic, which is pretty awesome for some Chinese drama. And the best thing of course is the script, it is something the most important that made this drama to be this breath taking, intense and phenomenal.
Oh well what else did I expect when it's the same team from whom big names like Battle of Changsha (personally my fav.), The Disgusier, All quiet in Beijing and Love me if you dare are from? ;)
So if you like badass action scenes filled with fantastic developed story line, interesting plot with revenge, political maneuverings and intrigues, astonishing melodies (music in this show is so beautiful, whole OST is wow) and if you're into The Count of Monte Cristo kind of feeling then you should definitely give it a try. Plus many eye candies who weren't there just to be eye candy, they actually had a role and importance. ;)
It may seem too confusing in the beginning with introducing too many characters but after a few episodes you''ll get used to it, just don't give up.
I got too attached to this drama, too fascinated by its existence and in such an emotional state I dare to say that I'm anticipating more dramas like Nirvana in Fire, more dramas which will engrave in my heart and capture me in their little world for a lifetime. Thank you. Thank all of you who participated in making this grand and glorious show. I'll never be able nor I ever want to be able to forget this drama, the most wonderful Asian drama with most mind blowing script.
";In this world, there’s no carefree person. If you have desires and feelings, you won’t be carefree."
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Yes the main plot is about one couple who were together for so long that their relationship started to fall apart and at one moment the girl comes in possession of magical chocolate that brings her mind when she was 17 to 28 years old herself in the present time. And going like that back and forth she begins to realize her life, her mistakes, she starts to find her old self again and learns what was it that she lost along the way till this day. Whole movie is funny and very sweet, it brings many memories of our own past and it definitely makes you connect with the main girl. She is one beautiful woman who for the man she loves gave up her dreams, her own desires and her own self, she thought that acting that way will bring her marriage and happiness. And that's when Little Liang comes to the light, she awakes in Liang that young spirit, she brings her back her love for painting and drawing, she makes her feel alive and full of life again, to be more brave and relaxed, simply she makes her to learn to love herself and do what she really loves. And that was the strongest part of this movie, the main focus is only on her and her two personalities- young 17 years old Liang and unsatisfied lost 28 years old one. The way they start to interact with each other, in the beginning their bickering, misunderstandings, to the part where they finally accept and learn all the lessons becoming one. The guys were pretty good although I couldn't feel the chemistry with her boyfriend and I find that part of the movie weak- it simply wasn't explained how they feel in love with each other and till the end I think they weren't suited for each other. My heart has won the second lead or should I say the guy with whom Little Liang fell in love with. He was a typical rebel, riding a bike with living his life to the fullest but the one who awoke in her passion and love, they were totally great together. And when you add that Darren Wang was that second guy, well then it's logical that I rooted for him. ;)
The choice of the actors was also good, Ni Ni is one gorgeous goddess and she looks more beautiful by each day. She could really pass as a high school girl. Her acting was very believable and although she is older than Darren, their chemistry was so damn real and fantastic. Wallace as the lead guy was okay but in his typical wooden serious cool style and although in some other projects of his I liked him, here he definitely wasn't my choice nor the right choice for her. Despite that, it doesn't matter in the end because the main thing wasn't in men and relationships, it was in her, her mind and her heart.
" I'm proud of us"- this sentence simply engraved in my heart, the moment she said it, the way how two of them were portrayed and what they said to each other, it was very touching and realistic. As long as we have our own selves, as long as we think with our hearts and do the things we desire, as long as we don't lose ourselves along the way of growing up, we can make it, only then we can be truly happy, making our dreams come true and our lives into the life worth living for. This is the best message one movie can teach us. Despite that we may already know all that, still it means and makes us smile. It made me smile and I fully recommend it for watching.
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And once again she did an amazing job in portraying the character of a tormented soul and a girl with many scars who commit some crime and in a facility for juveniles she then meets a warden and simply fall in love. Well, who wouldn't fall for the brilliant Mikami Hiroshi?, who was equally incredible in portraying the character of a unrecognized artist with secrets and who also slowly, through many conversations fall in love with her. It was so delightful to watch the two of them , how they talk, how they always use imagination and metaphor for their topics and how they gradually started to develop feeling for each other. I was honestly so hypnotized by the uniqueness of the scenario and the story, I liked very much how they in almost every episode mentioned some famous writer, painter, artist who was important for society, I liked how she had so vividly strong imagination and talked about difference between LOVE and ETERNITY, I remembered this sentence:" You have two buses. One is for Love and everybody is inside, talking, holding hands and smiling, but in some next stop they had to get off, the bus moves on. Everyone can see that bus. The other one is for Eternity, it's empty and the bus doesn't stop. Do you see it? Eternity is more important then love, it gives you freedom. "- something like that, maybe I didn't wrote exactly the same, but the point is there. Whole scenario was simply beautiful, I don't know which episode I liked more and which sentence was more perfectly said. With their chemistry which was so patiently built they made it to pull you in and become fascinated by them. So for the acting I give a ten. Not to mention Kubozuka Yosuke who is a pure genius and of the most outstanding actors ever, I adore him in every role, whether it's a drama or a movie. And in this one he was of course amazing, so twisted, dark and one truly lonely soul, he was a great addition to the whole drama.
Music was appealing quite fine, intro song was really good. As for the rewatching, I thiink that I could watch it again in some distant future because it's a really good drama.
Definitely one thing is sure and that is that NO DOUBT J-dramas from the '90s are the best from every angle and that more people should be aware of that and make time to watch more of these kind of dramas, it's such a pity for them not to be seen and to be forgotten by the rest of the people. I can easily say that I always enjoy more in watching older dramas because of their emotional, mature, deep, natural and realistic content unlike now days shows. This one will for sure stay in your mind.
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"And then comes one Japanese slice of life and completely erases all the other movies she has seen in last couple of years..." Pretty much the first thought that came to my mind after watching this movie. It has blown me away. With every single thing in it. I had some idea about the plot and I knew it was gonna be some tragedy and illness thing but definitely haven't thought that it'd be such a gem, such a rare thing to watch, such phenomenal piece of art. Yes I think this movie is art. Poetic, artistic, so imaginative, full of parallels and metaphors, visually stunning, with excellent music and brilliant acting and writing. I seriously feel so weird now, I can not explain, I'm sad, I cried near the end like crazy, I'm devastated, I'm strong, I'm grateful and thankful and above all I am happy that I am alive. Description of the movie is already given on movie page so this won't be a spoiler for what I'm gonna say. Just imagine that you find that you're sick and that you're gonna die and suddenly you can extend your life in exchange for some things to disappear each day. I mean the sole idea is very original and interesting and from the first moment it caught my attention but with this pace and this excellent writing it really hit me hard. With each of those things that were disappearing, also memories with a certain person important in his life disappeared as well. With each day it was a new struggle, a new shock, a new fight in his mind and heart, terrifying knowledge that if you want to gain something, you must lose something, and when that biggest attack came, the most difficult thing he could ever lose, then it comes the final acceptance of his fate and his sickness. It was pretty hard to watch those scenes as they were very emotional and with pure rawness. I can't give enough credit to Sato's performance as he was simply incredible, his eyes, his smile, his way of talking, crying, yelling and dealing with everything, all of it was beautiful to watch. He really showed with this role that now there isn't anything he can't do and I'm glad cause of him. As most of the time he was the only one on the screen, I can't say that the others were in the same spot as he was but Miyazaki Aoi and Harada Mieko were amazing in their portrayals too, which was expected from such huge talents like they are. What amazed me the most is that by each encounter, by each of his choices we learn something new, new life lesson, new meaning of choices we make and consequences of that, we experience everything together with him and so easily imagine ourselves in his place, it was so easy to do that. And in the end what this movie really wants to say to us is what really counts -love, bonds and relationships we achieve in our lives. That even if you come to the most difficult and terrible point in your life, there will be always something, someone to make you feel good. To make you feel alive and realize why you're alive in the first place. That nothing can compare to the people you love and care about. That it is better to be loved, to love your family, friends, children and partners to the fullest even if it means that you'll live shorter, all that is better than being alone in the world without anyone to call to, to watch a movie with, to travel with but live a long life. I finally understand what 'If Cats Disappeared From the World" means. And it is something the most powerful. Go and watch this movie, either you're a slice of life fan or not, you won't be indifferent to this one. p.s. And watch movie till the very end so that you could hear the ending song and read the lyrics, it has such a deep meaning and perfectly goes with the whole movie progress. Was this review helpful to you?

The story itself is already very sad, dark and depressed and all of those actors just gave the whole drama a big plus with their great acting. And although it is a very tragic and heartbreaking drama it has positive sides, through the whole drama you'll see the constant battle inside the characters whether to forgive or revenge, whether to be good or bad, whether to love or hate...And those words HOPE and LIFE were there all the time with them to remind them to fight and live on. I was crying, I was smiling, I was terrified, I was scared, I was sad and I fell in love. All these emotions has gone through me while watching this drama and in the end it remained the feeling of emptiness because everything was over. I can say this for sure that no doubt Japan has the most heartbreaking, emotional, amazing dramas that nobody in the world has. When they make some drama it is certainly that you're going to be different after watching and that you'll feel the strongest emotions ever. It doesn't matter whether drama is tragic or happy. And that is something that no one else can do. Of course there are exceptions.
As for the music, this is the first drama that I didn't care about the music and that there weren't music almost at all except for that main song.
So in the end I hope that more people will make the time to see this drama because definitely deserves more attention. And for sure you won't regret it. At least I haven't. Nor I will. I can only be grateful for watching this masterpiece.
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Honestly, I have never got attached to more than one family in some drama but here I got too deep into the story of every family. Their interactions, their actions, their conversations, it all felt so raw, so real and so damn natural. I totally had a feeling like they're my neighbors and their kids my friends.
The reason why I love this Reply so much is also cause of the '80s, that nostalgic period of time where my parents were young and had their own kids and friends like the adults in this Reply, that period of time where some of the best movies and music artists appeared. I love how they made all so real, like in the real '80s, from their clothes, make up, haircuts, electrical devices, houses to music, movies, cinemas, bars, taverns. Production is awesome for this drama, I don't have one single complain about that. Plus OST is so wonderful, some songs are made to be danced to them, some are so melancholic with some sad tones and some are so beautiful and made for pure enjoyment while listening them.
I didn't care for the husband hunt. I really didn't care. While in other two Reply dramas that romance part was much more important and pretty much the whole drama plot, here it was just on the outside the main plot but actually inside of it that was the least important. Here words like family, friends, childhood, bonding, neighbors are way more big than romance. Which worked totally fine for me.
These families are pure gold. I laughed so much with them, I cried with them, I rooted with them, cheering with them, screaming and yelling with them, I was singing and dancing with them, they did all that to me. One family though stood up the most and that would be the Kim's. Omo, family like that is so freaking rare, I mean president Kim must be the most unique and funny dad ever with most gentle and good heart, his wife, Mi-ran is one hell of a mom, the coolest mom ever and so crazy, I seriously adore that woman, she carried the whole show for me truthfully. And their kids, JB- one big guy with big dreams who always wants to help everyone and always smiles, such a sensitive, romantic and funny soul; and JH- oh well I could talk about that guy whole night and day.
He is for me the most complex character in this drama, the one who was the most selfless, most realistic and strong one, yes the one who didn't show his feeling to the end to anyone ever but through his actions you could feel and see that, sometimes words aren't enough to say and explain what heart feels and agree completely with that saying. You could feel his emotions if you'd want to, that's what I think. And no matter what he was there for everyone, for his parents- how he in one episode did that stupid joke with his dad just to make him smile, how he continued to follow and to accomplish his brother's dream, how he prepared that awesome surprise for his mom's birthday, how he helped Taek in some way in most crucial moment, how he drank with Sun-woo in silence and was beside him to comfort him, I mean he is just too perfect and I was so satisfied and my heart was full when I saw him smile at the end, I knew he was happy. ;)
There are others I loved, Mr. Choi-Taek's dad, very cool and charismatic man, Bo-ra with all her intelligence and vulnerability combined with being strong and tough, DR- the hilarious, funny, crazy and always supportive friend who just knows what to say and when, so many wonderfully written characters are in this drama and that is what captured me. And their friendship, between those little 5 friends from their childhood till who knows when, they had so much fun together, so many sad moments, difficult moment, amazing and adventurous ones, I can only admire that powerful bond they had. And those three women, their craziness in their ages, their full loyalty to each other and care, just fantastic. That is what drama is about. Completely firm and undeniable friendship.
One thing I just didn't like is that romance part. It was weak for my taste and two last episodes were really weak from that point. I didn't mind who was the hubby at the end, well I was sad and cried a little and watched all I could find about other second lead but I accepted as DS's decision and her choice. And that was what actually bothered me. I won't say much cause opinions are so subjective and different so from my point of view I couldn't feel her chemistry in that amount with neither of them. I felt and saw love from second lead's and from main guy but from her head and heart it was too rushed and even after I read many things about clues and all those feelings, yes I could see that he was the one but as for her, it was too rushed and not deep at all. Also what made me angry it was that part when you make some guy to be a main role, having his narrating, voice, feelings, actions, everything from his point of view and then not include him in last two episode with enough screen time, I think it's very unfair and illogical. At least we should see how they stayed as cool as before, how they talked about that what he said even as a joke, at least they should say one damn sentence at the end as adults- like he is there and there,and also about DR, I mean those guys are main leads in this drama, they deserve it. I didn't like how it all came down to the Sung's, DS , Bo-ra and happenings only in that family.
But that is of course my own opinion. As for the rest it is absolutely amazing and outstanding drama and it should be seen most definitely. it is truly one heartwarming, sweet, great story about one little part of the neighborhood, families who live there, their kids, their stories, their adventures, their lives. And everyone of us could easily identify with them. I know I did and it was a great and unforgettable journey.
Kim Jung Hwan, I'll miss you, good bye ;)
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First let me say that this is my first review about some Chinese drama and first review about a historical one. I have recently started to watch Chinese dramas and only watched a very few of them but after this one I'll be definitely watching more. The reason why I haven't watched before is cause of the large numbers of episodes, they're always too long. So you got to have more time for that. Anyway with historical dramas somehow time goes so fast and drama kept that interesting part all the way, not becoming boring at all. At least that was the case with Scarlet heart.And now I'll be starting to write about this magnificent piece. The review will be a little bit long because I really have to say a lot about this drama and how it has captured me forever.
I liked everything. Literally. First of all the story: history, time travell, Qing Dynasty, all those princes and the main girl who had so many different relationship with all of them. Attracted me from the start. Then Liu Shi Sh, she's such a natural beauty, such a delightful creature and amazing actress, I started because of her, the rest of the cast I haven't seen before. But they were all so fantastic and I'll be stalking some of their works for sure from now on. Every one of them portrayed their roles perfectly and without a flaw. I loved the scenery in this drama, oh so many beautiful scenes with snow, snowflakes at night, during the day, seasons changing from refreshing spring with cherry trees and so many beautiful flowers, through the warm autumn with wonderful leaves to the cold winter with white pure snow. The colours were astonishing and I was purely enjoying in that, every scene was so filled with many colours and beauty, it was such pleasure for the eyes. Not to mention the dresses, the coats, hair, make up, all that jewelry, oh I was glued to the screen all the time. ;-) I was even captured by the porcelain and all those wonderful tea cups, I imagined that I drank tea from those cups.
All these things made this drama to be for true one of the best drama ever. But what was the best part of it (still is) and what made this drama so different was the relationship she had with all the princes. It was written exceptionally and I really admire the writer for that. I loved how here we have so much more male leads and roles and less women, I always enjoy and love more when there are more guys in a drama, somehow everything is better, friendship, relationship, more intelligent minds and there aren't annoying and hysterical women who only scream and gossip around. ;-) Anyway in Scarlet heart we got to see so many various and colorful relationship between Ruo Xi and the princes, it simply crawls under your skin and you can't stop but love them all. Every one of them had so important role in a drama and in Ruo Xi life and that was the best part of it. You don't have one perfect man who, let's be honest, doesn't exist in real life, you get to see many men with all their flaws who when you take the best from them become one perfect guy.
What I found to be so fantastically done is that through the whole drama you could see how all of them change, how not everything is sunshine and rainbows, and someone you knew can become someone you can't recognize through time. The drama does an amazing job of showing how greed can poison everything and destroy your loved ones. Yes, the love is in the main focus but it's not only about love, it is a fight between the brothers over the throne, it is a constant battle who will become the Emperor, it involves a politics, some palace intrigues but most of all it keeps you so attached and captivated every moment that you literally lose time about everything and everyone else.
With the love as the center of everything, I would like to say that it was done so incredibly perfect where every characters gets their "5 minutes of glory", of course some of them more, but you really get to see the stories of all of them, how and why they loved who they loved, some loves were sad, some happy, some left with bittersweet taste, some passionate and true to the bone, some one sided and all of them were no matter of their endings, filled with hope and faith.
My heart has won from the beginning 13th prince, from the first second his interaction with Ruo Xi. He was so sweet, free, carefree, a man who will do anything for his brothers without some hidden goal. A guy who was no doubt the best material for her, it was such a pity that they haven't fall in love with each other. But then again, they had the friendship one of a kind - one in which people should envy. A friendship that is unselfish, truthful and doesn’t have ties attached to it. Because their friendship is so strong, they believe in each other no matter what or in whatever circumstances. They never questioned each other and they don’t need to know or hear a reason for anything, simply because they trust each other. He was her soulmate friend.
***** SPOILER ALERT! I will be writing about some parts her relationship with some princes so if you don't want to know nothing then don't read the next lines. *****
As the show progressed I started to like 14th prince, put aside that he was from the start the best looking guy and the tallest one, I meant for his character, I started to like him more and more and in the end I thought why she hasn't loved him? He was kind, strong, loyal, a little fierce, and a tad ambitious. But his defining characteristic for me was his steadfast and unwavering nature. The defining moment for this character for me was when he made a promise to come save the woman he loved if ever she needed him. She had only to send one word and he’d come. And when she called him he came running to her. He’s the type that will stay loyal until the day he dies even if some think he should give up. But he’s also not the type to restrict you and trap you if you want to be free. He was a true man for me and I fell in love with him.
As for the two men she loved, first I would tell something about the 8th prince. He’s so angelic, very gentlemen and always warm to others. It was natural for her to fall for him although she knew she wasn't supposed to. Knowing that he’s gonna have such an ending, she sympathies and pities for him. Rouxi is in a confusion state with her feelings, she doesn’t know if she really likes him or just pity him for his fate. But then she realize that she does have feelings for him. 8th Prince and Rouxi love each other, but not enough to give up everything. It’s a beautiful love story, but they’re not fated to be with one another. It’s a love worth remembering, but it’s a love that can no long be. Somehow I saw him as her protector and she was his, their love was replaced by respect and protectiveness until the end.
As for the 4th prince, that was her love to the core. Their chemistry was undeniably sizzling. Their passionate truly pure love seared through our hearts and souls that we were left heartbroken when they were apart. Their intense love and longing for each other induced us into crying fits when the magnolia flower finally fell off her grip, and when he broke down in tears as he looked at the belongings left behind by his beloved. 4th Prince is always cautious and well-hidden, but to Rouxi, he’s different. He can be honest with her, telling her he wants the throne and such It’s an adorable, yet touching and interesting romance - it’s love. It’s a love, not just worth remembering, but a love that can last a lifetime, even when they’re not together. When 4th Prince finally became Emperor, there were more obstacles standing in their way and more misunderstanding. The more they loved each other, the more they hurt each other. 4th Prince intentions to aim for the throne was so he can protect Rou Xi, but by becoming the Emperor, he needed to maintain his power, which forced him to act in such a way that he ended up hurting the people that Rouxi love and care about. Their peaceful time together was sweet, but short. Their relationship starts to break down, with differences in opinions. They never got around to fix their problems - it escalates even more. Rou Xi becomes more hurt and tired. She still love 4th Prince, but she cannot accept the other princes’ sufferings. They were fated to meet, fated to love, but not destined to be together. And that some cruel fate. But if you ask me, I didn't like this man because he was too much cruel and tyrant, I knew that he loved her but that is not enough. I remember when he said to the 13th prince:" She only cares for others, I only care for her.", you could feel all his powerful and strong love but I just didn't like him as a person and the choices he has made were to much of a cruelty and selfishness.
***** SPOILER END! *****
Character development was awesome. The strongest character and the most pitiful one was Rui Xi. The burden she carried was very big, but she wasn't able to really share her story. And that makes it even more tragic. Ruoxi wanted to love and give, but even though she was cherished in return, she was never able to truly give herself completely. She was a true survivor after all, just trying to make the best of it. She was the most admirable one, smart, strong woman with a good heart who wanted to help others and always protected and helped the princes no matter what. And they helped her, no matter what and how important was the thing they were doing they were always coming to help her and be a support. You could just watch and admire their relationship. Cecilia has done the job brilliant, she's a true great actress. And the others were so great in acting.
Even though this drama was filled with pain, it felt real and it gave you hope at the end. I could completely relate to the most of the characters and why they did certain things, after all it was all about love, passion, friendship. This drama really had such a big impact on me and I would really recommend it to everyone, at least give it a try because I think you won't be regretting. It is a wonderful piece filled with life and making the best of it as much as possible. The story of one dynasty and their princes, their relationship with one girl who came out from other time and changed everything. All of them captured me and made my previous days filled with so many emotions and happiness that I'm really thankful for that. From the bottom of my heart.
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With Hikuma-sensei on top, each of those characters captured my attention. Those guys who were like some little immature gangsters who deserved to be beaten up, ah those 5 guys, their growth through the drama was amazing, how they become mature, serious young people with dreams, will and persistence, how they opened up to each other and sensei, how they were inseparable as a team, their friendship is for sure one of the most beautiful I've seen.
So many funny moments, sad moments, heartbreaking and heartwarming, fluffy and hilarious, important and full of meaning, this drama simply is a full package. It gives you with such simple, ordinary and already seen plot, everything you need and want to see in one drama. Well except romance, here it just wasn't needed and I'm glad that there wasn't any romance going on cause it would only destroy those precious moments between students and teacher.
I'd like to mention this old man, this fantastic actor who I love since I've watched him in 'Professor's Beloved Equation'. He gives such natural vibe every time, it's like he is there with all his heart and mind, incredible. And in this drama he was marvelous, his portrayal of a teacher who came to school full of delinquents to help them form a brass band was really impressive. I totally wanted Hikuma sensei to be my teacher, to be my friend, I wanted so much to talk to him and be the part of a band, one lovely good man who believed in his students till the end, who fought and didn't give up, who taught them so many life lessons, who helped them and always was there, I don't think that in real life is some teacher like he was. And with Terao Akira Hikuma sensei completely came to life.
Other characters were very well written and developed specially our five main guys, in each episode there is a story about one of them, explaining how and why they're this way in the present and with each episode every one of them grows and matures.
With some really breathtaking sceneries and nice usage of colors, with melodies that will take you to some amazing classical event and bring you vivid imagination, with fantastic script, deep lessons and with great characters, Aegoba will become that kind of drama that will hold a special place in your heart. I know now already how much I'm gonna miss all of them and their world, that wide world Himua sensei showed to us.
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I was overwhelmed with so many gorgeous sceneries, wonderful settings, astonishing colors in this movie. Yellow, orange and red- I have never loved more these colors so much like I loved them in this movie, so many light, so many beautiful details. Somewhere after the middle of the movie those colors became more dark going smoothly in the direction the movie went but all the time cinematography was simply majestic.
Honestly the main reason why I started this movies was Miho Nakayama, she is for me one of the most beautiful women in the world and in Sayonara Itsuka she was a real goddess. Her dresses, skirts, her clothes in this movie was so beautiful, I want those dresses, all of them and dress like that. The way she smiles, walks, talks, kisses and loves- she took my breath away. She really shined and carried the whole movie. And in the end she broke my heart and I felt so much pain, I love that feeling, that means that the actor succeed to win me over. ;)
Chemistry between her and Hidetoshi was outstanding, their relationship in the movie was breathtaking, from those passionate sexy scenes in hot Bangkok and ventilator turned on while their naked and sweaty bodies were hungry for each other, through their sweet and romantic scenes in the car, boat and just walking around to those heartbreaking and full of sadness and desperate longing, they were fantastic.
There are a lot of holes and flaws, from the main one where guy is cheating and not loving his wife, marrying her only to be promoted and succeed in his career to the one where they realize that they love each other even after 25 years and once again they had to apart, yes but I still think Sayonara Itsuka is a great movie. It depicted a very real dynamic of love, one that puts the head against the heart in an inevitable lose-lose situation, one that was brought to life by great, if a-typical, characters and exquisite cinematography. For me this is one of the best movies ever in the genre of pure romance and has one of the most memorable endings which will stay with me forever.
"At death, some look back on being loved
While some look back on having loved…
I’ll definitely look back on having loved…”
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I'm a huge and everlasting fan of prolific screenwriter Nojima Shinji and can't say enough how great and influential a writer he has been for Japanese TV in the 90s. While his initial claim to fame came in the way of writing somewhat conventional love stories and human-life "Trendy Dramas" such as "Hitotsu Yane No Shita" "Ai To Iu Nano Moto Ni" ,"Kimi ga Uso wo Tsuita", it was his later "darker" and more sublime dramas which really showcased how talented and brilliant a writer he was. Many people said that Nojima Shinji has a gift in writing words. His dramas might win and lose interests, but most of the times they’re worth to quote.
Kou Kou Kyoushi is one such drama, a very dark one and in fact it's considered a cult classic in the annals of Japanese TV Dramas. The story was unconventional to say the least, not only in the scope of its plot but also in the way that it was presented.
The drama revolved around the taboo romantic relationship between the meek and shy academic Hamaura Takao (played by amazing and of the most famous Asian stars Sanada Hiroyuki) and his hopelessly optimistic and cheery 17 year-old homeroom student Ninomiya Mayu (played by the incredibly cute Sakurai Sachiko). As the series progressed and Takao and Mayu's romance intensified and grew more deeper, the audience soon discovers that Mayu's carefree disposition is but a mask to hide a truely depressing history and an even darker personal secret. We feel the intense darkness as death is mentioned along the way. Despite that however, the soundtrack and the main characters’ heart are pure and innocent. The director himself mentioned in a commentary that Nojima Shinji was the one who decided to choose an innocent Mayu. Not that there aren’t Gals and other type of girls in 1993 society, but Nojima Shinji decided to create an innocent characters for his story. Whole characters development was fantastic, every one of them had their own story, secret, their own deepness and the actors were really great in portraying those characters.
The issues covered in Kou Kou Kyoushi are controversial (a rape by a teacher, an abortion, homosexuality, another relationship between a young teacher & student, incest, etc.) but these accurate depictions did much to bring such topics into public discussion in Japan during the 1990s. The situations portrayed here are quite realistic--Japanese teachers have a higher responsibility for their students than in many other countries, and unfortunately some have intentionally or unintentionally abused this trust.
It is said that Nojima structured "Kou Kou Kyoshi" almost like a classic Greek Tragedy. With its lurid themes of teacher-student romance, suicide, rape, incest and bullying, "Kou Kou Kyoushi" was heralded as a bold and controversial drama and generated huge viewership ratings at the time of its debut. In subsequent years it has become quite a cult drama series and it's shock ending is truly one of the most memorable in Japanese drama history.
Even after 22 years it has been made, even I have seen so many dark and really difficult dramas to digest, this one will for sure stay in my mind for a very very long time and despite all those controversial and depressed issues in it, I've enjoyed and was fascinated by depth of love of the two main leads and their pure, innocent hearts in all that hopelessness and abyss of heartless and harsh society.
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Nirvana in Fire Season 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin
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Let me tell you something about Xiao family. They are certainly for me the best and most amazing family I have ever seen in dramaland. They way they care for each other, the way they protect and love each other, the way they talk and haven fun with each other, the way they deal with problems and the way they are loyal and honest, everything makes you admire them. And makes you love them all. I really like their interactions and how they were also close to the emperor and his son, they literally felt like one big happy family from the neighbourhood.
Drama actually has two parts, you could easily see how before one certain event things were and how they changed completely after that. I can’t say for sure which part was better but let’s say first part was more happy, blissful and joyful and the second more tragic, sad and bittersweet. I felt such huge pain, my heart hurt and I couldn’t stop sobbing while watching some scenes and if you watch the drama, I bet you’re gonna feel the same. I had to make pauses in watching until I got back being myself again.
As for the characters, I think I came to love too many of them. And hate too. If I were to pick one who stood out the most, I’d say it’s Tingsheng. His calm presence, his unwavering mind, his loyal soul, his wisdom out of this world and his unconditional love he had for his sons, everything he was and he felt and said was the core of this drama. I loved intelligent, clever tranquil Pingzhang; elegant supportive skillful Xiao Xue; impulsive, joyful smart fighter Pingjing; brave, loyal Feizhan; wise, amazing emperor, and many others but Tingsheng was the one who carried everything as he was the bond between this drama and original he was the one who experienced everything. I found so emotional and beautiful each time they mentioned Mei Chang Su or Prince Jing or anyone from the original and it was done in such a wonderful way in many important moments.
I won’t talk about villains, there are lots of them too but sadly they didn’t leave some big effect on me, yes I hated them (specially the empress who was so stupid) but I couldn’t understand their actions and the reasons why they did everything they did. That was a bit let-down in this drama and how they ended with one of the characters- I get it was needed for the story to move on and for our lead guy to mature and take charge and grow up, but still it could have been done lot better. That was the weak part, it felt like a bit lazy writing so I couldn’t give the highest score. But everything else, from the characters, Xiao family, cinematography, music, battle and fighting scenes, I applaud for everything else. And most important, a great ending and closure of the whole story, its protagonists, antagonists and villains. I will leave it like this with my favourite sentence:
"I have seen the coldest aspects of this world. But in my life there are 3 things that I found fortunate to have experienced. First- I received teachings from my Master and that eliminated the grudges and hatred in my heart; Second- I got adopted by the former emperor and experienced two generations of wise emperors. I have never been doubted by anyone. The third thing was that I have a harmonious home- I was able to have good children like you and Pingzhang."
I will remember this for the rest of my life. Personally my favourite scene and moment where I gave all my heart to them, to that lovely and wonderful family, to that goodhearted amazing parent, who is so far, the best well written parent character ever existed in my opinion- papa Tingsheng.
So do not hesitate and give it a chance, do not think in advance how it will be bad, trust me it won’t. You will have your heart broken so many times, you will feel the characters so strong, you will cry with them, smile with them and care so much for their happiness, you will also hate some too and wanting to kill them so much, you will feel a need to grab your family so tight and wanting to protect them forever. All of this Nirvana 2 will give you. And more. Yes I say that prequel is better and nothing could ever beat that drama, that original Nirvana in Fire but if you watch this one and not compare, you’ll see that it’s also one phenomenal piece of art where family bond is everything, loyalty is real and existing, battle scenes executed in amazing way, breathtaking landscapes and where power and greed aren’t everything. Nirvana 2 definitely did become one my all time dearest dramas and I am glad that I gave it a chance and watched it while it aired. And now I don’t think I will be able to watch anything in the near future because of the amount of emotions I felt during the watch. Thank you for that, thank you drama for giving me such an amazing, heartwarming, heartbreaking, beautiful time, I will always cherish that and I am forever grateful to all the people who participated in making this drama come to life. I know I said too much and that my review is a very long one but that’s the case with Both Nirvana 1 and 2. It’s never too much. They are pure love. <3
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So finally I was able to find this drama subbed and I was happy cause of Wallace who, to tell honestly, looked amazingly dashing in uniform, and I was confident that this drama was going to be all about love story set in the WWII era, but I was so wrong. Battle of Changsha is one of the most emotional and heartbreaking dramas I've ever watched but most of it doesn't even have to do with romance at all.
What was the greatest strength of this drama are their characters, the whole Hu family, they were the heart and the soul of it. You follow them through all the hardships, you laugh with them, cry with them, watch them as they grow and mature and they slowly grow on you until you realize that they’ve become a part of you and when everything ends you feel so empty, like someone stabbed you with a knife and ripped your heart. And now I’m stuck in Battle of Changsha and I can’t get out nor I want.
Whole drama is filled with so many raw emotions, every single detail of it feel so real, what left me speechless is that none of the characters are perfect, they are all full of problems and weaknesses, they deal with life in monstrous time of war and struggling to survive by any means.
This drama can be separated in two parts, the first half of it is more funny, lighthearted and relaxed than the second full of heartbreaks and overwhelming emotions, especially in the last couple of episodes where you'll start to sob and cry an ocean of tears and where your soul feels like dying and you can't breath. You're kinda expecting that cause yeah no one said war was easy but still you feel heartbroken to the core.
I got attached to many of the characters but there are few of them that grabbed my heart and for whom I ached and cheered the most. First of them as my favourite are the twins, it was impossible to separate them here as in drama too, they were together all the time like one. Xiang Xiang- the bold, confident one, a girl who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and fights for what she believes, I loved her transformation and how her character grew up and she became a mature, strong young woman; and Xiao Man- the immature one and he stayed like that almost until the end but then he also showed how mature and real man he became through many terrible and tragic things he experienced and has gone through. I loved their bond, they have to be my favourite brother-sister couple, the best siblings ever, I laughed so hard with them, I respected them and how they fought for their freedom, I cried so hard with them, they really made me too emotional, even now while I'm writing about them their picture and scenes shared between them are so vividly shown like they're in front of me.
The other character who was the most lovable is their brother in law, that guy who at the first glance looked so harsh, cold, evil but when you got to know him you see how he actually love them all, how he protected them, how he was doing all the things he's done just so they could be safe and have a roof above their heads and food to eat. His unwavering love for the sister was admirable to the core, so powerful and strong, he made me wondering how is i possible to love someone so strong and firm. I really enjoyed in scenes shared between him and the twins, they were at the moments so hilarious and then the next one they made you cry. And when you add to that the character of Wallace- who was also fantastic, his eyes, his expressions, how he secretly protected Xiang Xiang, he simply draws you in, he was a true soldier, brave and courageous worth the praise; you get four amazing characters who made this drama to be so freaking, torturing, astonishing beautiful.
Although a war drama there were a few battle scenes, whole drama is more a family drama in times of war. Despite that special effects for them were still excellent and those scenes in the battlefield and in actual fight were brutally realistic as mush as possible which only made it better (or worse) to the viewer, you tend to be more emotional and involved.
I honestly don’t have any real complaints about this drama besides some very minor things that I can easily overlook. Seriously, everything from the directing to the musical score was wonderful.
Battle of Changsha is a true rare gem. Yes, it has been a heavy, rocky, heartbreaking ride but I loved it completely and don’t regret watching it at all. Simply because a drama as beautiful as this one deserves multiple viewings.
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Anyway apart from that I always loved Chinese historical movies the most so it's logical that I enjoy in Chinese dramas too. Lan Ling was easily one of the best historical dramas I've seen and I could gladly give even the higher score but those episodes from 20 to 26 or 27 I think, were too draggy and unnecessary with many illogical turn of events and I found the reactions some of the characters too unbelievable. Except for that everything else was FANTASTIC. LITERALLY. I think that the acting was outstanding and that even the side characters were brilliant and shined in some moments more than the leads.
Ariel as Xue Wu was perfect, she became my fav. female from historical dramas, so witty, smart, caring, funny, cool, brave and strong full of love to give to her man and all her friends, it's so rare to see a woman like her. I loved how she was such a support to Lan Ling and a true wise woman who deserved to be treated as a Queen, without her Lan Ling wouldn't succeed in anything, she was so psychically strong and in some scenes I loved how she showed balls like a real man. :P
William as Lan Ling- beautiful, wonderful, so freaking hot and grandiose man, a true leader who loved his people more than anything, who was willing to sacrifice himself in order to save the woman he loved and to save his soldiers and his country, I enjoyed in watching his brotherly love with Fifth Prince and how they shared their deepest thoughts together. And when he was a masked warrior oh well I was so in love with him, that role was even more suited for him. ;)
Yu Wen Yong-the way Chan Daniel has portrayed him was just magnificent, his expressions, gestures, his ability to be such a great Emperor and grand man, how he fell in love with Xue Wu and loved her until his last breath and who fought for her but to the point when it was possible, how he respected her, I enjoyed so much in their scenes together, I think they had incredible chemistry, they should make some other drama as a couple for real. ;) He broke my heart several times, I really fell hard for him and once more I had that second lead syndrome.
Amongst them all, there was one character I literally loved the most, it was Wei Qian Xiang as Xiao Dong, that guy was freaking brilliant and I have to say that without him, his helping and solving some things, nothing would be possible, he was of the crucial help for Xue Wu, Lan Ling and Yu Wen Yong. So spontaneous, free spirited, in love with life, a rebel who was by each step side by side with her, who supported and believed in her no matter what, who was also the most intelligent one- he saw before everyone else threats, who was evil and who's not, reminded me so much of Moon Jae Shin in SS which was fantastic. Above that he had so great chemistry with Ariel, both of them were such a splendid sight for the eyes, their scenes were the most funny and interesting ones. ;)
This drama also has such a great villains, the most hateful ones. I really found in Lan Ling the character I hate the most but really hate, she climbed up to my number one and most definitely she well deserves that place. Zheng Er- you who have seen this drama know why I'm saying this, you who haven't- go and watch. I've never seen some woman to be this evil to the core, to the tiniest bone in her body, twisted, nasty, terrible, disgusting, obsessively jealous, her smile is the most creepy one, I have goosebumps every time I think of her. The actress deserves and award for such a brilliant performance.
Music was beautiful and so wonderful, I like all the ballads, especially from Della &amp;quot;Shou Zhang Xin&amp;quot;, it brought tears to my eyes.
I liked fighting scenes, cinematography was great, costumes astonishing, sceneries breathtaking, and the chemistry between the leads one of the best I've seen if not the very best one. They became one of my fav. couples in the whole world, their chemistry was too great, moments they shared were priceless, kisses, conversations, hugs, teasing, even fights were great, intimacy- one of the best I've seen, mindblowing for sure.
Every vivid fan of historical dramas should see Lan Ling, every fan of the actors in it should see Lan Ling, every fan of intelligent script should see Lan Ling and every fan of real passionate love and intimacy should see Lan Ling.
The bottom line is- Lan Ling is a great drama with its own flaws, holes and boring moments like almost every drama but hell it was worth watching every moment of it. And it has the most perfect ending. At least I found it to be so appropriate and logically wonderful.
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