3 people found this review helpful
Apr 29, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
While the theme is cliche, High Position has a calm vibe with straightforward plot. Nothing extraordinary with a bit slow overall pacing, but just right for midnight drama slot in my opinion. All characters are also likeable and without knowing you will get hooked with its simple story-line.

The comedy however was light and not enough to make you ROFL, but the situations presented will make you smile throughout the series. I found the last 4 episodes were the most engaging and I liked at how it was wrapped in final episode.

High Position also has lots of 80's reference, from fashion, pop-culture, technology and lifestyle. Therefore someone who have lived during this time may find it kind of nostalgic too.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 23, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Hidden gem! ^____^

Maybe it's because I'm 46 and single myself (although, in my case, not because I got divorced, LOL). And maybe it's because of the uncanny resemblance between the ML's high-school crush and my high-school crush of 30 years ago (ok, "mine" was blonde, blue-eyed and freckled, but everything else - body figure, shape of the face, cheeckbones, ears, nose, profile, hairstyle, hands, character etc. - was strikingly similar). And maybe (and more seriously) it's because, let's be honest - who wouldn't want to have a second chance at youth with the consciousness and experience of an adult (only the consciousness, therefore minus the beer-belly and the receding hairline, LOL)?
Whatever the reason, I was hooked right away and this dorama left a huge impression on me (I'm not ashamed to admit that by the end my eyes were wet!).
A simple yet not shallow premise, nicely developed throughout the series and masterfully wrapped up in the last episodes. At times I laughed, and at times I was moved. Huge congrats to the author(s)!
The cast (although, I'll shamefully admit, mostly unknown to me) mostly did a great job too.
The music was also a very nice element, needless to say, and so were the 80's references!
All in all, a perfect 10 as far as I'm concerned! Hidden gem! ^___-

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High Position (2020) poster



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