The reviews agree that my instinct was correct and that ‘off’ was the best thing to do with this show.
In the few minutes I watched I found the lead actor rather creepy and sorry to be shallow, too unattractive for the part given that he was referred to by the supporting cast as some sort of hunk! A hunk he was not. If you’re saying hunk I want a hunk. When it started I though he was a support character rather than a lead.
Life is too short for me to go any further with this show.
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It's not spectacularly terrible or anything! The cons just far outweighed the pros for me.
TOSSARA is O.K. enough if you are willing to bear with it. Perhaps you, reader, would be more forgiving than I am, ahaha! I would've given the 2nd episode a shot, however, the reality is that I have more shows lined up and ready to be watched, so, I dropped it. There were simply things that I disliked, both technical and otherwise.For instance, the sound. I found that the inconsistency in the audio bugged me a lot. Especially the voiceovers, where the recordings were not polished, and the quality of audio sounded different from one another. Sometimes, there would also be these slightly awkward silences when they're reading comments or text messages. That ticked me off, too.
Gotta admit though, the character Gun's voice at a low register is so pleasing to listen to.
The characters, most of them were actually fun! There was the slight charm of TOSSARA feeling, natural (?), for lack of a better word. The acting isn't cringe-to-the-bones, it was just right. But I guess in the end, the plot at the beginning didn't engage me enough so as to keep me watching.
Perhaps, in a later time, I would have the heart to pick this up again. Until then, I'll catch up on other shows.
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Dari En of Love aku paling gak suka yang ini sebenarnya. Aktingnya menurutku kurang bagus, kerasa kaku gitu. Terus ceritanya juga sederhana banget gak terlalu menarik. Walaupun cuma 4 episode, rasanya malah kebanyakan. Dulu rasanya aku pengen ini cepet selesai biar aku bisa liat yang lain.
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Ni me acuerdo porque te miré
En realidad si me acuerdo, fue por otro vídeo recomendado de YT.Esta serie forma parte de un trio de historias de facultad que salieron ese año entre las que estaba una joven Love Mechanics también, pero como el vídeo que ví era de los personajes de Gun y Bar me ví esta.
Típica historia de alumno ingresante de una de las siguientes tres únicas facultadas que parecen existir en Tailandia (Medicina, Ingenieria y Arquitectura) que se enamora de uno más grande perteneciente a otra de las tres únicas facultadas que parecen existir en Tailandia (Medicina, Ingeniera y Arquitectura), y una serie de hilarantes y para nada incómodas situaciones llevan a que los personajes terminen juntos y pim pum se acabó.
La verdad que no se si lo rápida que es era porque ya andaba el COVID dando vueltas entonces tuvieron que filmar todo un poco rápido, pero la verdad que si estás aburridx una tarde sin nada que hacer la podés mirar y después te clavas un sandwich de milanesa, una cerveza o una coca y te podés ir a dormir feliz.
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Osobiście to jest to nawet super, main para jest super urocza i nikt mnie wmiarę nie wkurwiał, ale to co odpierdalał Mark to jakaś żenada. First obejrzałam love mechanics i było mi mega szkoda Marka, ale po tym co zobaczyłam tu osobiście uważam, że zasłużył na to, może nie aż na takie traktowanie jak robił to Vee, ale mega był wkurwiający tu xD. Mogło być to trochę dłuższe, a fabuła bardziej rozbudowana i rozwinięta, ale nie narzekam bo zawsze mógł być sad ending. Was this review helpful to you?
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De todos os arcos de "En of love", esse foi o primeiro e o que eu menos gostei. Foi necessário eu ler a novel e rever a história para encontrar alguns pontos positivos, e eu achei. A história segue a novel à risca, a história típica do amor entre dois meninos universitários das faculdades de medicina e engenharia (confesso que por um tempo eu pensei que só existiam esses dois cursos na Tailândia). Como são apenas 4 eps, não tem muito espaço pra enrolação, então tudo acontece muito rápido. Na verdade, apesar das personalidades tão diferentes de Tossakan e Bar, eu não consegui captar o momento em que o sentimento de Bar mudou, a série também não explica direito de onde o doutor tirou esse amor louco por Bar sendo que nem se conheciam de perto.O cenário é basicamente a faculdade e os quartos de dormitórios do casal. A atuação de alguns personagens é muito amadora, e esteticamente, não acho que o casal principal combina, na verdade só senti alguma química no último ep.
A ost é boa, eu vi a história mais de uma vez pra entender direito, mas ainda assim recomendo.
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