Set in Sapporo, Japan, the film follows Lea, a Filipino tourist guide living in Japan who goes blind having witnessed her Japanese fiancè's infidelity. After a while, fellow Filipino and charmer Tonyo makes a sudden appearance and befriends the visually impaired Lea in best possible ways and eventually they fall for one another. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Kita Kita
- Also Known As: I See You , キタ キタ
- Screenwriter & Director: Sigrid Andrea Bernardo
- Screenwriter: Artemio Abad
- Genres: Comedy, Romance
Cast & Credits
- Alessandra de RossiLeaMain Role
- Empoy Marquez Main Role
- Nonoy Flojo Unknown Job
- Alex Tomboc Unknown Job
Alessandra De Rossi and Empoy did a very good job with how they showed the emotions of their characters.
This movie will definitely make you cry, laugh and fall in love.
And Kz's version of Two Less Lonely People In the World was just awesome.
I rarely praise movies or TV series from my country Philippines, this is definitely an exception.
If you want to watch something worth your time from the Philippines, this is the movie you should be watching.
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Some people don't believe in angels. I believe there are some angels you can't see, and there are some angels you can. This is a beautiful, touching story of two "angels" : Lea and Tonyo, and how they are able to be there for each other.Both are two people living in Japan. Lea has found out that her fiance has been seeing another woman. The stress and trauma has robbed her of her eyesight. The doctors tell her that it is, more than likely, only temporary.
Enter Tonyo, a man who lives across the street. His first attempts of opening communication with Lea are failures. But, he doesn't give up. He has a certain wit and charm that finally wins over Lea, and they begin spending time together. Tonyo knows exactly what to say to get a laugh out of Lea.
There are a couple of plot twists that I doubt anyone will be able to see coming, and the writers need to be given credit for pulling off such a feat, as it seems that more and more writers today either don't dare try, or it ends up not working at all.
What the movie is ultimately about, is kindness, and how a single gesture can work miracles. I think most people underestimate a single, kind act. And how, much like a small pebble, it can send ripples across a lake. The beauty of this film is that we don't see the end results of the acts of kindness of Lea and Tonyo until the end.
The film is beautifully filmed and the actors are simply incredible. The chemistry between Alessandra De Rossi and Empoy Marquez is undeniable. They are the ones that make the film work.
This is one of those little gems (much like a small pebble) that once you see it, you will feel the effects for a long time to come!
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