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Jun 20, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
This review may contain spoilers

Creative original story-plot and great cast

Taxi Driver is a stellar series--highly recommend. I greatly enjoyed watching.
Part 1 has no spoilers, Part 2 has some story line reveals/spoilers but not much. Watch series first. I call out a glaring blunder and then give some ideas for Season 2 ( dream on right?)

First--kudos to the concept developer/writer for engaging us on a difficult social topic: when and how is justice served? Does revenge come with a cost and is the cost worth it? Does the justice system (the prosecutors/prisons) contribute to rehabilitation or keep victims of crime safe? Who helps them when a murderer is released from prison who can then kill again? Does forgiveness factor into healing trauma from violent crime? Show's motto: can evil be overcome by doing good? The crime stories are adapted from real life in Korea too.

CREATIVE and original drama--The vigilante justice taxi team's CEO Jang Sung Chul portrays the ambiguity, the human foibles, the mistakes made along the way and this is what makes the show so compelling. What is closest prosecutors and the revenge taxi can come to achieving justice? Even the clients hesitate when deciding to push the 'yes I want help with revenge' button--these aspects add so much to the dilemma and story telling. The Blue Bird help group he directs gives us the backstories to keep us emotionally invested in a BIG WAY. Then, such satisfaction when the clients get reparations/justice such as $ for college that was scammed, and the team members take turns being the giver--which adds to their own healing/sense of making justice out of things. Just wonderful. Could be 5 seasons with this material.

Lee Je-hoon is an outstanding actor and while his action scenes are great and deserve the high praise... do we really need an Ironman action figure who can floor a group of hammer wielding men all by himself? These fights were a few too many and detracted from the story as they became just silly like all of sudden 'lets make an action hero show.' Je-hoon's undercover characters were fantastic, and added needed brevity and comedy. Perfect for this role.

Part 2 SPOILER ALERT Please watch series first.

Major writing blunder when Kim do ki sets a bomb for the porn CEO, drives off then sees prosecutor driving to the scene and does not have someone tip her off by burner phone 'don't go near shed-server there is a bomb.' She could have been killed ( she was injured). Just some lazy writing. I understand the lead writer left mid series ( big mistake they should have listened to the writer).

If there is a season 2, there are rich relationship potentials especially for Do Ki and Ha Na- not romance--but much needed human connection for characters--some deeper communication say how to heal and move on from trauma. When Do Ki has 2 major melt downs due to unresolved trauma and Ha Na is there both times and no hug or comfort? Just staring like a deer in headlights? Waste of this hugely talented actress. This was a moment for us to feel something more towards Do Ki, he could have reached for her hugging -sobbing- releasing and this would give the prosecutor more compelling reason to empathize with him personally and with the Taxi team's methods and reasons too. She joins later anyway--make it a believable build up. A missed opportunity.
And just some basic human kindness. They all seem to lack warmth of human touch. And for Pyo Je Jin too. What a talent! Did not like/agree scene when she is full blown traumatized and Do Ki wanted to go to her room, CEO said no--let her 'process'. Seriously? Even though he may not been able to help, why not allow him to say 'I'm here if you need me.' I know they are all damaged by trauma but still let them be more than robots! Do they need a woman writer on this team or is it all 'more action figure fighting scenes' instead of time on characters and how they evolve their approach to justice making and bond as humans and be tender towards each other too.

Idea for new calling card as they re-invent the taxi revenge approach Season 2:

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May 17, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

A crime classic

This drama is a classic. The plot is nothing new, as many dramas and films focus on the fantasy of an antihero. The main character is by no means the perfect but that's what makes this type of character relatable.

Since episodic dramas are my favorite. It was great to see the creative ways in which he helped the victims find personal justice. In addition, the way he fought with his personal moral compass. As the plot thickens, being able to see the inner turmoil between him and the other crew members was gripping.

To avoid any spoilers, this is easy to watch from start to finish. You feel like your justice can also be had.

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Turtle Stomper
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Jul 1, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers


So before I say anything else about this drama, I need to say....on no planet is a pushing 40yr old whole ass man gonna pass for a high school student complete with a school uniform....even in flashbacks. I forgive him for dressing in a school uniform though, but only because little dude has such a peaceful and calming voice. Other actors can for sure pull off the bleak and aloof good guy, but not everyone could do it with such a beautiful relaxing tone.

This drama is classified as Action, Suspense, Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Drama....but what I can't figure out is how it's not classified as a comedy. The lead actor is hilarious. I mean...dude is badass and haunted by his past, for sure and he does an amazing job playing the silent brooding type, but 50% of this drama is him doing overly exaggerated caricatures of stereotypical side characters. Little dude must have studied super meticulously, he nails every absurd aspect from the nerdy dude's awkward blinking and mouth shapes to the flashy thug's spread legged saunter. Ridiculously funny physical comedy.

That aside, gosh this drama was good. The stories were so compelling, the acting was great, the fight scenes were badass, all the action sequences were so well done. Whether it's the lead dude beating up a room full of badguys or spinning his taxi about to inflict wild maiming chaos, dude definitely comes through in every scene. The female leads in this are really well done too, the lead villain chick is brutal and evil to the core, the sidekick rainbow chick was exceptionally well acted and her character was written super well without relying on typical kdrama female character tropes. The prosecutor was also very well cast, and it was fun to watch her character's journey throughout the show.

I will say...whoever permed that comedic side character's hair needs to lose their cosmetology license. The bowl cut was also terrifying, but that perm should have had its own entry in the credits. I cringed every single time that poor dude came on screen (except the few times they styled him differently). The travesty of this show is definitely that no one murdered that perm with a nice pair of sharpened clippers. The characters were good, but whoever tf made the decision on how to style their hair is for sure on my blacklist from now on.

The ending was being pretty boring, the last 2 episodes really drag on. They pull it off at the end with an appropriate level of baddassery, but you can't give your audience 14 episodes of constant action and then dip them into mediocrity for entire two episodes and expect them to retain their excitement. I was, honestly, pretty annoyed with the little old dude taxi boss guy. Like ok, you want revenge but you don't want to kill people. So what, you try to play god by locking people up and "reforming" them? His character got pretty dark and I was disappointed that he didn't receive more punishment for the choices he made, especially when his choices put literally everyone else in danger. BUT...I guess grieving people are allowed to be a little crazy and make mistakes here and there.

I never thought an "action" drama about a taxi driver could be even remotely interesting, but this one somehow made taxi driving cool. I don't usually rewatch dramas, but I might revisit this one again in a few years just to watch the crazy action scenes. ....providing I can stomach the perm situation....

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Jan 26, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

You can’t keep yourself calm and cool while watching this. Extreme angriness dominates you!

It has an interesting storyline –a number of people who lost their loved ones' lives from such crimes, group together and seek revenge for their client in their service called Rainbow Deluxe Taxi with a tagline that says “Don’t die, get revenge. We’ll do it for you.”

Each case makes my blood boil! The amount of destructive emotion I felt is enough to fly into the fit of rage silently. I AM ANGRY AND ANNOYED for the intense and suspenseful drama, and have a weak heart for such brutality. But I still felt the satisfaction I needed after finishing their missions. The rainbow after a storm is only for a brief moment since sooner or later, another terrifying case will be taking into vengeance.
Kang Maria’s abusive and inhumane employer lights the raging flame within me. The first case presented in the show signifies the monstrous situation of the laborer with a disability that leads her to live like hell in that place.

Case number 2 was about the bullied student and how those bullies deserve the consequences they faced upon their actions. Another ups and downs scenario that denotes that young age does not lessen the weight of the sin and it may just be a small part of their teenage years, but to others, it may be a life-and-death situation. I just wished that they would give us a glimpse of their present circumstances in the final episode.

The Udata case talks about the evil businessman and how he controlled his employees in a patriarchal way. It is a good thing for me that he died but I am still salty on how minimal his injuries were compared to his employees. I am so irritated to him that I wanted Kim Do Ki to tortured him more.

On the other hand, the Voice Phishing episodes were my favorite. It has a different kind of revenge that isn’t vicious and gives good vibes all throughout. Kim Do Ki flexing his good looks for a use. He and his body had a new purpose during that time; to attract the scam leader and make her fall in love. This one is absolutely light, entertaining, and a hilarious one. Using the same tactics of the scammers, Kim Ki Do betrayed her trust given to him and resulted in the destruction of her business along with her people. Madam Lim was so whipped up by Wang Tao Zi (Kim Ki Do) that she was even ready to forgive him any moment.

Chairman Baek, the twins, serial murders, organ trafficking, and the unison of their past caught-villains that turns to be their biggest mission to overcome. They’re totally at a disadvantage and suffer great losses, each member of the Rainbow Deluxe Taxi was severely injured. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Revenge will bite you back.

Plot after plot. The big fat man that actually turns out to be twins. Second, the death of Mr. Wang ignites the provocative behavior of Prosecutor Kang that leads her to consume the service of the Deluxe Taxi. Also, Chairman Baek stabbed their back and concluded as the boss behind all illegal business that was thought to be an independent act of one of the twins. But the most arousing moment in a despicable manner is when all of the prisoners held in the private prison escaped and joined forces with Chairman Baek. It was a superhero-like concept in which the protagonist and his team had to fight once again with these monsters in a fast and contemptuous way. After fulfilling their previous missions, one thing is for sure, their team is great on catching them but negligent on the idea of trusting an outsider to handle the hell-like facility of the catched villains. I can’t blame them but it was still an agitated feeling, they should heavily tortured them.

The final case is about the serial murderer who turns out to be the one who killed Kim Ki Do’s mother. To the man who was falsely accused and took his 20 years serving in jail was so agonizing, specially that this story was inspired in a real life scenario of a man who forcely admitted the crime because the detectives tortured him. The poor victim who was a little girl and her family suffers a lot too from blaming the false suspect. Why do such evil people exist? The police, detectives, and the government have to blame for their dereliction of duty and abusive use of power in society. The lawmakers should adjust the Statute of Limitations and give proper justice to these heart-rending victims.

To sum it up, the drama was a great one indeed. I came here for Lee Je Hoon and he never fails to amaze me. The role really fits him; a hot, cold, cute, sexy, handsome, charismatic, hunky, and lovely character. Too many positive adjectives can describe him. Kim Ki Do supposedly have a quirky attitude if only he doesn’t experience losing her mother in a murder case. His dream of becoming an actor was showcased in every mission they did. Loving every single detail of witnessing a smiling and laughing Kim Do Ki passionately despite this side of him was purely an act for the success of their mission. He became so cold and less talkative after the unfortunate event happened to his family that completely changed him as a person. The only thing I can’t take seriously is the superman strength and stamina of Kim Do ki. He can take too many critical hits without fainting (except for the udata case), and he even beat a bunch of big hired gangs all against him alone. I know he flourished this skill and built it in the army but the human body has limitations too. Sometimes, it is proven that people acquire extraordinary strength when on the verge of danger but Kim Do Ki takes it to another level.

Another flaw is that it is a gunless action and thriller drama where the characters were against several law breakers and hid under the dark side of the world. For a show of explicit extreme savagery, the usage of guns was almost unseen except for that time when Prosecutor Kang utilized it during the arrest of Chairman Baek people. Instead, they prefer to use knives, hammer, fist and kicks during the fights. But the thing that made me scream impatiently was every time Do Ki had to walk very slowly chasing the devil on the run. He is giving them a chance to escape, attack, and defend themselves against him. All for the sake of a cool-action-shot typical in most action genre dramas.

Thank goodness that they didn’t include any fancy romance in the story. They mainly focused on the concept of revenge and consequences which were executed marvelously. Plus, the arrangement of the arcade game, karaoke room, and the atm bank machine as the platform to blow the final decision of the customer in using their service was done creatively.

Binge-watched this for days and never got bored. This was really a great and explendid drama!

“Even if we lose 100 guilty criminals, let’s not punish a single innocent person.”

Justice is served!

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Jan 25, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Give it a shot

I tried to watch it last year but i dropped it. I picked it back few days ago because i fell in love with Lee Je Hoon in Move to Heaven and wow, i didnt know that this drama is so cool.

I dont know why but i got like some anime vibes from this drama. Its like watching an anime! Incredible fight scenes that would take your breath away, stunning camera work, outstanding production.

This drama lack in-depth character (which lost some point from me but hear me out), its okay! It has its own uniqueness. Like what i said before, the fight scenes, THE FIGHT SCENES IS NO JOKE. ITS GDAMN AWESOME YALL.

Okay, speak about the story. This drama based on true story which terrifying, but imo its unrealistically realistic. I cant explain it but this is what i mean by its like watching an anime.

Hey, im a teribble reviewer so just go and try to check it by yourself ?❤

Ah, mention to the main theme song, man its so cool i love it sm

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Oct 24, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

A good ole revenge flick

If you're having a bad day and want to watch some baddies get their ass kicked, this is the show for you. Good acting with great fight choreography. Plot is fairly straightfoward as it's basically a feel good story of vigilantes helping victims get revenge. One gripe I have of the show is Esom's character, which i feel was not really well developed, it was like the writers did not know what to do with her. In the original comic her role didn't exist so that is probably why her character did not really get much development. Without her character the show would not have made much difference but i guess the producers wanted to show somebody on the "right" side of the law.

On the other hand, I reallly really liked cha ji yeon in this show, she was so charismatic and embodied her character so well despite not usually acting in dramas (she is a musical theatre actor). Looking forward to more of her work.

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Ryan B
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0

Not for everyone...

I agree with the other reviews. This can be a hard watch. The things you see people go through can be heartbreaking. And, they go enough into detail to show how society goes out of their way to protect the guilty and care very little for the victims or, those left behind.

I chose to use the fast forward button when it came to seeing the crimes - I don't need that kind of detail to understand the story. I did watch how they took care of each case and brought them to some kind of conclusion. Being made for TV, I even started using the fast forward button during some of the build up scenes, fight scenes, etc. Being that they are already set for a season 2 - I knew nothing would happen to the core cast.

Definitely, a mood watching series. When you want a thriller - then, here you are. Not sure but, want to see a revenge story? Go for The Glory first as that is better put together and has less over the top drama.

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Megan Lan
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

Revenge Tastes Hella Good.

Truly one of the dramas that put other dramas out of business. Taxi Driver is a whirlwind of a story, with the storyline building within smaller plots and slowly unveiling itself as the drama progresses. A satisfying story that makes you wish that Rainbow Transportation existed in our own society (or maybe it does!) with our corrupt legal and justice system, letting horrible criminals out and innocent bystanders in. The drama perfectly describes the feeling of disgust and disappointment: sitting back and watching those who tortured and ruin you getting a tiny slap on the wrist. And the inevitable question everyone is faced with in the industry: Should those who punish bad guys be punished too?

The cast is unbeatable. From Lee Je-Hoon to Ho Chul Lee ( can we talk about how he played 2 different personalities???) to the craziest villain Cha Ji-Yeon, the producers and directors knew what they were doing when they cast each role. Also, love the fact that Lee Je-Hoon is on a roll this year! If you haven't watched Move to Heaven with him, please do so immediately. Every episode had its own special story which had Lee Je-Hoon evolving into different characters. Let's just say he understood EVERY assignment. The creative detail for the Rainbow Transportation service is also insane...the way the animation perfectly resembled a video game and had a different location in each episode.

Overall, this drama is a must-watch. If you like revenge, violence, and Lee Je-Hoon, start this right now.

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Aug 2, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Revenge drama that will make you finish it so quick.

One of the best drama for this year.
Lee Je hoon acting took this drama to next level, I loved his acting the way he manage to switch between several personalities and then return to his main character really made me say wow. His facial expressions, his voice, the way he speaks so perfect.
The cast did amazing job and the story; this kind of revenge drama test my patience and make me finish the drama so quick. I highly recommend watching this drama even if you don’t enjoy revenge dramas the cases and the acting will make you enjoy it.
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Apr 9, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5

Decent show. Great action. Hilariously blatant advertising

The show itself was pretty enjoyable. The acting and action is the stand out by far.

The story was more compelling at the beginning, particularly when the focus was on individual cases. The main plot was wrapped up with a couple episodes of the season left so the extra plot felt like it came out of nowhere, was rushed and didn't have the same impact as the main plots or even some of the one-off plots earlier on in the series.

I appreciate the attempt to shine a light on where the system fails in supporting victims and protecting those who are guilty, including excessive force used by authorities to force confession or statutes of limitations. I don't think I've seen that tackled in a show before - especially with the post-credit real life stories of those affected.

Also I've never seen such blatant advertising in a show - I genuinely burst out laughing in the final episode with how many ads were back to back.

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Jun 9, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0

If you are looking for romance this drama is not for you

I believe that taxi driver is the best prepared drama of 2021 all the stories that make up the drama are very well worked and the way they were told is amazing, taxi driver in my opinion it's the drama of the year, everything in this drama is perfect i wouldn't change a thing and it ended perfectly well, the characters were written very well too, and each selected actor did an impeccable job. I look forward to seeing Lee Jee Hoon acting in more dramas since, this role was made for him I can't imagine another actor playing DoKi besides Lee Jee Hoon.
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Jun 14, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

If the law won't help, do it yourself.

A story about people helping other people take revenge. An action packed show with stories that tugs your heartstrings combined with laughter and funny moment and a soundtrack with 80's vibes is how I would describe this show.

It starts of strong, dark cases with lots of violence but with some funny scenes to cut the heaviness. It does go downhill for me in the middle but goes back up towards the end, even if the heaviness from the beginning that I really liked never truly came back. It went from individual cases from different characters to cases involving the team, which isn't a bad thing per say, but I really liked learning the different stories and then see the team help them take revenge. That and seeing the gratitude after the case is done. That being said, the cases involving the team aren't less dark and gruesome, but you can feel the shift in the show.

The acting was superb the whole way through. Lee Je Hoon is great as the main lead and Esom did a really good job as Kang Ha Na (a character that for some reason got a lot of hate, which I do not get). Though all the actors did a great job Cha Ji Yeon really stood out. What a great performance.

I really liked the soundtrack on this one. When the synth part comes on, you know you are in for a ride. A taxi ride. (I'll show myself out)

Though the show had its up and downs I think it ended on a really good note which is why I still rated it quite high. And since it ended with an open ending, here's hoping for a second season!!

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